Workshop Information
日期 |
9 Nov 2018, Friday
2018年11月9日,周五 |
Time时 间 |
14:00-17:00 hrs |
Venue地 点 |
Crowne Plaza Shanghai • No.400 Panyu Road (near Fahuazhen Road)
地点: 上海银星皇冠假日酒店 • 番禺路 400 号 (靠法华镇路) |
费用 |
RMB 200 (including a Haneo game-based assessment and report)
人民币 200元 (包含Haneo游戏化测评及报告) |
Program Features
Integrating games and assessments is an interdisciplinary technology. Gamification assessments have been used in Fortune 500 companies in 34 countries, helping HR save 10,000+ hours of redundant interview time, and helping 500,000+ receive career development guidance
将游戏与测评结合是一门跨学科的技术,在国 内外,游戏化 测评已经在34个国家的500强企业中得到了运用,帮助 HR省下了10,000+小时多余的面试时 间,为 500,000+的被测人提供了就业指导。
The gamification assessment is based on behavioral psychology and data analysis algorithms. Through the collection of 5,000+ data points, the decision process and response time are recorded to obtain the most realistic and objective results.
游 戏化测评以行为心理学以及数据分析算法 为基础,通 过5,000+个数据点的收集,对决策过程和反应时 间的记录,得出最真实客观的结果。
Outline 课程大纲
- The key success factors of talent development prgrammes
- How to assess talents at the sub-conscious levels with more than 5,000 data points
如何通过 5,000+个数 据点测试人才 的潜意识能力
- How to develop talents based on assessment results
如何通过 测评结果进行人才发展规划
Our Past Events


Objectives 课程目标
- Why some key talents are unable to integrate with your company or teams? 为什么重金聘用的人才无法融入到团队中,甚至格格不入?
- Key mistakes made by companies when deploying or developing talents 企业用人及缔造人才梯队时发生哪些重大失误?
- How to ensure that your key selections are qualified for current and future job responsibilities 如何确保你选拔的人选能够胜任今后的岗位职责
There are also some constraints when using assessments to assess talents:
- The assessee can easily fake the responses
- Too much time needed to answer too many questions in the assessments提数太多枯燥冗长,需要花填写大量重复的题目才能够完成测评
- Unable to assess the complete aspects of the candidate
测评捕捉的维度不够全面化,无法了解被测者的方 方面面
- No meaningful actions taken after having read the reports
"You Can Discover More About a Person in an Hour of Play than in a Year of Conversation"
“和一个人玩一个小时对他的了解 胜过于一年的谈话。”
—— Plato 柏拉图
Judith Chen 陈凝贤
Judith is a senior consultant of Leadership and Organizational Development Subject Matter Expert who has been working in large Western multinational corporations for more than 25 years. With her extensive experience in the field of Human Re-source Management, Judith has gained a profound understanding of the current situation of HRM in China, especially in the areas of Talent Management and Leadership Development.
Her working experiences in leading HR Head positions in multinationals such as ZENECA, IKEA, Logitech and Apple has made her realize that standard talent management practices cannot match the fast business expansion in China.
陈凝贤老师是管 理领域的资深顾问和教练,同时 也是领导力和组织发展领域的专家。她在外资企业拥有 22年以上人力资源管理领域的工作经验。因此她对中 国的人力资源管理现状,特别是在人才管理和领导力发 展方面,有着深刻的理解。在捷利康的六年、宜家的九 年以及在罗技的五年和在苹果的两年工作中,她意识 到:现今的人才管理模式并不能满足业务的快速扩张, 而 中高层管理人员的数量和质量需求也不能满足骤增的人 才市场需求。

Richard Zhang 张睿嘉
Richard is currently working in Haneotalent as a Senior GBA Consultant, in charge of the localization, business development and marketing of Game-based Assessment. Specialized in multi-industry solutions, he focuses on the latest applicationin HR field using game technology, behavioral psychology, psychometrics, and big data analysis. Richard was majored in Software Engineering in Shanghai Jiaotong University. He used to work for one of the best international game companies. He has national certificate of psychological consultant and has rich project experience in multiple industries.
张睿嘉先生现于Haneotalent公司任资深 GBA测评顾问一职,主 要负责基于游戏的人才测评方案的本土引进、业务拓展 和市场营销工作。着眼于游戏科技、行为心理学、心理 测量学、数据分析等技术在HR行业的最新应用,擅长 综合运用跨行业技术解决企业实际问题。毕业于上海交 通大学软件工程专业,曾就职于国际一流的跨国游戏公 司,拥有国家心理咨询师认证,在多行业有丰富的项目 咨询实战经验。