Workshop Information
Date: |
Jun 18, 2021, Friday
2021年 6月 18日 周五 |
Time: |
15:00 - 16:00 hrs |
Venue: |
Virtual (Tencent Meeting link will be sent 1 day in advance)
线上 (腾讯会议 链接将在访谈前一天发送)

Fee : |
Complimentary 限时免费 |
To register 报名:
e-mail: jane@directions-consulting.com or
Call : 021-6222 2500
c.j. Ng 黄常捷
c.j. is the world-class sales, leadership and business acumen coach who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in sales profits in China and beyond. So far, c.j. Is the 1st and ONLY Asian sales, cross-culture and leadership expert to have been invited to speak at the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) International Convention.
c.j.是国际知名的领导力、销售及商务敏锐度的教 练及培训咨询师。他曾帮助许多跨国企业获得了 在中国及其他区域销售业绩方面 的显著突破。
c.j. has helped:
- Global IT companies such as Google, Cisco and HP to improve their strategic selling and negotiations abilities globally.
国际IT企业 如 谷歌、思科 及 惠普 如何针对国内及国际市场进行战略客户管理及 谈判协商
- International industrial companies such as Honeywell, Porsche and Brilliance BMW to lead change through developing their leadership teams
全球实业佼佼者如 霍尼韦尔、保时捷 及 华晨宝马 通过发展各层领导的能力以推动变革
- Leading chemical companies such as Air Products, Evonik and Axalta to generate more sales throughout the Asia-Pacific region
世界领先的化工企业如 空气化工(Air Products)、赢创 及 艾仕得涂料 的亚太区销售团队在项目销售上去的更佳业 绩。
Webinar: How to Breakthrough Your Sales Bottleneck (Chinese)
线上分享 | 如何突破你的销售瓶颈
60-minutes Webinar 60 分钟线上分享
Many sales managers are focused on expediting deal velocity, or increasing the speed to close sales. However, if for some reason, the sale was stuck at some point, what then can you do?
许多销售经理专注于加快交易速度,或加 快完成销售流程的速度。然而,如果由于 某种原因,销售在某个阶段受阻,你该如 何应对呢?
One way is to align your sales process with your customer’s buying process, and then find ways to address or open the bottleneck.
或许你可以将你的销售流程程与客户的购 买过程相结合,然后找到解决或打开瓶颈 的方法。
We will also be sharing some questions in our Sales Map sales proficiency assessment to diagnose what could be your weakest link to win your sale, and then seek ways to strengthen them.
我们也会分享一些关于SalesMap 销售能力测评的问题,以便诊断出你销售 中的最薄弱环节是什么,并加以强化。
Agenda 学习重点
Mapping the 3 purchasing stages with the 4 steps of B2B selling 将3个采购阶段与B2B销售的 4个步骤结合
Identify potential bottlenecks in your sales process
How to open your bottlenecks and make more sales!
如何解开你的瓶颈,做更多的销 售!
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