Date: |
25 May 2022, Wednesday
2022 5月25日 周三 |
Time: |
15:00 - 16:30 hrs |
Venue: |
Zoom |
Fee : |
限时免费 |
To register 报名:

Carl Li 励勇
Carl Li is an experienced leadership trainer and executive coach with over 19 years of experience in employee learning and development, talent management, and leadership development, including 6 years of executive and leadership coaching experience, accumulating over 1000 coaching hours.
励 勇一 位经验丰富的领导力培训师和高 管教练,在员工学习与发展、 人才管理和领导力发展领域有超 过 19年的经验, 包括6年高管和领导力教练经 历, 累积了1000多个教练小时。
He was a Global Corporate University Leadership Specialist at Volvo Cars Group. He provided talent development, leadership training, and coaching services to senior and mid-level executives from all Volvo Cars Group business units, including Supply Chain Management and Plant Manufacturing Management Sales and Marketing. He was also Head of Learning and Development at Cargill Investments Asia Pacific, the world's largest agri-food company, where he was responsible for the roll-out and implementation of the Group Leadership Academy in the Asia Pacific. He has held various management positions at DTZ, Johnson Controls, Capgemini, and Spreadtrum Consulting, where he was responsible for leadership development, succession planning, high potential talent development, executive coaching, and other leadership development programmes. Carl has extensive experience leading teams locally and virtually in Beijing, Singapore, and Bangalore.
历任沃尔沃汽车集团中心全球企 业大学领导力专家, 为来自沃尔沃汽车集团的各业务 板块的中高 级管理人员提供人才发展, 领导力培训和教练服务, 包括供应链管理, 工厂制造管理, 销售与市场等业务部门。 励勇也曾经在全球最大农业农产 品公司嘉吉投资亚太区担任学习 与发展负责人, 负责集团领导力学院在亚太区的推广和执行。 历任戴德梁行、 江森自控、 凯捷咨询、 展智咨询担任不同管理职位, 负责领导力发展、 接班人计划、 高潜人才培养、 高管教练等领导力培养发展项 目。 带领团队管理经验不仅仅包括本 地成员, 还包括虚拟团队如北京, 新加坡和班加罗尔。
Since 2017, Carl has been working for the charity organization Jobwise, which aims to help university students and teachers in big cities who have learning difficulties or need help choosing a career and career planning. He provides coaching services and is also a volunteer mentor for the Australia-China Alumni Association and a professional coach for the MBA programme at Tongji University. He is also a frequent guest speaker at HREC.
励勇服务过的客户和品牌包括, 耐克,卡地亚,礼来制药, 巴斯夫, 阿斯利康制药, 费森尤斯卡医疗器械等行业领先 的跨国公司和国内初创企业。 2017年至今在公益型组织职 慧– 旨在帮助在大城市有学习困难, 或在择业选择, 职业规划方面有需求的大学生和 教师提供教练服务。 同时他也是澳中校友会的志愿导 师, 同济大学MBA课程的专业教练。 他也经常受邀在智享会HREC 做专业领域的分享演讲嘉宾。 |
How to Implement Corporate Coaching in Your Organization
1.5-Hour Online Workshop in Chinese
1.5 小时中文线上工作坊 |

Introduction 概 述
Coaching is one of the most personalised development support an employee can get. All companies want to grow and thrive. To grow and thrive, they need to have employees and leaders who are growing and thriving — not just in terms of designations and corporate ladder but in terms of who they are as leaders.
教练是员工可以得到的最个性化 的发展支持之一。所有公司都想 成长和发展。为了成长和壮大, 他们需要有正在成长和壮大的员 工和领导--不仅仅是在职称和 公司阶梯方面,而是在他们作为 领导的身份方面。。
How much of an impact do they bring into the organization?
How are they able to create other leaders?
Coaching is the most personalized way of providing support.
教练是提供支持的最个性化的方 式。
So I would say for any company which is interested in growing and taking care of their employees and supporting them to grow, coaching is one of the best approaches.
所以我想说,对于任何有兴趣发 展和照顾员工并支持他们成长的 公司来说,教练是最好的方法之 一。
议 程:
- Case Study: How corporate coaching takes root in organizations
案例分享: 企业教练如何在组织中生根发芽
- Case Study: how to localize global strategies
案例分享:全球化战略如何接地 气本地化
- How to navigate different cultural environments
- How to act as a competent mediator between the organization and its employees
- Q&A
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