Date: 24 Mar 2022, Thursday
2022年 3月24日 周四
Time: 09:30 - 11:00 hrs
Venue: Zoom!
Fee : Complimentary

To register  报名:

e-mail: or 

Call : 021-6222 2500




Jamie Dixon 杰米

Jamie Dixon is a Training Consultant, Coach and the author of ‘Shaping Paths – How to Design and Deliver PRACTICAL Training’.

Jamie 老师是一位培训顾问、教 练,也是《塑造路径 – 如何设计和提供实用培训》的作者。

Originally from the UK, Jamie has been based in China since 2006. His working background is in HR, having worked in recruitment and later on as a training manager at Amway China. As a trainer, he has worked with over 130 different multinational clients throughout China and the APAC region. He delivers training in both English and Mandarin.

Jamie 来自英国,自2006年以来一 直在中国工作。他的工作背景是 人力资源,曾在安利中国从事招 聘工作,后来担任培训经理。作 为一名培训师,他曾为中国和亚 太地区的130多家不同的跨国 客户提供培训服务。他可以用英 语和普通话上课。


Find out more from the excerpts of Jamie's book. 
参照 Jamie 老师著作以了解更多详情:


Online Workshop: The Story Habit!
线上分 享: 讲故事的好习惯

(English - Please turn on your camera when attending)
(英文 - 参会时请打开摄像头)

Introduction 概述


Storytelling is a powerful business tool and a skill that every business building a powerful and lasting brand should master.  It can be difficult for people who are not part of your company to understand your culture, mission, and vision. Storytelling can help them connect and understand how your company works and what it stands for. 

讲故事是一个强大的商务工具, 也是每一个建立强大和持久品牌 的企业应该掌握的技能。 不属于你公司的人可能很难理解你的文化、使命和愿景。讲故事可以帮助他们联系和理解你的公司如何运作以及它所代表的东西。

This is because data-driven information tends to speak to people's intellect – while stories stir their imagination and reach their feelings. That's what makes stories such a powerful tool to engage and motivate.

这是因为以数据驱动的信息倾向 于与人们的思维对话 - -而故事则激起他们的想象力并触及他们的情感。这就是故事成为吸引和激励的强大工具的原因。

Understanding the dynamics of storytelling will help you deliver your business messages in a more compelling way. This will increase your influence and help you drive the business forward, whether you're a marketer talking about the brand, a manager getting buy-in from staff or a leader sharing your vision.


了解讲故事的动 力将帮助你以更有说服力的方式 传递你的商业信息。这将提高你 的影响力,并帮助你推动业务的 发展,无论你是一个谈论品牌的 营销人员,一个获得员工认同的 经理,还是一个分享愿景的领导 者。


Key Points:

  • Relating - How to use stories to enable others to grasp complex concepts and information
    关联 -- 如何使用故事来使他人掌握复杂的概念和信息
  • Challenging - How different people's stories can lead to conflicts, and ways to resolve them
    挑战性--不同人的故事会如何 导致冲突,以及解决冲突的方法
  • Resolving - How to use stories to inspire and motivate others to take decisive actions
    解决问题--如何用故事来激发 和激励他人采取果断的行动
  • Q&A

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