If you ever are involved in the more complex parts of key account management and selling, you might hear the following complaints from customers rather often:
当您 处在现实复杂的大客户管理环境中,您可能经常会听到客户发出以下的抱怨:
- You just don't understand our business 你并不了解我们的商务情况
- You don't substantiate what value we can get from this 你不能保证我购买的产品的价值
- You are just pushing your products and services, but what we need is something that works for us当我们只需要一个有效的方法的时候,你却只在推销你的产品和服务
- You never give us innovative ways to solve ourproblems 你从不给我们创新的方案来解决问题
and so forth. 以及其他种种抱怨。
With these concerns in mind, the “Key Account Management using DISC” programme was created as a result of 1-to-1 coaching with key accounts sales people from a variety of industries that involve complex key account situations across 17 cities in Asia. 《如何使用DISC进行客户管理》课程就是针对此类问题而开发的课程,它是一门建立在对亚洲17个城 市各行各业大客户销售人员所进行的“一对一”辅导的实践结果上。
This programme has been tried, modified, and re-tested to make sure that sales people deliver sustainable business results for customers, especially in the Asian context. 本课程已经过多次尝试、修订和再实践,以确保其对销售人员的实用结果,尤其适用于亚洲商务环境。
Wednesday , 28 Mar 2018 14:00 -17:00 hrs
2018年3月28日 14:00 -17:00 周三
Crowne Plaza Shanghai • No.400 Panyu Road (near Fahuazhen Road)
上 海银星皇冠假日酒店 • 番禺路 400 号 (靠法华镇路)
ONLY RMB 200/= per person
Programme Schedule 课程安排
Day One
14:00 ~ 15:30
Profiling Your Key Accounts了解你的大客户
Identifying the Key Influencers and Decision Makers
Understanding your customers’ communication styles using DISC
15:30 ~ 15:45
15:45 ~ 17:00
Understanding what motivates your customers using TTI Motivator / 12DF 使用TTI 激励因子/ 12DF了解你客户的主要驱动力
Case Study: How to work through the different Relationships in a Key Account 案例分析:如何梳理大客户中的各个关系
17:00 ~ 17:15
Programme Wrap Up
Summary of Key Learning Points
Objectives and Benefits 课程目标和学员受益
After this training programme, you shall be able to: 在本 课程结束后,学员将能够 :
Understand and anticipate key accounts' business needs so as to grow the account for the future
Understand and build strong relationships with influential people of key accounts 了解并与大客户的主要影响者建立起很深厚的关系
Leveraging on DISC profiles to get better results from Key Accounts;
Who Should Attend 谁该受训
This workshop is designed especially for Key Account Managers, Customer Service people and anyone who is responsible to grow more business from existing customers! 需要有条理地加 强大客户的产出的大客户经理、销售及客服人员
Facilitators 嘉宾介绍
c.j, Ng 黄常捷

c.j. is the world-class sales, leadership and experiential learning consultant who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in sales profits in China and beyond. So far, c.j. Is the 1st and ONLY Asian sales, cross-culture and leadership expert to have been invited to speak at the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) International Convention. c.j. has helped international companies such as Google, Evonik, HP, Graco and Olympus Medical to make quantum sales improvements throughout the Asia-Pacific region
c.j. is is accredited in various assessment tools such as the Cultural Navigator, TTI DISC, OD-Tools Trait Maps, Belbin Team Roles etc..
c.j.是美国培训与发展 协会(ASTD)2009年国际大会的特邀演讲嘉宾,也是ASTD国际大会有史以来唯 一受邀演讲的亚洲 销 售、领导力及跨文化培训 咨询师。他是一位值得您信赖的销售领域的咨询顾问,曾帮助许多跨国企业获得了在中国及其他区域销售业绩方面的显 著突破。 迄今为止,c.j.已帮助:全球知名企业如 谷歌、赢创、惠普、Graco 及 奥林巴斯医疗 等 的亚太区销售团队在项目销售上去的更佳业绩。
c.j. 是一些测评工具的认证顾问,如:TTI DISC、OD-Tools Trait Maps、Cultural Navigator、贝尔宾团队角色 等。
Lilian Yan 颜元颖

In her over 15 years of professional experience in multinational enterprises, Lilian has accumulated vast and diversified experience in sales & marketing, general management, and Human Resource that cover sports, consumer durables, and luxury industries.
She started her career as a salesperson in a multinational firm, and later moved into the corporate training and development role
As a professional training consultant/trainer, Lilian developed and implemented programs for many international companies and local enterprises that include adidas, SH Volkswagen, BMW, Nike, Converse, B&Q, Cartier, Kohler, Life Technologies, Elizabeth Arden, My Steel, Midea, Airliquide, Fenix Jewelry, Magna Powertrain, Rona, Voith, Novartis, Panerai, Tag Heuer, Avene, Bioderma, Dior and many others.
Lilian is a:
- Senior Consultant and Facilitator
- Executive Coach
- Team coach of team coaching international (TCI)
- Organizational relationship system coach of center of right relationship
- 6 Seconds EQ certificated trainer
- Hogan certificated assessment analyzer
- Belbin & Lumina certificated trainer
- MBTI & DISC certificated trainer
在十几年的跨国公 司的工作经历中,Lilian其职能涉及市场和销售, 企业管理, 人力资源等领域, 涉及行业包括体育用品,耐用消费品和奢侈品。
她的职业生涯 始于 在一家跨国公司中担任销售人员,之后她转入公司的培训和发展部门,开始了她在培训与发展领 域的职业生涯,同 时也 成为了一名专业培训师。
作为资深顾问 和培 训师,Lilian为许多跨国公司和本地企业先后开发和完成了许多培训项目, 这些公司包括:阿迪达斯,上海大众,宝马,耐克,匡威,百安居,卡地亚,科勒,伊丽莎白雅顿, 我的钢铁网,美的,液化空气,菲尼莎珠宝,Life Technologies,麦格纳动力总成, 乐伊居,福伊特,诺华制药,佩纳海,豪雅,雅漾,贝德玛,克里斯蒂迪奥等等。
Lilian 是一位:
- 高级咨询顾问&讲师
- 高管教练
- 团队教练
- (CRR Global)关系教练
- 六秒情商认证讲师
- 霍格认证测评师
- 贝尔宾& Lumina 认证讲师
- 认证讲师
Register 报名:
To make this a more conducive discussion, we are expecting a small group of about 15 people only
为了让我们有更 优质的分享,此活动人数仅限15人。
Please contact 报名请联系:Jane Guo
e-mail: jane@directions-consulting.com
Tel: 021-6222 2500
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