Sep 23, 2019
(8:45 AM - 5 PM)
Room 2252, 22F, Modern Media Plaza Center, No. 265 Suzhou East Avenue, SIP
Dear ,
It is increasingly difficult to grap audience's attention in the age of information bombardment, you must take a new approach to make your presentation eye-catching and distinctive in order to convince your customers and superiors.
Many people are deeply confused:
·     How to conceive the idea of a presentation?
·     How to make a logical yet good-looking presentation?
·     How to use presentation to convince listeners especially customers and superiors?
·     How to make a successful presentation in a short time?

Zoe (Sanping) Gao will help you to master the systematic approachs to make a structual, visual and creative presentation, thus to enhance your influence and persuasion.
在这个信息轰炸的时代,演讲越来越难以吸引听众的注意力。企业或者职场人要想通演示文稿说服客户或者领导,就必须另辟蹊径, 制作吸引眼球、与众不同的演示文稿。
·     如何构思演示文稿的思路?
·     如何让演示文稿既有逻辑又有颜值?
·     如何通过演示文稿说服客户或领导?
·     如何短时间快速制作一份成功的演示文稿?
Course Features 课程特色

1.  It is not a course about design and presentation, but about the process to make a presentation: analyse the audience -> collect materials -> organise information -> build a presentation pyramid -> combine the logic thread -> copywriting -> designing. To simply put, it will be a systematic, comprehensive and deeper course; 与众不同的课程内容:不是简单的教演示文档设计与操作,而是围绕一份演示文档的制作流程展开讲解,包括分析观众 -> 搜集资料-> 整理资讯-> 构建演示文档金字塔-> 梳理逻辑主线-> 文案提炼与包装-> 设计演示文档,是一个更系统、更全面、更深度的课程。
2.  Participatory teaching: practice in a study group with real case examples; 激发参与的教学方法:以学习小组方式演练,穿插各种实战练习,让学员全程参与其中。
3.  Ready-to-use operating tools: The course will provide a set of business presentation tools to help in both methodology and practical applications. 即学即用的操作工具:给学员一套商务演示搭建工具,让学员既有方法论又有实操应用工具。
Participants' Gains 学员收益
The whole day workshop will help attendees to:
·     Learn the systematic methods and processes of making a presentation, and master three ways of thinking underlying presentation; 学习演示文稿制作的系统方法和流程,掌握其背后的三大思维方式;
·     Improve PowerPoint skills and work competitiveness; 提升PowerPoint演讲专业技能,提高个人职场竞争力;
·     Cultivate logical thinking and work smartly. 培养逻辑思维能力,提升个人高效工作与化繁为简的能力。
Chinese 中文
Event Link
Zoe (Sanping) Gao
Trainer/Consultant of Presentation
Please organise your own lunch because this is a one-day training.
Cancellation Policy
If you register for an event but can't attend, please do let us know in advance. If you cancel 1 day before the event, there will be NO cancellation fee. DUSA will charge 100% of the registration fee for cancellation within 24 hours.
DUSA Annual Partner
Contact Us
If you have any questions please contact Maggie Chen at or +86 180 5104 2137.
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