Date: |
12 Apr 2023, Wednesday
2023 年 4月 12日 周三 |
Time: |
14:00 - 17:00 hrs |
Venue: |
White Space People's Square • Shanghai • No.700 Yan'an East Road (near Guangxi North Road)
• Level 24 • H16
上海黄浦区延安东路700号 (近广西北路口) • 港泰大厦24楼H16会议室 |
Fee : |
RMB 180
人民币 180 |
To register 报名:

c.j. Ng 黄常捷
c.j. is the sales, leadership and team development facilitator and coach who has helped leadership teams achieve quantum improvements, whether start-ups, privately owned businesses, or multi-national corporations. Bilingual in English and Mandarin, he serves audiences throughout Asia and beyond.
c.j.是销售、领导力和团队 发展的引导师和教练。他帮助许多领导团队实 现了质的飞跃,无论是初创企 业、私营企业还是跨国公司。 他精通英语和普通话, 服务对象遍及亚洲和其他地区。
c.j. is a Certified Professional Coach (PCC) with the International Coach Federation (ICF) coach, a Masteries Pactitioner with the International Association of Coaches (IAC), and a Certified Scrum Master. He is accredited in various assessments such as Belbin, DISC and Trait-Maps.
c.j. 是国际教练联盟(ICF)的认 证专业教练 (PCC),国际教练协会 (IAC)的 Masteries Pactitioner,以及认证Scrum Master。 他获得了贝尔宾、DISC和特质图等各种评估的认证。
c.j. co-authored the Sales Map sales proficiency assessment tool with OD-Tools. He is the author of "Winning the B2B Sale in China"
c.j. 携手OD-Tools 出版了Sales Map 销售能力测评工具. 他是《中国式B2B销售宝典》 的作者。 该书在亚马逊上出售。
In the meantime, many other prominent companies have also engaged c.j. for help, including Evonik, Klasmann Deilmann, Casappa, Grundfos, MKS Atotech, Idex, emz Hanauer, Mann+Hummel, BASF, Google, Saint Gobain, HP, voestalpine, Sophos, China Telecom, Dell EMC, Automation Anywhere, Draeger, Heraeus, GfK, InterContinental Hotels Group, Starwood, and many more.
与此同时,许多知名跨国公司 如:赢创、克莱斯曼、凯斯帕、 格伦弗斯、安美 特、 艺 达思、 瀚 乐电子机械、 巴 斯夫、爱普森、谷歌、惠普、贺 利氏、Palo Alto Networks、曼胡默尔、戴尔 EMC、奥钢联、空气化工、德 尔格、圣戈班、GfK、洲际酒 店集团、喜达屋 等也颇受益于 c.j.的经验和知识。
How to Make Your Team Member Focused and Motivated in Just 15 Minutes?
如何在短短的15分钟内让你的团队成员集中精 力、积极进取?
Half-Day Chinese Face-to-Face Workshop 半天中文线下工作坊 |

Introduction 概 述
Despite the best intentions, fitting coaching conversations into a hectic day can seem impossible. Why? A good coaching conversation takes time, right - at least an hour?
尽管有最好的意图,但在繁忙的 一天中安排教练谈话似乎是不可 能的。为什么呢?一个好的教练 式谈话需要时间,对吗?至少一 个小时?
However, effective feedback and coaching conversations can happen in 15 minutes or less. Within 15-minutes, you shall be able to get your team member to:
然而,有效的反馈和辅导对话可 以在15分钟或更短时间内发 生。 在15分钟内,你将能够让你的团队成员:
- Be focused and committed to achieving mutually agreed goals and outcomes
专注并致力于实现彼此约定的目 标和结果
- Take ownership and accountibility to make the right initiatives
发扬主人翁精神和增强责任感, 并主动做出正确的举措
- Map out strategies and action plans to overcome challenges
In addition, we shall provide a demo to show how you can give feedback and coaching within 15 minutes to make your team member focused and motivated.
此外,我们将提供一个演示,让 你了解如何在15分钟内给予反 馈并进行教练,使你的团队成员 集中精力,积极进取‚
Agenda 议 程:
- When to give feedback, coach or teach?
什么时候该给予反馈、进行教练 或教导?
- Feedback and coaching scenario 1: Your company has been undergoing drastic changes over the past 3 years. Many of your team members are getting fatigued to cope with these changes, while at the same time, you expect more changes to occur in the next 1-2 years. One senior team member seems to be badly affected by the changes, and you have observed her motivation and work performance have suffered.
反馈与教练情景1: 在过去的3年里,你的公司一直在经历着相当大的变化。 你的许多团队成员正在为应对这 些变革而感到疲惫,同时,你预 计在未来1-2年内还有更多的 变革。 你有一位的资深团队成员似乎受到了这些变革的负面影响,你已经观察到她的积极性和工作表现都受到了影响。
- Demo: how managers can conduct effective coaching in 15 minutes that produce results?
演示:管理者如何在15分钟内 进行有效的教练并出成效?
- Understand what works and what does not work in feedback and coaching
了解在反馈和教练过程中哪些是 有效的,哪些是无效的
- Feedback and coaching scenario 2: You have a team member who could be more consistent in her work performance. There are times when she goes the extra mile to make sure that things are well-accomplished. On other occasions, however, she turned in work that was half-completed at best and was full of mistakes. How would you want to feedback and coach her in 15 minutes?
反馈与教练情景2: 你 有一位团队成员,她的工作表现 可以更加稳定。 有的时候,她会付出额外的努力,确保事情完成得很好。 然而,在其他情况下,她交出的 工作充其量只是完成了一半,而 且充满了错误。 你想在15分钟内如何反馈和指导她?
- Role plays and debriefs
- Q&A
Or something to feed your soul 或 以下精神粮食:
