Date: |
8 July 2022, Friday
2022 7月8日 周五 |
Time: |
15:00 - 17:00 hrs |
Venue: |
Tencent Meeting
腾讯会议 |
Fee : |
RMB 100 (includes a
Motivation Questionnaire assessment worth RMB 496)
人民币 100元 (包含价值496元的 激 励因素 (MQ) 测 评一份) |
To register 报名:

c.j. Ng 黄常捷
c.j. is the sales, leadership and business acumen facilitator and coach who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements since 2007. Bilingual in English and Mandarin, he serves audiences in China and the Asia-Pacific region, especially in the field of industrial solutions selling.
c.j.是是销售、 领导力和商业敏锐度的引导师和 教练, 自2007年以来, 他帮助国际公司实现了质的提 升。 他精通英语和普通话,为中国和亚太地区的听众提供服务,尤其是在工业解决方案销售领域。
c.j. is a certified coach with the International Association of Coaches (IAC) and International Coach Federation (ICF), a Certified Scrum Master and is accredited in various assessments such as Belbin, DISC and Trait-Maps.
c.j. 是国际教练协会 (IAC) 和国际教练联合会 (ICF) 的认证教练, 也是认证的ScrumMaster, 并获得了贝尔宾、 DISC和特质图等各种评估的认证。
c.j. co-authored the Sales Map sales proficiency assessment tool with OD-Tools. He is the author of "Winning the B2B Sale in China"
c.j. 携手OD-Tools 出版了Sales Map 销售能力测评工具. 他是《中国式B2B销售宝典》 的作者。 该书在亚马逊上出售。 |
How to Motivate Your Sales Team to Achieve Outstanding Results
2-Hour Online Workshop in Chinese
2 小时中文线上工作坊 |

Introduction 概 述
Sales is hard work. People who’ve done sales can attest to that. With increasing competition means the work is getting harder, and never easier.
销售是一项艰苦的工作。做过销 售的人可以证明这一点。随着竞 争的加剧,工作只会越来越难, 而不是越来越容易。
The management level though, would always be wanting to get sales people to work even harder, and deliver better results. As most sales managers do not have the control over the compensation and benefits for sales people, they could only seek ways to motivate sales people without paying more.
不过,管理层总是希望销售人员 能更加努力地工作,取得更好的 成绩。 但是由于大多数销售经理无法控制销售人员的薪酬和福利,他们只能在不支付更多报酬的情况下寻求激励销售人员的方法。
This is not to say we don’t pay sales people at all, or that financial rewards are not important factors in motivating sales people. Sales people need to be paid fairly for their contributions, or they will leave. The question is: what else will be key factors to motivating sales people?
这并不是说我们根本不支付销售 人员报酬,也不是说经济奖励不 是激励销售人员的重要因素。 销售人员应该根据他们的贡献得 到公平的报酬,否则他们会离 开。 问题是:还有什么会成为激励销售人员的关键因素?
议 程:
- How does motivation really work?
- What else motivates your sales people better than money and job promotions?
除了升官发财以外,你还有那些 方式能够更好地激励你的销售员 工
- How to pinpoint what motivates each of your team members most?
如何具体了解哪些因素最能够激 励你团队的每一位队员?
- How to improve staff motivation through assessment-based coaching
如何通过测评和辅导提高员工的 激励成都
- Q&A
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