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Workshop Information

Date: July 22, 2021,  Thursday
2021年 7月 22日 周四
Time: 15:00 - 16:00 hrs
Venue: Virtual (Zoom link will be sent 1 day in advance)
线上  (Zoom 链接将在访谈前一天发送)


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Fee :
Complimentary  限时免费

To register  报名:

e-mail: or 

Call : 021-6222 2500



c.j. Ng 
博 然 Gabor Nagy

Gabor is a co-author of the Trait-Map Professional Personality Assessment; the OD-Tools Motivation Questionnaire and several other assessment tools and competency models. He also developed Organizational Diagnostic Tools (OD-Map, Team-SWOT, various surveys). 15+ years experience in Talent Management enables him to deliver solutions for Performance Management, Employee Retention / Engagement, Competency Modeling.

Gabor 是Trait-Map职业性格测试、OD-Tools驱动力因素问卷等心理测验工具的作者之一。他也研发了一些组织诊断工具(OD-Map组织效能调研、 Team-SWOT团队效能调 研等)。15年人才管理领域专 业顾问,在绩效管理、员工保 留、继任计划、能力素质模型方 面都有宝贵经验。他服务过的客 户包括:阿美德格、斯博瑞安、 博世、贝迪中国、赢创德固赛、 福斯油品、 盖尔太 平洋、国际铜业协会、英特尔乳 业、国际油漆、克诺尔、全球物 流、上海大众、中化国际、联恒 异氢、联合汽车电子等公司提供 过培训及咨询服务;应邀在德商 会、瑞典商会、英商会、美商会 等机构活动上进行演讲及讲座; 在同济、交大、海事学院、 Nordakademie 、里昂商学院MBA/EMBA班授课。上海对外经贸大学(原上海对外贸易学院)职业发展中心的特聘教授。

Webinar: How to Implement Effective 360-degree Leadership Assessments (Bilingual)
线上分享 | 如何实施有效的360度领导力 测评 (双语)

60-minutes Webinar 60 分钟线上分享



A survey conducted at a company found that 89% of their managers rate themselves highly on various leadership factors such as communicating the vision, influencing teams, having strong business acumen etc.  However, only less than 30% of their team members agree about those ratings.

在一家企业进行的调查发 现,89%的经理在各种领导力 因素上给自己打了高分,如沟通 愿景、团队影响力、商务敏锐度 等。 然而,只有不到30%的团队成员认同这些评价。

Hence, it is important to have a 360-degree feedback or assessment for leaders, so that they identify potential blind spots and improve their leadership abilities.  In the past, many managers find 360-degree assessments to be cumbersome and difficult to implement.  Today, the latest innovation helps 360-degree assessments to be much more practical and easy to use.

因此,对领导者进行 360度反馈或测评是很重要 的,这样他们就能发现潜在的盲 点,提高他们的领导能力。 在过去,许多经理发现360度测评很麻烦,而且难以实施。 今天,最新的创新已能够帮助 360度测评变得更加实用和易 于使用。

Agenda  学习重点

  • How to enhance the Feedback Culture in your company?  如何加强你公司的反馈文化?

  • The "Five Minute Feedback 360": a multi-rater feedback tool for anyone in any position  五分钟反馈360":一个适用 于任何职位的多评判员反馈工具

  • LC 360 - Leadership Core Competencies - What is interesting about the model?  LC 360 - 领导核心能力 - 这个模型有什么有趣的地方?

  • The Solution Focused 360 technology: how to identify Strengths and Improvement Opportunities clearer聚焦解决方案的 360技术:如何更清晰地识别 优势和改进机会

  • Working with large projects: how to run 360 efficiently when you have thousands of participants  与大型项目合作:当你有成千上 万的参与者时,如何高效地运行 360

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