Mindfulness for Women at Work

2018 Women’s Day Event 2018: Mindfulness for Women at Work
活动 | 职业女性如何通过正念解压并提高专注度 - 上海 2018.03.07

Day 1With the increased opportunities at the workplace, women at work today has got more choices and avenues for career as well as professional development.

However, women professionals and managers have always faced the same challenges. Many women at work have to remain focused while balancing with their busy schedules.
但是职业女性一直面临着同一种挑战。职业女性需要在处理繁忙业务的同时仍然保持专注,并确 保体力和能量始终充足。

Hence, in this half-day workshop, you will find out:
 因此,在这2天的 讲座,您将了解:

  • How to Deal witWomen's Day 2h Information Overload 如何应对信息超载

  • How to Strategically Managing Your Attention 如何战略性地管理你的注意力

  • Decipher the Neuroscience of Mindfulness 解读正念的神经科学

  • Simple Foundations of MindfulnessTraining 正念训练的简单基础

  • Grasp the Practical Strategies to Decrease Future Stress

The event will include interactive activities, light stretching, and mindful movement.
本次活动将包括互动环节、轻伸展 和冥想。

High-Tea will be served!

顺便品尝下午 茶,再与其他同仁聊聊天!


Wednesday  , 7 Mar 2018 14:00 -17:00 hrs
2018年3月7日 14:00 -17:00 周三


MBAClub • 315 Yuyuan Road • Level 2 • Suite 201

麦 邦MBA俱乐部(上海市 • 静安区 • 愚园路315号 • 2楼氪空间 • 201室)


ONLY RMB 200/= per person

Speaker 嘉宾介绍

BrandonBrandon Mehrgut
  • Transcend International公司行政教练及部门领导
  • Potential Project中国公司高级培训师及导师
  • Shanghai Mindfulness创始人

Areas of Expertise专业领域

  • Mindfulness Based Corporate Training (Effectiveness and productivity, creativity and energy, balance and resilience); Mindful Leadership

  • Sustainable Behavioral and Performance Development 可持续行为和绩效发展

  • Cultivation of Emotional Balance, Social Intelligence, Resilience and Presence (including Executive Presence)

  • Coaching for focus, awareness, resilience and balance using “Mindfulness based Approaches” 使用“基于正念的方法”来指导专注,认知,适应力和平衡

  • Mindful Coaching / Coaching skills 正念训练/教练计巧

Moderator 主持人:c.j. Ng 黄常捷

c.j. Ng is the Master Trainer for LeadershipIQ in Asia who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in business performances in China and beyond.

c.j. is the 1st and only China-based leadership, sales & experiential learning facilitator invited to speak at the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) International Convention. He is also accredited in assessment tools such as Belbin, DISC, COI, TTI, OD-Tools etc., just to name a few.

He has so far consulted for and trained the staff and managers of well-known companies such as Evonik, Delphi, Brilliance BMW, Google and InterContinental Hotels Group, just to name a few ....

黄 常捷 (c.j. Ng) 是美国培训与发展协会(ASTD)2009年国际大会的特邀演讲嘉宾,也是ASTD国际大会有史以来唯一受邀演讲的结合销售、领导力及体验式培训于一身的 亚洲咨询师。他是一位值得您信 赖的销售领域的咨询顾 问,曾帮助许多跨国企业获得了在中国及其他区域销售业绩方面 的显著突破。

迄今为止,c.j.已帮助:国 际知名企业如 赢创德尔福菲亚特克莱斯勒华晨宝马洲际酒店集团等, 提升他们的绩效和业绩。 c.j.拥有贝尔宾、 DISC、TTI、COI、OD- Tools 等测评工具认证。

See highlights of our previous events 点击看看我们过去的活动花絮:

Register 报名:

To make this a more conducive discussion, we are expecting a small group of about 15 people only 为了让我们有更优质的分享,此活动人数仅限15人。

Please contact 报名请联系:Jane Guo

e-mail: jane@directions-consulting.com
Tel: 021-6222 2500

Potential ProjectDirections Consulting