Two or three years ago, OKR caught fire in China
两三年 前, 诞生于美国的OKR在中国火了。
Hence, we see 于是,我们看到了:
- Online searches for OKR doubled OKR的搜索频率翻了一番
- OKR books became best-sellers OKR的书一卖几万册
Managers sought high and low for OKR
经理们照 着汉娜和杰克的方式开起了 OKR讨论会
Baidu implemented OKR across the board
百度宣布 全员OKR
Huawei ditched KPI and embraced OKR
华为放弃 KPI引入 OKR了
The OKR approach is a set of management tools and methods for defining and tracking goals and their completion.
OKR (目标与关键成果)工作法,是 一套定义和跟踪目标及其完成情 况的管理工具和方法。
Derived from Drucker's Management by Objectives, prevalent in Google and Intel. It is said that using OKR can inspire people, whether it is a large company of 60,000 people or a start-up company of three people, it may be effective.
演变自德 鲁克的目标管理 (Management by Objectives), 盛行 于谷歌和英特尔。据说,使用 OKR更能激发人,无论是6万 人的大公司, 还是3个人的初创 公司,都可能有效。
Hence, some people thought that 于是拿来主义者觉得:
Whatever Google is doing, we should learn
凡是谷歌 在做的, 我们都要学
Whoever implements OKR shall motivate everybody
凡是用了 OKR的, 都能激励全员。
However, if you don't have the right corporate culture, management strategies, and the right people, OKR is never going to work for you.
但是如果 你把眼光放回国内, 在不具备以合适企业文化, 管理基础、 人员素质的情况下贸然全员 OKR, 去KPI, 真的是搞得嗨, 死得快。
So how should we implement OKR in China?
那我们国 内的企业, OKR还能做吗? 该怎么做?
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