
  Event Type: Yangtze River Delta (YRD) Center
  Date: Wednesday, March 06, 2013, 18:00 to 20:00
  Venue: Monkey King Italian Restaurant #698-13 South Wu Yi Road, Hu Tang Town, Wujin District (near Changxing Ramada Parkview Hotel)
  Cost: Member (RMB): Please refer to the event details
Non-Member (RMB): Please refer to the event details




上海美国商会长三角业务中心诚邀您参加 第二次常州会员晚餐聚会。本次活动定于2013年3月6日(周三)晚6点到8点在常州猴王批萨(武进区湖塘镇武宜南路698-13号)餐厅举行,将对农历 新年之后公司蓝领与白领员工保留绩效方面的问题进行探讨。本次活动将邀请嘉宾黄常捷发表演讲。每位活动参与者的就餐费用自理。

• 白领与蓝领员工的保留绩效
• 保留策略投资回报率的衡量
• 2013年提高员工保留率的策略
该活动的目标参与者是来自常州及其周边地区制造业企业的总经理、人力资源经理和财务经理。如果您不是上海美国商会的会员,但是想参加该活动,请与Kate Yang (
kate.yang@amcham-shanghai.org) 联系。

18:00 餐厅集合
18:15 与会者介绍
18:30 圆桌讨论
19:15 嘉宾演讲
20:00 餐聚活动结束


黄常捷老师是美国培训与发展协会 (ASTD) 2009 年国际大会的特邀演讲嘉宾,也是ASTD国际大会有史以来唯一受邀演讲的亚洲销售、领导力及体验式培训咨询师。与此同时,许多知名跨国公司如:希捷、AMD、德州仪器、德尔福、林德工程、贺力士、空气化工、必达福、赢创化工、罗氏制药、兴达钢帘线 等也颇受益于他的经验和知识。此次,黄常捷老师将把他和他的团队2011年在中美两国高效文化调查中的发现和大家一起分享和探讨。


Yangtze River Delta Center Program
Changzhou Member Dinner

AmCham Shanghai’s Yangtze River Delta Center cordially invites you to attend the second Changzhou Member Dinner on Wednesday, March 6, from 18:00–20:00 at the Monkey King Italian Restaurant Changzhou to discuss and benchmark company blue and white collar retention performance after the Chinese New Year. The forum will feature guest speaker C.J. NG, and attendees will be charged on a pay-as-you-go basis.

At the dinner, key points that will be discussed include:

  • Retention performance for white and blue collar labor
  • Measuring the return-on-investment (ROI) of retention
  • Strategies for 2013 to increase retention 

Who should attend?

This program is targeted towards general managers, human resource managers and finance managers of manufacturing companies in Changzhou and localities surrounding Changzhou. If you are a non-member and would like to attend this program, please contact Kate Yang at kate.yang@amcham-shanghai.org.


18:00  Meet at Restaurant
18:15  Member Roundtable Introductions
18:30  Roundtable Discussion
19:15  Guest Speaker Presentation
20:00  Dinner Ends

About the Speaker:

C.J. Ng is the Master Trainer for Leadership IQ in Asia who has helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in business performance in China and beyond through improvements in human capital. c.j. is the first and only China-based leadership, sales & experiential learning facilitator invited to speak at the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) International Convention. He has so far consulted for and trained the staff and managers of well-known companies such as Delphi Packard, Johnson & Johnson, Air Products, Dell and GE Plastics, just to name a few.