Date: |
21 Sept 2022, Wednesday
2022 9月22日 周三 |
Time: |
14:00 - 16:00 hrs |
Venue: |
Tencent Meeting
腾讯会议 |
Fee : |
限时免费 |
To register 报名:

c.j. Ng 黄常捷
c.j. is the sales, leadership and business acumen facilitator and coach who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements since 2007. Bilingual in English and Mandarin, he serves audiences in China and the Asia-Pacific region, especially in the field of industrial solutions selling.
c.j.是是销售、 领导力和商业敏锐度的引导师和 教练, 自2007年以来, 他帮助国际公司实现了质的提 升。 他精通英语和普通话,为中国和亚太地区的听众提供服务,尤其是在工业解决方案销售领域。
c.j. is a certified coach with the International Association of Coaches (IAC) and International Coach Federation (ICF), a Certified Scrum Master and is accredited in various assessments such as Belbin, DISC and Trait-Maps. He was a certified Six Thinking Hats® facilitator
c.j. 是国际教练协会 (IAC) 和国际教练联合会 (ICF) 的认证教练, 也是认证的ScrumMaster, 并获得了贝尔宾、 DISC和特质图等各种评估的认证。他曾是六顶思考帽 ® 版权课的认证讲师
c.j. co-authored the Sales Map sales proficiency assessment tool with OD-Tools. He is the author of "Winning the B2B Sale in China"
c.j. 携手OD-Tools 出版了Sales Map 销售能力测评工具. 他是《中国式B2B销售宝典》 的作者。 该书在亚马逊上出售。 |
How to Prioritize and Win Over Stakeholders to Achieve Multiple Objectives within Tight Deadlines
2-Hour Online Workshop in Chinese
2 小时中文线上工作坊 |

Introduction 概 述
In a highly VUCA environment, working within tight deadlines with multiple, sometimes conflicting objectives is common. Whatever you learned in traditional time management is of little use when priorities change regularly in response to changes in the larger environment.
在 一个高度VUCA的环境中,在 紧迫的期限内与多个有时相互冲 突的目标一起工作是很常见的。 当优先事项随着大环境的变化而 经常变化时,你在传统的时间管 理中所学到的东西就没什么用 了。
In addition, you will have to work with different stakeholders. Sometimes you may need to persuade them to share resources. At other times, you need to say "no", and provide alternatives to work around things. Whichever is the case, you will need to manage your stakeholders' expectations, based on your priorities.
此外,你将不得不与不同的利益 相关者合作。 有时你可能需要说服他们分享资源。 有时,你需要说 "不",并提供替代方案来解决事情。 不管是哪种情况,你都需要根据 你的优先事项来管理你的利益相 关者的期望。
This 2-hour session is designed to bring order and sanity to individuals working in a multi-tasking environment. You shall be equipped with tools and strategies to prioritize and coordinate in VUCA situations using agile methods.
这个2小时的课程旨在为在多任 务环境中工作的人带来秩序和理 智。 你将掌握在VUCA情况下使用敏捷方法进行优先排序和协调的工具和策略。
议 程:
- Defining current goals and outcomes
- Prioritizing using MuSCoW
使用MuSCoW确定优先次 序:
- Must 必须
- Should 应该
- Could 可以
- Won’t 不该
- Definition of done
- Managing interruptions or last-minute requests
管理中断的或最后一分钟的请 求?
- Q&A
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