Workshop Information
Date: |
February 24, 2022, Thursday
2022年 2月 24日 周四 |
Time: |
14:00 - 15:30 hrs |
Venue: |
Virtual (Zoom link will be sent 1 day in advance)
线上 (Zoom 链接将在访谈前一天发送)

长 按识别二维码报名
Fee : |
Complimentary 限时免费 |
To register 报名:
e-mail: lucy@directions-consulting.com or
Call : 021-6222 2500

黄 碧燕 Phek Ng
Ng Phek Yen is a trilingual (English and Chinese) Fortune 500 leadership coach, facilitator and trainer with strong business background of more than 19 years of working experience in
Mainland China, Hong Kong and Malaysia. She was the Finance Director cum Qualified Accountant for China Mobile, a listed company in HKSE and NYSE. Her extensive management and leadership experience in Chinese State-Owned companies has provided her rich intercultural experience in understanding, growing, and leading teams of diverse cultures..
⻩老师是中英粤三语世界500 强企业教练、引导师和培训师, 拥有超过19年在中国⼤陆、香 港和⻢来⻄亚的管理验。她曾任 职中国移动集团的会计师兼财务 部处⻓。她在中国国有企业的丰 富 管理经验为她理解、成⻓和领导 多元化的团队提供了丰富的跨⽂ 化经历。
Phek is the co-author for the book “Positive Psychology Coaching in the Workplace – Keeping with Times – Coaching, Culture & Positive Psychology” (published on Oct 6, 2021).
黄老师也在2020年期间参与 了”Positive Psychology Coaching in the Workplace – Keeping with Times – Coaching, Culture & Positive Psychology”《职场积极⼼理学教练——与时俱进——教练、⽂化与积极⼼理学》的合著,本书于2021年10⽉份出版。
Webinar: Embracing Diversity for Greater Inclusion (English)
线上分享 | 拥抱多元化,加强包容性 (英文)
90-minutes Webinar 90 分钟线上分享
In numerous studies, diversity is associated with business success. While many companies are trying to recruit and retain a more diverse workforce, success has so far been marginal. With so much at stake, why aren’t these companies making more headway?
在众多研究中,多元化与 商业成功有密切关联。 虽然许多公司正在努力招聘和留住更加多元化的员工,但到迄今为止,取得成功的企业却是寥寥无几的。牵涉到如此多的利害关系,为什么这些企业就是无法取得更 多的进展呢?
In this 90-minute workshop, you shall find out about what could be impeding the success of diversity and what tools companies and teams could make use of to achieve outstanding performances
在这个90分钟的工作坊 中,你将了解到哪些因素可能会 阻碍多元化的成功,以及公司和 团队可以利用哪些工具来实现出 色的表现。。
Agenda 学习重点
Explore what is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and its impact
探索什么是多样性、公平和包容 及其影响
Understand how one’s attitudes when dealing with differences and learn to attitude needed for creating inclusive workplace
了解自己在处理差异时的态度, 学习创造包容性工作环境所需的 态度。
Explore the use of Cultural Orientations Framework (COF) in unlocking the value of diversity and inclusion in organization
探讨文化导向框架(COF)在 释放组织中多样性和包容性的价 值方面的用途
Session will be blended with interactive activities
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