Workshop Information
Date: |
9 Sep, 2022, Friday
2022年 9 月9 日 周五 |
Time: |
14:00 - 17:00 hrs |
Venue: |
New Bund Center Phase II • Shanghai • 227 Lane • No. 3 Dongyu Lu • Block C • Suite 2301
上海市 • 浦 东新区 • 东育路227弄3号 • 前滩企业天地二期C幢2301 |
Fee : |
RMB 200 nett
人民币 200 元整 |
To register 报名:

e-mail: jane@directions-consulting.com or
Call : 021-6222 2500
老师简 介
Judith Chen 陈贤凝
Judith is a senior consultant of Leadership and Organizational Development Subject Matter Expert who has been working in large Western multinational corporations for more than 20 years. With her extensive experience in the field of Human Resource Management, Judith has gained a profound understanding of the current situation of HRM in China, especially in the areas of Talent Management and Leadership Development.
Judith老师是领导力和组 织发展主题专家的高级顾问,在大型跨国公司工作了20多年。 Judith老师在人力资源管理领域有着丰富的经验,她对中国人力资源管理 的现状有深刻的理解,特别是在人才管理和领导力发展领域。
Her working experiences in leading HRM positions in multinationals such as Zeneca (6 years), Ikea (9 years), Logitech (5 years) and Apple (2 years) has made her realize that standard talent management practices cannot match the fast business expansion in China, where the quantity and quality of middle & senior managers can often not satisfy the greater demand of the talent market.
她曾在捷利康(6年)、宜家 (9年)、罗技(5年)、苹果 (2年)等跨国公司担任领导人力资源管理职位,她意识到标准 的人才管理方式无法与中国业务 的快速扩张相匹配。 中高级管理人员的数量和质量往往不能满足更大的人才市场需求。
Judith is volunteer coach for “Teach for China” career coach program , “TongJi EMBA & MBA” career coach program and HREC coach program.
Judith老师是“教为中 国”职业指导项目、“同济 EMBA & MBA”职业指导项目和HREC职业指导项目的志愿者教练 |
Personal Development in an Age of Diversity
Half-Day Workshop 半天工作坊
Complimentary Trait-Map Assessments for Attendees!
参会者将免费体验 Trait Map 测评!
Background 背景
Personal development is looking inward and focusing on ways to better yourself. Personal development increases your self-awareness your self-esteem, improves your skills, and fulfills your aspirations.
个人发展是向内 看,专注于改善自己的方法。个人发展可以提高你的自我意 识和自尊,提高你的技能,并实现你的愿望。
The key benefits are 主要益处是:
- Increased self-awareness and self-esteem. It challenges you to look to the future to where you want to go
提高自我意识和自尊心。 它挑战你把目光投向未来,投向你想去的地方。
- Increased mental fitness. People with mental solid wellness are more productive, are less likely to experience mental illness, and are more creative and innovative
提高心理素质。 精神稳固健康的人更有生产力,不太可能经历精神疾病,而且更有创造力和创新力
- Achieve greater resilience through a growth mindset
- More knowledge and learned skills
- Improved personal and professional relationships
Agenda 议程
- Enhancing Self-Awareness for Personal Development
- How to adopt a growth mindset to strengthen resilience in an age of diversity?
- Using self-coaching for Personal Development
- How to use Trait Map assessment for Personal Development effectiveness?
如何使用 Trait Map 测评以提高个人发展的有效性??
- Case studies 案例分享
Target Audience 受众
HR, Middle and senior managers who are tasked to lead in their organizations
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