Date: |
10 March 2021,
2021 3月10日 |
Time: |
09:00 - 17:00 hrs |
Venue: |
Zoom (link to be shared 1 Day before the session)
(链 接将在工作坊前一天提供) |
Fee : |
German Chambers/ AmCham/ Singcham/ EUCCC/ DUSA member: RMB 1,200/seat
德商会/ 美商会/ 新加坡商会/ 欧盟商会/ DUSA会员:1,250 人民币/每位
Non-member: RMB 1,450/seat
非会员:1,500 人民币/每位 |
To register 报名:

c.j. Ng 黄常捷
c.j. is the world-class sales, leadership and experiential learning consultant who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in sales profits in China and beyond. So far c.j. has helped:
- International automobile companies such as Schaeffler, Aptiv and Brilliance BMW to communicate and lead across cultures
- Leading chemical companies such as Air Products, Evonik and Axalta to generate more sales throughout the Asia-Pacific region
- Global IT companies such as Google, HP and Sophos to improve their cross-regional and cross-functional leadership and management team development capabilities.
At the same time, c.j. is accredited in various assessment tools such as Certified ScrumMaster, the Cultural Navigator, TTI DISC, OD-Tools Motivation Questionnaire, Belbin Team Roles etc..
c.j.是一位值得您信赖的销 售领域的咨询顾问,曾帮助许多 跨国企业获得了在中国及其他区 域销售业绩方面的显著突破。 c.j.曾帮助:
- 全 球汽车行业佼佼者如 舍弗勒、安泼福 及 华晨宝马 进行有效跨文化沟通和领导力
- 世 界领先的化工企业如 空气化工(Air Products)、赢创 及 艾仕得涂料 的亚太区销售团队在项目销售上去的更佳业绩。
- 国 际知名IT企业 如 谷歌、惠普 及 Sophos 如何地在跨区域及跨部门更好地 进行合作
与 此同时,c.j. 老师也是一名认证教练,一名认证Scrum Master,同时还是一些测 评工具的认证顾问,如:TTI DISC、OD-Tools 激励因素、Cultural Navigator、贝尔宾团 队角色等。
Online Interactive Training: Building Strong Customer Relationships during Tough Times
线 上工作坊: 如何在经济动荡时期创建坚韧的客户关系
One-Day Chinese Workshop 1 天中文工作坊 |

课程概述 / The Concept
Times are tough. Companies are cutting back, people are tightening their belts, and many decision-makers are holding off on major purchases. However, your sales targets have NOT been reduced. Selling in a difficult economy requires stronger customer relationships than during a robust one.
日子不好 过。很多公司正在削减开支,老 百姓在勒紧裤带过日子, 许多决策者也在推迟大规模购 买。然而,你的销售目标并没有 减少。在严酷的经济形势下您需 要更铁的客户关系。
When someone mentions "guanxi", the things that spring to mind will be entertaining customers at the KTV, and or providing certain "services" to clients that may not be compliant.
当有人提 到 "关系 "时,脑海中跳出的会是在KTV招待客户,或者为客户提供某些可能不合规的特殊 "服务"。
What most sales people don't understand is that at the core of any relationship is trust. As such the entire premise of relationship building is about how to increase mutual trust between buyer and seller.
大多数销 售人员不明白的是,任何关系的 核心都是信任。 因此,整个关系建立的前提就是如何增加买卖双方的相互信任。
Customers make buying decisions because they care, which makes every buying decision to have an emotional aspect to it. What sales people need to do is to make an emotional connection with the customer through the trust that they have established with the customer.
客户做出 购买决定是因为他们在意,这使 得每一个购买决定都带有情感因 素。销售人员需要做的是通过与 客户建立的信任与客户建立情感 联系。
With these concerns in mind, the "Building Strong Customer Relationships during Tough Times" programme was created as a result of 1-to-1 coaching with key accounts sales people from a variety of industries that involve complex key account situations across 13 cities in Asia.
《如何在 经济动荡期创建坚韧的客户关 系》课程就是针对此类问题而开 发的课程,它是一门建立在对亚 洲13个城市各行各业大客户销 售人员所进行的"一对一"辅导 的实践结果上。
This programme has been tried, modified, and re-tested to make sure that sales people deliver sustainable business results for customers, especially in the Asian context.
本课程已 经过多次尝试、修订和再实践, 以确保其对销售人员的实用结 果,尤其适用于亚洲商务环境。
Course Language 课程语言
Chinese/ 中文
Objectives and Benefits 课程目标和学员受益
After this training programme, you shall be able to:
- Understand and address customers' needs, concerns and expectations during tough times在经济低迷时期了解客户的需求、顾虑和期望
- Build trusting relationships with key personas
与关键客户人物建立相互信任的 关系
- Influence and gain support from customers through respectful communication
通过尊重对方的沟通方式影响对 方并获取支持
Methodology 教学方法
This Workshop consists of a lively series of short participative lectures conveyed using plain uncomplicated explanations. Learning will be facilitated through exercises and case studies. Ample seminar materials will be given to participants to serve as a constant source of reference to them. Ample time will be allotted for group discussion.
本课程包含一系列生动翔 实的参与性讲解,说明和解释通 俗易懂,训练和案例贯穿始终, 学员还会获得大量的讲座材料, 作为日后的常用参考资料。讲座 还将为小组讨论做出合理的时间 安排。
Who Should Attend 谁该受训
This workshop is designed especially for Key Account Managers, Customer Service people and anyone who is responsible to grow more business from existing customers
需要有条理地加强大客户 的产出的大客户经理、销售及客 服人员
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