Date: |
18 Mar 2021, Thursday
2021 3月18日 周四 |
Time: |
14:00 - 17:00 hrs |
Venue: |
Crowne Plaza Shanghai • No.400 Panyu Road (near Fahuazhen Road)
上海银星皇冠假日酒店 •番禺路 400 号(靠法华镇路) |
Fee : |
RMB 200 nett
人民币 200 元整 |

Anwar 安瓦
Anwar is the Design Thinking Innovation Lead in SAP Greater China. He helps organizations to succeed with Design Thinking mindset. He has developed employee centered innovative methods, tools and templates that help R&D teams to develop product and service that customers want to use and buy
安瓦老师是SAP大中华区设计 思维创新的领导者。他帮助组织 在设计思维方面取得成功,并开 发了以员工为中心的创新方法、 工具和模板,帮助研发团队开发 客户想要使用和购买的产品和服 务。
Anwar has 8+years of rich R&D and project management experience in the IT industry. He has trained over 100+ design thinking coaches, and conducted 200+ Design Thinking workshops, webinars and speech and lectures
安瓦老师在IT行业拥有8年以 上丰富的研发和项目管理经验。 他培训了100多名设计思维教 练,举办了200多场设计思维 研讨会、线上研讨会、演讲和讲 座
Anwar has worked with companies in B2B and B2C industries of Automotive, High-tech, Diary Products, Branding & Advertising. He has written over 100+ articles on WeChat Public Account ”DT小益” with 2000+ followers, and translated a Design Thinking Book Published by Stanford University entitled 《设计思维:场景与应用》
安瓦老师曾与汽车、高科技、乳 制品、品牌和广告等B2B和 B2C等行业中的企业合作。他 在微信公众号“DT小益”上写 了100多篇文章,粉丝 2000多人,并翻译了斯坦福 大学出版的《设计思维》一书。
Resource Downloads 获取更多关于本公司信息:
Customer-Centered Design Thinking - The Science of Innovating Optimal Outcomes for Customers
以客户为中心的设计思维 - 为客户创造最佳结果的科学
3-Hour Workshop in Chinese
3 小时中文工作坊 |

Introduction 概述
Design Thinking is a highly-efficient and systematic 5-phase innovation approach developed at Stanford University. Its main goal is to find simple solutions to complex problems. What Kaizen was for Manufacturing Design Thinking is for Innovation, combining lean and agile.设计思维是斯坦 福大学开发的一种高效、系统的 5阶段创新方法。其主要目标是 为复杂的问题找到简单的解决方 案。Kaizen的制造设计思 想就是融合了精益和敏捷的创 新。
After more than 10 years of helping multinationals and medium-sized companies around the globe, we have iterated Design Thinking into a Customer-Centered Innovation Methodology.
在帮助全球的跨 国公司和中型企业超过10年之 后,我们将设计思维迭代为以客 户为中心的创新方法。
Common Language for marketing, strategy, sales,product engineering teams
打通企业的市场 及营销,战略,产品研发等业 务,实现跨部门合作
- Understand Customer needs and Define expectations
与客户共同制定目标,并准确定 义业务需
- Quantitative Research to discover unmet needs and hidden segments
通过定量分析细分客户为满足需 求,并辅助战略决策的制
- Qualitative Research to gather customer needs and market Insights
通过定性分析还原客户场景,挖 掘客户隐形需求和洞察
- Iterate prototypes and Support customer go-to-market
快速原型并迭代的方法为客户交 付,发布和落地产品