Date: |
15 October 2020, Thursday
2020 10月 15日 周四 |
Time: |
15:00 - 16:00 hrs |
Venue: |
Zoom (link to be shared 1 Day before the session)
(链接将在工作坊前一天提供) |
Fee : |
To register 报名:

Wang Minglan 王明兰
A well-known enterprise agile transformation expert in China, Ms. Wang was the former chief Agile expert at Huawei and Microsoft, as well asthe author of the best-selling book - the first enterprise agile book in China – “Agile Transformation: Build a high-performance organization in the VUCA era”. She has in-depth agile coaching experiences for the mobile phones, routers, switches, telecom software, cloud computing and other large business lines during her time at Huawei.
中国著名企业级敏捷转型专家, 原华为和微软公司首席敏捷专家, 中国第一部企业级敏捷实战 畅销著作《敏捷转型: 打造VUCA时代的高效能组织》 作者, 在华为工作期间深入辅导过手机、 路由器、交换机、 电信软件、 云计算等多个大型业务线
Since 2011, Ms. Wang has been coaching many companies in building an agile organization, design thinking, Lean Product Innovation, Agile Leadership, Kanban Methodology, Scrum Agile Development, including Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, China Merchants Bank, Huaxia Bank, ICBC, Shanghai Transportation Bank, Xiaomi Technology, Jingdong, No.1 Store, Microsoft, Samsung Research Institute, Huawei, Autohome, ZTE, Nokia, Sangfor, Varian Medical, Geely Automobile, etc. She has successfully coached several companies with a scale of 100 to 1,000 employees to achieve lean and agile transformation. She is one of the earliest Lean Kanban international certified coaches & certified instructors, and a certified consultant for SAFe (Scale Model Agile).
自 2011年起在上海浦发银行、 招商银行、中原银行、工商银 行、上海交通银行、小米科技、 京东、1号店、 Microsoft、三星研究 院、华为、汽车之家、中兴通 讯、Nokia、深信服科技、 瓦里安医疗、吉利汽车等企业指 导建设敏捷组织、设计思维、精 益产品创新、敏捷领导力、看板 方法、Scrum敏捷开发,成 功指导数家企业百人至千人以上 规模的组织实现精益敏捷转型。 她是最早期的精益看板国际认证教 练& 认证讲师、 企业规模化模敏捷(SAFe)认证咨询师。
She is the contracted mentor for HP Startup Salad, University of International Business and Economics Bauhinia Valley Startup Camp and many other startup camps.
是惠普&创业沙拉、对 外经济贸易大学紫荆谷创业营等 多家创业营的签约导师。
Building an Agile Organization in the VUCA Era:
A Sharing by former Huawei Agile Coach
1-Hour Chinese Workshop 1 小时中文工作坊 |

There is no doubt that the business world has entered the VUCA era, and companies are facing unprecedented pressure. They must have the ability to rapidly grasp market changes and emerging opportunities, embrace changes, deal with complexity, iterate evolution, and then deliver at faster speeds, so as to achieve competitive advantage in a rapidly changing market. Hence, the need for agility for companies to thrive these days.
毋庸置疑,商业社会已经进入了 VUCA时代, 企业所面临的压力前所未有, 每个企业都必须具备快速感知市场的变化和新兴机遇, 拥抱变化、 应对复杂、 迭代进化、 快速交付, 才能够在瞬息万变的市场中获取竞争优势, 而这样的能力正是企业需要具备的敏捷能力。
This topic is designed based on the facilitator’s rich practical experiences working with many companies. She will introduce the basic action framework for building an agile organization.
本话题是结合讲师在企业丰富的 实战经验设计而成, 介绍了企业打造敏捷组织的基本行动纲要。

- New Challenges for Organizations in the VUCA Era: why is agile a trend in organizational development?
VUCA时代下组织面临的新挑 战: 为什么敏捷是组织发展的趋势?
- What is the essence of Agile?
- Essential characteristics of an agile organization
- What are the forms of an agile organization?
- What changes are required to build an agile organization?
建设敏捷组织需要企业产生哪些 转变
- Basic working approach of an agile organization
- Broaden your horizons: Understanding the prevalent trends in organization capabilities
打开视野,了解业界流行的组织 能力理念
- Viewpoints of top agile experts in the industry
- The agile methodologies of multiple companies
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