How to Motivate Highly Talented People with Bad Attitude?
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How to Motivate Highly Talented People with Bad Attitude?


  • 业绩优秀但态度和行为恶劣的员工是如何对你的团队产生负面影响的
    How bad attitudes and behaviours from great contributors will have severe negative impact on your team;
  • 4个简单的步骤来应对和激励态度恶劣的专业人才
    The 4 simple steps that you can use to address and motivate talented people with bad attitudes;
  • 如何通过改变团队成员的负面态度和行为来创造制胜的企业文化
    How you can build winning corporate cultures by changing negative attitudes and behaviours of your team members into positive ones

关于演讲嘉宾 About the Facilitator

CJNg _ 2.jpg

c.j. (黄常捷)老师是 Leadership IQ 在亚洲的首席咨询师,也是美国培训与发展协会 (ASTD) 2009 年国际大会的特邀演讲嘉宾,也是ASTD国际大会有史以来唯一受邀演讲的中国大陆区咨询师。


与此同时,许多知名跨国公司如:宝马、普华永道、圣戈班、空气 化工、巴斯夫、中国电信、德州仪器、强生医疗、中外运、TNT、开利空调、英格索兰、杰尼亚、施华诺世奇、洲际酒店集团、平安保险 等也颇受益于 c.j. 老师的经验和知识……

c.j. is the Master Trainer for Leadership IQ in Asia who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in sales profits in China and beyond.

c.j. is the 1st and only China-based leadership, sales & experiential learning facilitator invited to speak at the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) International Convention.

He has so far consulted for and trained the staff and managers of well-known companies such as IBM, GE Plastics, InterContinental Hotels Group, BMW and Air Products, just to name a few ...

Organised by:



日期:    2013年3月15日

09:00 - 12:00 hrs

上海锦江汤臣洲际酒店 • 三楼  • 洲际一号厅(张杨路777号)Intercontinental Shanghai Pudong  •  Level 3  • Intercontinental Room 1 • 700 Zhangyang Road
费用:   RMB 500/=

为了让这次培训达到更好的效果,学员人数仅限 15 人。请将您的报名信息 e-mail 至
或拨打 (86) 400-677-6093 咨询

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Resource Downloads

下载 PDF: 如何大幅度提高中国员工敬业度




1.     惩罚管理失去信任,

2.     独裁管理伤害自尊,

3.     口号文化未入内心,

4.     为钱工作丧失理想,

5.     官僚制度产生厌恶。




Mailing Address: Shui Cheng Nan Road 51 Lane No. 9 Suite 202 Shanghai 201103 China