Strategic Supply Chain Management
Tuesday, August 21st, 2018, 13:30 - 17:00
2018年8月21日 周二 13:30 – 17:00
11th Floor, East Block, Xinghai Plaza
No.198, Xinghai Road, SIP, Suzhou
(Above Agricultural Bank of China)
Language: 语言:
Chinese (中文)
Overview 概括
Facing the new economic environment and globalization issues, total cost control, customer demand, and inventory management are all new challenges to the supply chain of enterprise.
- Supply chain strategy fails to effectively work with the characteristics of enterprise industry, and is out of line with the overall business strategy
- Unclear development direction of supply chain model and organizational capability 对于供应链模式与组织能力的发展方向不明晰。
- The scope of supply chain management and the dimension of performance measurement cannot be effectively identified, which leads to unreasonable resource allocation.
- The responsibility of each functional department is not clear enough in the entire supply chain
- What goals is the department ready to achieve? What are the key objectives of the supervisors? What measures have been taken?
该部门准备实现什么目标?各主管的关键目标是什么? 采取了何种措施?
- Competition, threats and possible challenges and what worries everyone
- What are the reasons for the underperformance across the departments, and what processes and actions can address this issue?
什么原因造成各部门绩效不如人意, 怎样的流程和行动能够解决这个问题?
- Which jobs are inefficient or conflicting may result in waste of time and money哪些工作是低效的,或者冲突的,可能会带来时间和资金上的浪费?
- In which business processes, it can help reduce risks and increase the likelihood of success?
Profit to Business 课程 对企业的意义
The supply chain strategy considers the overall planning of the supply chain from the perspective of corporate strategy, from the acquisition and transportation of raw materials, the manufacture of products or services, the distribution of products and after-sales services.
供 应链战略是从企业战略的高度考虑供应链的全局性规划,从原材 料的获取和运输、产品的制造或服务的供给、产品配送和售 后服务的方式。
The supply chain is built through systematic planning and procurement activities. Including: supply chain model analysis, manufacturing strategy, demand forecasting, new product development, strategic procurement, production and planning, warehousing logistics and distribution. The program can help the company re-examine the original supply chain status from a strategic perspective, sort out the functional business strategy, and improve the strategic decomposition management capability of the enterprise.
供 应链是通过系统性的计划与采购活动,来构建整体架构。包 括:供应链模式分析、制造策略、需求预测、新产品 开发、战略采购、生产与计划、仓储物流与配送等。
通 过此次培训,帮助企业从战略的角度重新审视企业原有的供 应链现状,为企业梳理职能战略,提高企业的战略分解管理 能力。
Key Takeaways 课程 受益
- Learn the concept and method of supply chain strategy
- Analyze supply chain model, develop procurement function strategy, commodity procurement strategy, supplier management strategy
分析供应连模式,制定采购职能战略,商品采购战略, 供应商 管理战略
- Understand market entry strategy of products
了 解产品进入市场的策略
Course Outline 课程大纲:
Module 1: customer-centric (product launching-four strategies)
模块1: 以客户为中心(产品上市-四 大策略)
- Why being customer-centric is important
- Four strategies of market entry
- Group discussion: the strategy of company's existing product line entering the market小 组讨论:研讨公司现有产品线进入市场的策略
Module 2: six models of supply chain
模块2: 供应链六大模式
- Strategic supply chain - Six models overview
- Supply chain models - variation analysis
- Group discussion: case-supply chain model exercise
Module 3: supply chain-functional strategy (summary)
- The structure of a functional strategic plan
职能战略计划的结构 F-S-C
- Key points review 课程内容回顾:要点复习
RMB300 per person for DUSA Member
RMB500 per person for non-DUSA Member
Pease register via EventBank or send an email to Shirley Zhang (info@dusa-eu.cn) with name, company, position, email address and contact number of the attendee(s). Events have limited seats, so to ensure your attendance we encourage you to register and pay in advance. We can not guarantee entry to anyone that has not registered in advance.
Cancellation Policy:
If you register for an event but can’t attend, please do let us know in advance. If you cancel 2 days before the event, there will be NO cancellation fee. DUSA will charge 50% of the registration fee if you cancel within 2 days, and 100% for cancellation within 24 hours.
About the Facilitator:

Mr. Toby Li 李迅吉
20+ Years experiences of Multinational Company, Career progressing from New Business Development, Product Development & Enhancement, Global Sourcing/Supply Chain Management & ERP Business Transformation/Change Management consultant…
Industries engaged including Power & Energy /High-tech industry Applying ePTFE solution, 3rd Party Independent verifier, Consulting industry…
To lead team to develop new business, manage key accounts and execute SCM consulting projects. And as a project director/change management expert and solution.
* Global sourcing/Supply chain management/Supply market intelligence
• SAP ECC 6.0 ERP deployment-change Management/BPR (Business process re-engineering)
20+ 世界500强 欧美企业实战、全球细分领域TOP 3顶 尖咨询公司、培训(甲-乙-丙3方经 验)
Genpact Asia(原GE Capital)Source to Pay Practices咨 询/副 总裁,欧洲BravoSolution咨 询/大 中华区总经理,世界500强 法国阿尔斯通电力ALSTOM PowerMAX亚太区变革管理/全球采 购中心IPO, 法国国际检验局BV,美 国戈尔科技。
Certifications专 业资质:
- 国际注册咨询师CMC (International Certified Management Consultant)
- 国际注册:企业高管教练 ICF: Accredited Coaching Competency Program (ACCP)
- 英国IPMA认证管理者培训师CIPMT (Certified International Professional Managers Trainer)
- 荷兰思滕中国Schouten认证软技技能培训师TFT (Soft Skill Trainer International Certification Program)
- 英国皇家采购与供应学会CIPS 4、5、6级 认 证培训师
- 2009年 度 “CIPS 最具贡献讲师”并接受英国CIPS总 裁David颁 奖
- Global SIMDUSTRY® Business flexible board simulation 商 业运营沙盘 认证培训师
- 美国纽约理工大学NYIT (New York Institute of Technology) MBA
Testimonial 学员评价
“Your impressive training course is quite successful and let most of participants satisfied. The 3 days training course didn't cause anyone boring or sleeping, instead, developed all of us to positively thinking and sharing points and experiences with each other. You coached and shared us knowledge, experiences and methodology not only for Supply Management area, also for Project Management, Change Management, Target Setting, Strategic Thinking etc. Many of your points fresh our concept; many of your methods are rather practical for current works. I benefit a lot from your course.”
John ZHU(Indirect Sourcing Manager at Qoros Auto)
Any news or comments, email info@dusa-eu.cn
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