Innovation Management for Traditional Manufacturing Companies (Bilingual session) 

《传统制造业的创新管理 (中文)

with  Creaffective, and Directions ConsultingJune 25 2018 from 14:00 hrs - 17:00 hrs.


In this workshop, you shall get a detailed insight into building blocks and success factors for increasing an organization's innovative strength and innovation culture.
您将深入了解提高一家公司的创新能力与创新文化 的成功因素

You will know which factors need to be addressed on a strategic level at the organization to successfully build a working innovation management system and a culture that supports innovation. 
学习之后,您将了解如何建立一个成功的创新管理机制与文化,并从策略层面知道如何 做调整,在传统行业中打造一个创新型企业文化.

Find out what specific measures they can implement to support the organization's innovation efforts.


Key Takeaways 内容安排:

  • Creating a common language regarding innovation 
  • Why innovation is relevant for the success of an organization
  • Layers of innovation: process, product, business model
    创新的层面: 流程,产品/服务与商业模式
  • Types of innovation: from incremental to radical. 创新的类别
  • Consequences and requirements of different types of innovation.
  • What makes innovation projects different from other projects in the daily business
  • 12 strategic action areas for building a culture of innovation: Detailed discussion and case studies of companies around the world

For Whom?:

  • Representatives from Senior Management as well as people in leadership positions in the organization
  • Innovation managers
  • Organizational developers
  • 高层领导者
  • 创新管理者


ONLY RMB 200/= per person

Date: Jun 25th 2018 from 14:00 - 17:00 hrs 2018年5月30日14:00-17:00 hrs

Venue: Kulzer Dental Training Centre • Level 1 • 1585 Gumei Road (by Tianzhou Road)
地点: 古莎齿科培训中心 • 一楼 • 古美路1585号,靠田州路州路.

Understand more of our methodology here: 
点击这里以了解我们的创新方式 与方法:

About the Facilitator  讲师介绍:

Florian Rustler is the founder of creaffective, consultant, author and keynote speaker. Since 2004 creaffective supports organizations worldwide to strengthen their innovation and agility and to develop a culture of innovation.

Florian works with clients on the topics of innovation culture, innovation management and the transformation towards a more agile structural organization. Furthermore he leads innovation projects to develop new products, services and business models. He speaks German, English and Mandarin Chinese.

He is author of three books on innovation, creativity and agility - including the bestseller "thinking tools" in Germany. He writes regular articles in various business magazines. As a key note speaker he appears on conferences and company events.

creaffective is using an innovative self-management organization system of peer-based distributed authority and decision making.

傅利安 (Florian Rustler) 是一位国际的创新顾问师,和creaffective的创办人和总经理。creaffective 从2004年开始协助客户提高 他们的创新能力并建立一个永续 的创新文化。

傅利安同时是帮公司创造新的产 品,服务与商业模式的创新引导 者。另外他用德文,英文和中文 开设不同跟创新相关的培训课程 。在顾问咨询方面,他帮客户落 实创新管理的系统与培养一个创 新文化。

著作方面他写 了三本关于创新的书并经常会在 杂志发表文章。身为讲师,他会 在不同的会议演讲。

Register 报名::

To make this a more conducive discussion, we are expecting a small group of about 15 people only

Tel: 021-6222 2500

If you need us to customise inhouse programmes for you, please contact (86) 21-6222 2500 to arrange for an appointment to discuss further.

Web Site:  微信企业公众号: 方相咨询
版 权所有, 违者必究。