Participants will be able to learn 您将学到:
· Distinguish between Motivational and Constructive feedback. 区别激励性和建设性反馈。
· Use the best practice when giving feedback to direct reports, colleagues and superiors. 在给下属、同事和上级反馈时的最佳 做法。
· Practice giving and receiving feedback. 演练给与反馈及接收反馈。
· Receive guidance from an experienced coach who will also be providing feedback. 接受一位经验丰富的资深教练的指导 性反馈。
Session outline 课纲:
· Introductions and Agenda 介绍和日程安排
· Feedback Activity #1 如何给于反馈:活动#1
· Why (The benefits of Feedback) 为 何 (给于反馈的益处)
· Feedback without Authority 如何不使用权限进行反馈
· What (The Science of Feedback) 什么 (反馈的科学应用)
· Constructive Feedback vs Motivational Feedback 建设性反馈vs 激励性反馈
· How (The Practice of Feedback) 如 何 (反馈演练)
· Feedback Activity #2 如何给于反馈:活动#2
· Reflection and Debriefing 反省与点评
· Setting our next target 目标设定

David Davila 戴维德
USA, Speaks English, Spanish, Mandarin 美国籍, 讲 英语, 西班牙语, 汉语
David is an entrepreneur and corporate facilitator based in Shanghai, China and focused on the APAC region. Possessing the ability to speak fluent English, Spanish and Mandarin, David can communicate with 2.27 billion people, or about 1/3 of the world's population.
With a business background in sales, commercial real estate and learning & development, David A. Davila has been facilitating group learning professionally since 2007. He now works with management groups in a variety of industries. Clients include Bayer, Johnson & Johnson, Danone, HP, Roche, Marriot Group and others.
In addition to his work with clients in the areas of career and personal development, leadership and management, David has also emceed for prestigious organizations such as the Certified Management Accountant Awards. He has also travelled around the world, conducting sessions in the US, China, Malaysia, Taiwan, Philippines and Singapore.
David earned a B.A. in Chinese Cultural Studies from the University of Houston and a secondary degree in Global Business with a focus on Asian Leadership from the Bauer College of Business - at the time ranked the top business school for entrepreneurship. He is also the only Blue Ocean Strategy practitioner in China certified by the regional authority.
Besides his work with multinational companies, he is also actively involved in personal and community development. He is well respected for his skill and understanding of Chinese martial art's history and culture. He is also active in neighborhood revival efforts in the United States.
David是一名置身于上海,专注于亚太区域发展的企业家及企业培训师。他可以使 用流利的英语,西班牙语以及普通话与世界上三分之一 的人又,即22.7亿人交流。
拥有销售,商业地产及学习与发展类商业背景的David,自2007年起 致力于专业的企业团队训练。他现在与多个产业的管理团队合作,客户包括拜耳、强生、达能、惠普、罗氏、万豪集团等等。
除了与客户在职业和个人发展,领导力及管理领域进行合作外,David还为CMA 颁奖礼等有名望的组织担当司仪。他游历世界各地,经常在美国,中国,马来西亚,台 湾,菲律宾及新加坡进行授课、培训等。
David在美国德州休斯顿以各类销售职务开启了他的职业生涯。最终他被任命为 Green Mountain, 一家再生能源公司的区域销售经理。在他创办的公司开始才出现危机时,David决定移居中国并 抢占了全球经融危机的先机。来到北京后,David开始为一家英国投资的房地产公 司工作,负责管理十人顾问团队,间接管理着500多名员工。作为企业发展和HR的 高层及外事主管,David带领 的团队曾被北京市政府公认产业的顶级。他还在公司向中国西部区域扩张,即昆明分部开张中起了 重要作用。
David从休斯顿大学获得了中国文化学的学士学位,并从Bauer商学院--当 时被誉为企业家最佳 选择的商学院--获得了国际商业亚洲领导力方向的第二学位。他还是唯一一位在中国地区被区域认证的蓝海策略的实践者。
除了与外企的合作,他还积极参与个人及社区的活动及发展。他因他对中国武术的历史 和文化的了解而倍受尊重。在美国期间他还致力于社区重建。