Workshop Information
Date: |
19 Aug, 2021, Thursday
2021年8 月19日 周四 |
Time: |
13:30 - 16:30 hrs |
Venue: |
The Bund Finance Center Shanghai • No.888 Zhongshan East Road 2 • Block N1 • Level 2
中山东二路588号,上海 BFC外滩金融中心N1栋, 2楼 |
Fee : |
RMB 200 nett
人民币 200 元整 |
To register 报名:

e-mail: jane@directions-consulting.com or
Call : 021-6222 2500
Steven Lee 李浩鑫
Steven has vast experience in middle and senior management, especially in the fields of marketing, sales, product, training and consulting work for more than 30 years.
李老师从事中高层 管理、市场、 销售、产品、培训和顾问咨询工 作长达三十余年。
Steven was the exclusive facilitator in negotiation skills in the Asia Pacific region for LANXESS Chemical. He is currently the coach for business negotiations at major pharmaceutical companies in China and abroad.
李老师曾任朗盛化 学亚太区谈判 技巧专属讲师,现任英商禾大化 工,与国内外各大药厂商务谈判 教练,拥有丰富的谈判辅导经 验、
Steven graduated from Taipei Medical University and received his MBA from Tulane University. He focuses on behavioral change and practical work.
毕业于台北医学大 学,并在美国 杜兰大学获得工商管理硕士学 位。注重行为改变,与贴合实际 工作。
c.j. Ng 黄常捷
c.j. is the world-class sales, leadership and business acumen coach who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in sales profits in China and beyond.
c.j.是国际知 名的领导力、 销售及商务敏锐度的教 练及培训咨询师。他曾帮助许多跨国企业获得了 在中国及其他区域销售业绩方面 的显著突破。
c.j. is a certified Masteries Practitioner with the International Association of Coaches (IAC), a certified scrum master, and is accredited in various assessment tools such as the Cultural Navigator, TTI DISC, OD-Tools Motivation Questionnaire, Belbin Team Roles etc.. In 2021, c.j. co-authored the Sales Map sales proficiency assessment tool with OD-Tools.
c.j. 是国际教练协会(IAC)认证的Masteries Practitioner 教练,一名认证Scrum Master,同时还是一些测评工具的认证顾问,如:TTI DISC、OD-Tools 激励因素、Cultural Navigator、贝尔宾团 队角色 等,并于2021年携手OD-Tools 出版了Sales Map 销售能力测评工具.
Improve Your Sales Performance Now!
Half-Day Workshop (Chinese)
半天工作坊 (中文)

Free Sales Map assessments to be given to all delegates!
所有参会嘉宾将获 得 Sales Map 销售能力测评!
While companies have invested a lot of resources over many years on sales training, there are still a lot of room to improve with regards to the sales teams’ performance.
虽然许多公司 多年来在销售培训 方面投入了大量的资源,但在销 售团队的业绩方面仍有很大提升 空间。
Indeed, there are many different factors that will impact sales performance besides training your sales teams. Besides external factors such as having a best-selling product or positive market sentiments, there are factors such as sales skills assessments, sales coaching and sales team leadership that companies can harness to boost performances.
事实上,除了 培训你的销售团队 之外,还有许多不同的因素会影 响销售业绩。 除了拥有最畅销的产品或积极的市场情绪等外部因素外,公司还可以利用销售技能评估、销售教练和销售团队领导力等因素来提升业绩。
So in this workshop, we shall be sharing insights from 2 key topics to improve your sales team performance:
因此,在本次 工作坊中,我们将 从两个关键话题来分享如何提高 销售团队的绩效:
13:30 - 13:45
Registration 签到
13:45 - 14:30
Developing the Right Sales Behaviors for your Sales Team - Steven Lee
为销售团队培养正确的销售行为 - 李浩鑫老师
Many times, the effectiveness of any sales training depends on how the participants can change their behaviors at the end of each training.
很多时候,任何销售培训的有效 性取决于参与者在每次培训结束 时如何改变他们的行为。
Unfortunately, as much as 81% of the sales training content will be forgotten within 1 month of each workshop. It is then challenging yet imperative that sales people to enable sales people to apply and then remember what they learn.
遗憾的是,在每一次的培训中, 多达81%的销售培训内容会在 1个月内被遗忘。那么,让销售 人员能够应用并记住他们所学到 的知识,是一项具有挑战性的任 务,但也是当务之急的。
14:30 - 14:45
Coffee Break 茶歇
14:45 - 15:30
Coaching your Sales Team Using Sales Map Assessment- c.j. Ng
使用 "销售地图"评估来指导你的销售团队 - 黄常捷老师
“Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime” as the old saying goes. Similarly, telling a sales person what to do may not be as effective as enabling the sales person to think what could be the right actions to take, so as to improve sales performance.
古语有云:"授人以鱼,不如授 人以渔 "。 同样地,告诉销售人员该怎么做,可能不如让销售人员思考该采取什么正确的行动来提高销售业绩来得有效。
Yet, as different sales people have got different strengths and weaknesses, it is very challenging for sales managers to pin-point those strengths and weaknesses of each sales person. How that individual sales person needs to work on each kind of skills at different stages of the sales processes in a wide range of sales situations will be key to the coaching success.
但是,由于不同的销售人员有不 同的优势和劣势,对于销售经理 来说,找出每个销售人员的优势 和劣势是非常具有挑战性的。在 销售过程的不同阶段,在各种销 售情况下,销售人员如何发挥各 种技能将是教练成功的关键。
With the Sales Map Assessment tool, managers can now take out the guesswork and zoom in on specific areas that need further development for each sales person. Rather than spending high amounts of training budgets on sales training, companies can reduce the time and costs to upskill their sales force.
有了“销售地图”评估工具,经 理们现在可以省去猜测的麻烦, 并针对每个销售人员深入了解需 要进一步发展的特定领域。公司 可以在节约时间和成本的基础上 提高销售人员的技能,而不是把 大量的培训预算花在销售培训 上。
15:30 - 16:30
Panel Discussion, Q&A and Sales Coaching Demo
Resource Downloads
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