Workshop Information
Date: |
14 Jan, 2022, Friday
2022年 1 月14日 周五 |
Time: |
13:30 - 17:00 hrs |
Venue: |
Crowne Plaza Shanghai • No.400 Panyu Road (near Fahuazhen Road)
上海银星皇冠假日酒店 •番禺路400号(靠近法华镇路) |
Fee : |
RMB 200 nett
人民币 200 元整 |
To register 报名:

e-mail: jane@directions-consulting.com or
Call : 021-6222 2500

Terry Clarke 孔天睿
Terry is fluent in Mandarin and is a highly experienced leader and influencer of people, an expert in sales, marketing, and business development. In his 20-year China career, he was head of operations for one of the worlds largest educational toy companies, head of marketing and business development for one of China’s most successful study abroad agencies, COO of a global sourcing agency, and Founder and Managing Director of a successful real estate consultancy. He has consistently built, trained, and lead teams to exceed their targets across multiple disciplines and industries.
He holds a Masters Degree in Digital Marketing Communication from UCLAN, a Higher Education Teaching Certificate from Harvard, an Executive Leadership Certificate from Cornell and an MBA Certificate from Shanghai Jiaotong University and is a certified coach with IECL.
孔老师能以流利的普通话进行培训。他是一位经验 丰富的领导者和影响者,而且是销售、市场和业务 发展方面的专家。 在他20年的中国职业生涯中,他曾是世界上最大的教育玩具公司之一的运营总监、中国最成功的留学机构之一的营销和业务发展总监、一家全球采购机构的首席运 营官、 以及一家成功的房地产咨询公司的创始人和总经 理。 他不断地在各个领域和行业建立、培训和领导销售 团队, 帮助他们达到并超越他们的目标。
孔老师拥有UCLAN的数字营销传播硕士学位, 哈佛大学的高等教育教学证书, 康奈尔大学的行政领导力证书和上海交通大学的 MBA证书, 是IECL的认证教练。
Winning the B2B Sale
Half-Day Interactive Workshop (Chinese)
半天互动工作坊 (中文)

As you might have heard of them, the most common challenges faced by sales people in any country, and across nearly every industry, are as follow:
正如你可能了解的,无论在哪一个国家, 包括几乎所有行业在内, 任何销售人员所面临的最普遍的挑战如下:
- Unable to communicate well to understand customers' hidden needs;
- Unable to gain buy-in for the value you provide;
- Unable to deal with customers’ objections effectively and close the sale.
Having these concerns in mind, this workshop is created as a result of 1-to-1 coaching with sales people from a variety of industries across 27 cities in Asia.
本工作坊就是针对对此类问题而开发的课程, 它是一门建立在对亚洲23个城市各行各业 销售人员所进行的“一对一” 教练的实践结果上。
13:30 ~ 14:00
Registration 签到
14:00 ~ 15:15
How to Get into Customers’ Minds: 如何了解客户的真实想法:
- What are some of the winning and losing ways in sales
- Price vs Value 价格 vs 价值
- Activity: Mapping Out Your Ideal Sales Behaviors
活动: 描绘出你的理想销售行为
15:15 ~ 15:30
Break 茶歇
15:30 ~ 16:30
Assessing the customer’s real needs如何评估客户的真实需求
- How to use questions to find out about what customers want?
- How to say “no” to customers? 如何跟客户说”不”
- Exercise: using questions to handle objections
16:30 ~ 16:45
Summary of Key Learning Points 要点总结
Action Planning 行动计划
Resource Downloads
Get your free Sales Map assessment here
点击这里以获取你的免费Sales Map 小手技能测评:
Code: salesmap
Check out our website 登录我们的网站
or scan our QR code to get videos of past sessions
