

        Nowadays, numerous companies are inviting trainers outside company to conduct internal training. However, the cost, either of trainer’s numeration or of hotel, transportation and logistics, can be rather big; and implicit cost can be even larger! This brings up the question ‘how to lower the cost and improve the result of in-house training conducted by either contracted trainer or internal trainer’. Raybattle will offer you a series of solutions.




  • 用影视后期特效将课程PPT和现场做有机融合;
    Integrate PowerPoint with on-site training using post-production techniques;

  • 强化小组讨论和发言的内容,让内容变得更加互动;
    Enrich the content of group discussion and presentation, making it more dynamic;

  • 现场录音系统,保证声音清晰,避免传统家用摄像机的弊端;
    Provide on-site recording system, instead of traditional household camera, to ensure sound


  • 已经有课程视频档案重新整理,将你的历史课程重新发现价值。

    Re-organize past video material to discover their hidden value.

  • 将企业培训变成生动的视频教程,不仅现场参加的学员作为复习资料,有些因工作原因未到场的学员也能很好的学习;
    With vivid video training materials, trainees will have more review information, and employees who are not able to attend the session can have a way to access its content;

  • 根据不同课程的特点,植入视频学习评估要点,增强使用视频学习的效果;
    Insert points to be noted when using video material to study based on different features of courses, improving results;

  • 结合您的企业文化和培训目标,拥有自己特定的教学视频风格;
    Build your own style of video material with your corporate culture and training goal;

  • 重视差异化的视频课,聚焦不同职位阶层,不同年龄阶层的学习兴趣。
    Focus on providing differentiated video session to various positions and levels, bringing interest

    to employees from different age groups.

  • 依据视频课程内容和形式,编写有相关侧重点的测试试卷
    Provide assessments with emphasis on the video course’s content and format;

  • 相关工作行为改进评估表,便于让管理者发现课程的实际工作收益;
    Provide evaluation form of behavioral change in order for manager to discover the benefit of the training session;

  • 将学习总结形成不同方式的可视化呈现形式。
    Summarise the content and transfer it into different visualized forms.


活动顾问 Activity Consultant

周碧莹  Alice Zhou


活动热线 Activity Hotline
