Indicators of organizational effectiveness are vital to correctly measuring organizational performance, results, and efficiency.
组织效能的指标对于正确衡量组 织绩效、结果和效率至关重 要。
Different models offer different perspectives on how to view organizational effectiveness.
不同的模式对如何看待组织效能 提供了不同的视角。
These perspectives can be based on, for instance:
- How efficiently and effectively an organization meets its stated objectives
一个组织如何高效地实现其既定 目标
- The efficiency of business functions and processes
- How well an organization meets the needs of its stakeholders
一个组织在多大程度上满足了其 利益相关者的需求
- How effectively an organization can obtain and use resources
一个组织如何有效地获得和使用 资源
There are quite a few different models of organizational effectiveness. Choosing the a model for organizational effectiveness will certainly impact how a business chooses to measure and make improvements.
组织效能有相当多的不同模式。 选择组织效能的模式,肯定会影 响企业选择如何衡量和改进。
However, despite these differences, the same indicators can offer insight into the efficiency and effectiveness of a business.
然而,尽管有这些差异,同样的 指标可以让人了解企业的效率和 效益。
You can learn from this session the theory and principles of Organization Development, and how measuring employee engagement and organizational effectiveness fits into this framework. You can also learn about how to implement these principles using the OD-Map survey tool.你可以从这节课中了 解到组织发展的理论和原则,以 及衡量员工参与度和组织效率如 何融入这个框架。你还可以了解 到如何使用OD-Map测评工 具来实施这些原则。
Agenda 学习重点
The benefits of measuring employee opinions on organizational effectiveness;
The role and importance of employee engagement in the OD-Map organizational effectiveness model;
员工敬业在OD-Map组织效 能模型中的作用和重要性
The implementation of OD-Map and practical examples;