Workshop Information
Date: |
May 14, 2021, Friday
2021年 5月 14日 周五 |
Time: |
15:00 - 16:00 hrs |
Venue: |
Virtual (Zoom link will be sent 1 day in advance)
线上 (Zoom 链接将在访谈前一天发送)

长 按识别二维码报名
Fee : |
By Invitation ONLY 仅限受邀嘉宾 |
To register 报名:
e-mail: jane@directions-consulting.com or
Call : 021-6222 2500
Grant "Axe" Rawlinson 巨斧•罗林森
Together with his teams, Axe has stood on the summit of Mt Everest, walked across countries, cycled across continents and kayaked and rowed many seas.
巨斧老师和他的团队一起站在珠 穆朗玛峰的顶峰、徒步过许多国 家、骑自行车穿越各大洲、并划 独木舟和划船穿越许多海洋。
Coupled with 18 years corporate experience all the way through to senior management, his unique blend of experience in high pressure, complex environments where the consequences of failure are high, have lead him to become a renowned expert in the field of team decision making.
巨斧老师拥有超过18年的企业 经验,其中保罗高管经历。他在 高压、复杂、高风险的环境中拥 有独特经验,使他成为团队决策 领域的著名专家。
Originally from New Zealand, Axe has been based in Singapore for 22 years where he runs the team development organisation "Powerful Humans Pte Ltd” and works and adventures across the globe. At the same time, Axe is an accredited Belbin Facilitator.
巨斧老师原先来自新西兰,并在 新加坡工作了22年。他开创自 己的团队发展咨询公司,并在全 球各地工作和和进行各种探险活 动。同时,他也是一名贝尔宾认 证顾问。
“The best run virtual event we’ve ever had and it created more positive energy than we thought was possible” - WORKDAY SERVICES EMEA
“这是我们有史以来所进行的最 好的虚拟活动,它创造了比我们 想象的更多的正能量”—— WORKDAY EMEA
“I’ve worked in food companies for 40+ years and at Kraft Heinz for 20+ and never saw anything like that. Probably the best session in my whole professional life” - KRAFT HEINZ
“我在食品公司工作了40多 年,在卡夫亨氏工作了20多 年,从未见过这样的经历。可能 是我整个职业生涯中最棒的一次 工作坊"——卡夫亨氏
“A brilliant program for our team, inspiring us to think bigger, be bolder and take on large goals, our team is revitalised thanks to his session” – MICROSOFT
“对我们团队来说,这是一个具 有其发性的工作坊,激励我们想 得更大,更大胆,并承担更大的 目标。我们的团队因这项工作坊 而感到备受振奋”——微软
Webinar: For Those Who Dare©: Team Decision Making Development Program (Bilingual)
线上分享 | 致敬勇者©: 提升团队决策的工作坊 (双语)
60-minutes Webinar 60 分钟线上分享
Through a simulated Mt. Everest expedition experience, we teach High Performance Business Teams how to make crucial decisions that impact their ability to thrive in uncertain, complex environments and work more effectively together.
通过模拟珠穆朗玛峰探险经历, 我们传授给高绩效业务团队如何 做出影响他们在不确定、复杂的 环境中茁壮成长以及更有效地合 作的关键决策。
Authentic, unique and exciting, all scenario's are dramatically presented through professionally produced video. The outcomes are based on real-world events on multiple expeditions, which reinforce the learning in a way your team has never before experienced! Are you ready?
真实,独特和令人兴奋的,所有 的场景都通过专业制作的视频戏 剧性地呈现。您学习的结果是基 于多次探险的真实世界事件,以 你的团队从未经历过的方式以加 强您的认知。您准备好了吗?
Our workshops teach teams how to make crucial decisions so they can achieve powerful goals, work more effectively together and become antifragile in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world.
我们的研讨会将传授于团队如何 做出关键决策,以便他们能够实 现强大的目标,更有效地合作, 并在VUCA(多变、不确定、 复杂和模糊)的世界中变得抗脆 弱。
For groups of 5 -1000+, these highly-interactive workshop use experiential learning to take you through Grant's world-first expeditions making the key decisions under pressure throughout the journey.
适用于5 -1000+的团队,这些高度互动的研讨会使用经验学习来带领您完成巨斧老师f的世界第一次探险,并在整个旅程中的高压环境下做出关键决策。

Agenda 学习重点:
WHAT are the critical decisions you need to be making?
HOW can you make the most effective decisions together?
您 和您团队将如何一起做出最有效 的决策?
The difference between complicated and complex decisions. Which environment are you in?
复杂和复杂决策的区别。你属于 哪个环境?
WHAT is the decision-making CULTURE your team needs to develop?
你 的团队需要什么样的决策文化?
- How to use Anti-fragility to strengthen your team
如何使用抗脆弱感以建立更坚韧 的团队
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