Date: |
18 May 2023, Thursday
2023 年 5月 18日 周四 |
Time: |
14:00 - 17:00 hrs |
Venue: |
White Space People's Square • Shanghai • No.700 Yan'an East Road (near Guangxi North Road)
• Level 24 • H16
上海黄浦区延安东路700号 (近广西北路口) • 港泰大厦24楼H16会议室 |
Fee : |
RMB 180
人民币 180 |
To register 报名:

Judith 陈凝贤
- Master degree of Political Science & Law from East China University
- Diploma of Human Resources Management from Central Sydney College of Business and Finance Australia
澳大利亚中央悉尼商业和金融学 院的人力资源管理文凭
- Certified by Executive Coach Certification Program (ECCP) by Coaching Australia
被澳大利亚教练协会的高管教练 认证计划(ECCP)认证
- Certified Mentor Coach (PEMI)
Judith is a senior consultant of Leadership and Organizational Development Subject Matter Expert who has been working in large Western multinational corporations for more than 25 years. Judith has experience working with corporate leaders from various business functions, such as Sales, Marketing, Corporate Affairs, Sourcing, R&D, Logistics, Retail, Procurement, Finance, and HR, at levels spanning from middle managers to top executives.
陈老师是一名领导力与组织发展 主题专家的高级顾问,在西方大 型跨国公司工作了25年以上。 Judith拥有与来自不同业 务职能部门的企业领导人合作的 经验,如销售、营销、企业事 务、采购、研发、物流、零售、 采购、财务和人力资源等,级别 从中层经理到高层管理人员。
More than 25 years of experience for internal and external clients; key clients include Honeywell, Ikea, Logitech, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Apple, Buckman, Brose, Klasmann Deilmann Reitz, Volvo, Chanel, HSBC, Michelin, Cisco, JD, etc.
为内部和外部客户提供服务的经 验超过25年;主要客户包括霍 尼韦尔、宜家、罗技、辉瑞、阿 斯利康、苹果、巴克曼、博泽、 Klasmann Deilmann Reitz、沃尔沃、香奈儿、汇丰、米其林、思科、京东等。
HR as Coach
Half-Day Chinese Face-to-Face Workshop 半天中文线下工作坊 |

Introduction 概 述
Coaching plays a vital role in corportate settings, helping employees improve self-awareness, unleash potential, boost confidence, solve problems, enhance performance, etc. From both personal and organizational perspectives, there are many benefits for leaders to learn to act as internal coaches, such as improving self-management skills, building better interpersonal relationships, cultivating more committed and responsible teams, facilitating organizational change and innovation, etc.
教 练在企业环境中发挥着重要作 用,可以帮助员工提高自我意 识、激发潜能、增强信心、解决 问题、改善绩效等。从个人和组 织两个角度来看,领导人学习成 为组织内部教练的益处有很多, 比如提升自我管理能力、建立更 好的人际关系、培养更有承诺和 责任感的团队、促进组织变革和 创新等。
How does a HR think and behave like a coach to increase influence power in the organization?
HR 将如何如同教练一样思考和行 事,并进一步提升组织影响力呢?
One crucial way is HR can use coaching principles and techniques to communicate, collaborate, support, and guide leaders and employees at all levels, helping them find their answers and directions rather than giving instructions or suggestions.
一 个关键的方法是HR可以利用教 练原则和技术来沟通、协作、支 持和指导各级领导和员工,帮助 他们找到自己的答案和方向,而 不是给予指示或建议。
In addition, HR can also implement coaching programs appropriately in daily leadership work, such as onboarding coaching for new employees, career development coaching for high-potential employees, emotional support coaching for employees facing challenges or difficulties, etc.
此 外,HR还可以在日常领导力工 作中恰当地实施教练计划,例如 为新员工提供入职教练、为高潜 力员工提供职业发展教练、为面 临挑战或困难的员工提供情感支 持教练等。
Agenda 议 程:
- Coaching in the HR context HR情境中的教练
- When to use the coaching approach
- Who you are is how you coach
你的教练方式将决定你是怎样的 人
- Coaching as a leadership style 教练作为一种领导力风
- 5 essential HR coaching qualities HR 的5项核心教练特质
- building trust 建立 信任
- be selfless 忘我
- be curious 好奇
- judgment free 不妄 加评判
- acknowledgement 认可 和鼓励
- Q&A
Or something to feed your soul 或 以下精神粮食: