Workshop Information
Date: |
1 Jun, 2021, Tuesday
2021年6 月1日 周二 |
Time: |
13:30 - 17:00 hrs |
Venue: |
Crowne Plaza Shanghai • No.400 Panyu Road (near Fahuazhen Road)
上海银星皇冠假日酒店 •番禺路400号(靠近法华镇路) |
Fee : |
RMB 200 nett
人民币 200 元整 |
To register 报名:

e-mail: lucy@directions-consulting.com or
Call : 021-6222 2500
Shawn Gao 高上
Shawn has worked as supply chain manager of multinational companies such as Siemens and Schaeffler (Automotive Business Unit). He has 15 years of experience in manufacturing supply chain management and leads the S&OP production and marketing synergy of many companies. The process information and comprehensive inventory management project has been a well-known domestic fast-moving brand. It has carried out several months of supply chain efficiency improvement training camps. By reducing costs and increasing efficiency, it has helped reduce inventory by 12% and finished product delivery by 17%.
曾先后任职于西门子(城市楼宇快消事业部)、舍弗勒 (汽车事业部)等知名外企的供应链经理,15年以上 制造业供应链管理实践经验,拥有数年跨国公司管理经 验。
Shawn has extensive experience in new plant preparation & production line relocation, ERP system launch, supply chain team building and other related projects. He led the team and won the group's global best practice award (Integrate Planning - integration plan & agile supply chain)
擅长数字化供应链、产销协同、ERP系统上线、供应 链团队搭建等相关项目,曾带领团队,获得集团全球最 佳实践奖项(Integrate Planning—整合计划&敏捷供应链),数年间,学习并考取了9门通识类认证课程的授权讲师资格。
- Nankai University, Master of Economics
- SCMP Certified Traine
- 4D®Leadership Certification Tutor
- CTT BusinessPerformance Coach
- Formerly worked at Siemens, Schaeffler etc.
- 15 yrs SCMexp (Demand Plan/Inventory Management)
15年跨国外企管理经验(海归,可全英文授 课)
How to Digitize Your Supply Chain
数字化供应链管 理:打造高效供应链协同机制
Half-Day Workshop 半天工作坊
The spring of 2020 is destined to be unusual. An epidemic has disrupted the pace of many enterprises and supply chains around the world, and this epidemic has imperceptibly promoted the process of digital transformation of manufacturing in China.
2020年的春天,注定不同寻常。一场疫 情,打乱了全球不少企业和供应链的节奏,而 这场疫情,无形中推动了中国制造数字化变革 的进程。
Through data collection, we can perceive and identify data, and with the help of IT data platform's analysis of data, the system provides intelligent decision-making recommendations in real time, and ultimately, through practical actions, produce value. During this period, the data platform will always provide monitoring functions, coaching and correcting a series of action arrangements.
通过数据采集,我们可以感知和识别数据,借 助IT数据平台对数据的分析,系统实时提供 智能决策建议,最终通过实际行动,生产价 值。在此期间,数据平台将一直提供监督功 能,辅导和纠正一系列的行动安排。
The influence of digitization on customer demand: The Internet is the basic influencing factor that digitization brings to society. The trend of individualization and uncertainty of demand is increasing, which leads to increasing orders of various varieties and small batches that require unplanned and quick delivery.
数字化对客户需求的影响:互联网是数字化带 给社会的基础性影响因素,需求的个性化、不 确定性的趋势在加剧,导致多品种小批量、突 发性、快交付订单越来越多。
How digitization influences enterprise competition: it is necessary to meet personalized and uncertain demands and ensure reasonable profits. Enterprises need to use digital tools to ensure cost reduction and guaranteed supply.
数字化对企业竞争的影响:既要满足个性化、 不确定性的需求,又要保证企业的合理利润, 企业需要借助数字化工具,确保降本的同时, 还需兼顾到保障供货。
Workshop Objectivesx
Today's digitization has been extended from the digitization of the front end (consumer side) to the acceleration of the digitization of the back end (manufacturing side - supply chain side). There are 3 key values of the Digital Supply Chain
今天的数字化已经是从前端(消费者端)的数字 化,延展到了后端(制造端 -- 供应链端)数字化的加速。数字化供应链,给企业带来的价值有三:
- Improving commodity power and efficient matching between people and goods. 提升商品力,实现高效的人货匹配。
- Improve operational efficiency 提升运营效率。
- Achieve demand-driven and reduce overall cost.
- How to generate two sets of plans (replenishment plan & retardation prevention plan)
如何输出两套计划(补货计划&呆滞 预防计划)
- How to deal with all kinds of peak periods (prevention in advance - control in the process - fire fighting after the event)
面对各类大促高峰期,如何应对(事前预防- 事中控制-事后救火)
- Enhance the ability of order scheduling, inventory analysis and control 提升订单排产、库存分析管控能力
- Using scientific methods to control suppliers in order to improve the response time of supply chain
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