2018.12.5:The Innovator's Advantage  驱动组织创新

Ron Price

An organization's growth depends on sustained innovation, which focuses on creating the future and winning opportunities, not just on past success. The concept of innovation widely exists in the business organization, including product innovation (revolutionary new product and product application extension) and business innovation (profit model innovation, brand positioning innovation), etc.

一家组织的业绩增长依赖于持续创新,创新是聚焦于创造未来而赢得机会,而不仅是依赖于过往的成功。创新的概念广泛 存在于商业组织内部,包括产品创新(革命性新产品与产品应用延伸…)与商业创新(盈利模式创新、品牌定位创新…) 等。

I believe that most leaders have doubts about the importance of innovation in an organization, but don't know where to start.


When you think hard and know where to start, the next difficulty comes up - a small innovative idea has a lot to do with the financial, IT, marketing, HR, R&D department within the organization. Everyone has different needs and positions for innovation.

当您苦思冥想,知道从何下手之后,下一个困难又迎面而来了---一个小小的创新idea却和组织内部的财务、 IT、市场营销、HR、研发等部门都有着千丝万缕的关系,每个人面对创新的需求与立场都不一致!

Pentagon Model

At this point, we ask ourselves, how do we drive innovation within the organization?


This is why you participate in this workshop!      

相信这就 是您来参与本次工作坊的重要理由!

Ron Book

Key Takeaways


• Learn more about the innovation model


• Learn to inventory and leverage your creative resources 


• Learn to develop clear innovation strategies 


• Understand how to organize the team for innovation, use scientific methods, and implement the job matching strategy


• Understand how to get support for innovation across the organization and get your executive team to understand your innovations


For Whom 


Executives and middle managers who need to drive innovation within the organization


About the Ficilitator


Ron Price is the global chief adviser of TTI SUCCESS INSIGHTS, a world-class leadership master and an excellent executive coach and speaker. Over the past 35 years, he has served in executive positions such as CEO in multinational companies in different industries. He works in 15 countries with creative thinking and sensitivity to business. He has also been invited several times as a guest of the ATD Global Congress.

罗恩·派赖斯( Ron Price )是TTI  SUCCESS INSIGHTS全球首席顾问,世界级领导力大师,也是一名优秀的高管教练 与演讲家。在过去的35年中其在不同行 业的跨国公司担任CEO等 高管职务。他以创造性思维、对商业的敏感性在15个国家有着工作经历。他也曾数次受邀作为ATD全球大会的分享嘉 宾。

RON, full of energy, has published several books, including "The Complete Leader", "Treasure Inside - 23 Unexpected Principles to Activate Greatness", "The Innovator's Advantage”, etc, which have won awards, such as the first place in the leadership book at the north American book awards.      

目前精力旺盛的罗恩已出版了数本著作,包括《全能型领 导力》、《激发你潜能的23个原则》和《创新者的优势》等书,这些著作屡获大奖,如北美图书大奖赛领导力著作第一名 等殊荣。

Date & Fee

课程报名信 息    

Date: Dec. 5 in Shanghai, Dec. 7 in Beijing


Venue: be advised a week before workshop

地点:开课前一周通 知               

Fee:    RMB3,200/person

费用:¥3,200/ 人

Email: jane@directions-consulting.com 
Phone: 021-6222 2500


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