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c.j. Ng 黄常捷
c.j. is the world-class sales, leadership and experiential learning consultant who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in sales profits in China and beyond. So far c.j. has helped:
- International automobile companies such as Schaeffler, Aptiv and Brilliance BMW to communicate and lead across cultures
- Leading chemical companies such as Air Products, Evonik and Axalta to generate more sales throughout the Asia-Pacific region
- Global IT companies such as Google, HP and Sophos to improve their cross-regional and cross-functional leadership and management team development capabilities.
At the same time, c.j. is accredited in various assessment tools such as the Cultural Navigator, TTI DISC, OD-Tools Motivation Questionnaire, Belbin Team Roles etc..
c.j.是 一位值得您信赖的销售领域的咨询顾问,曾帮助许多跨 国企业获得了在中国及其他区域 销售业绩方面的显著突破。 c.j.曾帮助:
- 全球汽车行业佼佼者如 舍弗勒、安泼福 及 华晨宝马 进行有效跨文化沟通和领导力
- 世 界领先的化工企业如 空气化工(Air Products)、赢创 及 艾仕得涂料 的亚太区销售团队在项目销售上去的更佳业绩。
- 国 际知名IT企业 如 谷歌、惠普 及 Sophos 如何地在跨区域及跨部门更好地 进行合作
与 此同时,c.j. 老师也是一名认证教练,一名认证Scrum Master,同时还是一些测 评工具的认证顾问,如:TTI DISC、OD-Tools 激励因素、Cultural Navigator、贝尔宾团 队角色等。
Leading Remote Sales Teams Part 1 -
The 5 strategies to manage a
remote sales team
如何领导与激励远程销售团队 (一) -
2-Hour Bilingual Workshop 2 小时双语工作坊 |

Being an outstanding sales person and managing a remote sales team requires different sets of skills and attitudes altogether. Yet, many sales managers are not equipped with right tools to get better results from an otherwise talented sales team.
成为一名优秀的销售人员和管理 一直远程的销售团队所需是不同 的技巧和态度,可许多销售经理 却往往缺乏合适的技巧和工具来 带领一支优秀的团队取得更好的 业绩。
Hence, even when the Sales Manager puts in a lot of effort, the sales team’s results can still be dismal. While being a sales manager will require some level of leadership and management skills, the leadership and management skills needed by sales managers will be drastically different from other managers.
相信您已经发现目前有很多营 销、销售经理花了很多时间及精 力投入工作,但他们所带领的营 销团队却不是很理想。销售经理 这一岗位与其他领导岗位一样需 要一定水平的领导及管理技巧, 然而这些技巧却与其他领导岗位 所需的大大不同。
As a Sales Manager, you are responsible to get your team produce top notch sales results for you, and you will almost be totally appraised by the performance of your team.
身为营销经理,您就必须为您的 营销团队的业绩负责。
This series of online workshops combines practical skills and knowledge on how to address issues about working remotely, motivating sales people and team leadership to give you deeper insights and help you drive performance.
这一系列线上工作坊结合了如何 解决远程工作、激励销售人员和 团队领导等方面的实际技能和知 识,与为您提供深入的见解并帮 助您提高业绩
- The New Realities in Sales
- Key Challenges Sales Managers will Face
销售经理在新常态中 将面临什么挑战
- The 5 Strategies to Manage a Remote Sales Team
- What the Sales Leader Needs to Do in this New Normal
销售经理在新常态中需要做些什 么
- While Technology is Important, It is NOT the Solution. Find Out What are Your Options!
虽然科技很重要, 但绝不是灵丹妙药。 了解一下您能够实施哪些措施 吧!
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