Date: |
28 June 2023, Wednesday
2023 年 6月 28日 周三 |
Time: |
14:00 - 17:00 hrs |
Venue: |
White Space People's Square • Shanghai • No.700 Yan'an East Road (near Guangxi North Road)
• Level 24 • H16
上海黄浦区延安东路700号 (近广西北路口) • 港泰大厦24楼H16会议室 |
Fee : |
RMB 180
人 民币 180 |
To register 报名:

Erik Barnes 班老师
- Experienced communications & leadership facilitator
- Senior manager at Big Four firm
在 四大会计师事务所担任高级经理
- 20 years in China, based in Shanghai
20 年的中国工作经验,工作地点在 上海
- Delivery in English or Chinese language
中 英双语授课
- MBA in International Business
国 际商务MBA
After finishing his MBA in 2003 Erik Barnes found his passion in all aspects of people development. As a consultant he worked with assessment, coaching and training clients in a variety of Fortune 500 clients. Starting in 2006 Erik joined Microsoft’s Sales Readiness team where for eight years helped develop and deliver training for sales and marketing staff in the Greater China Region. During this time, he delivered a variety of in-class and virtual trainings for teams in the region and around the world..
2003年,Erik 老师完成了他的MBA学业,并在人员发展的各个方面找到了他的激情。作为一名顾问,他在财富500强的各种客户中从事评估、辅导和培训工作。从2006年 开始,Erik加入了微软的销 售准备团队,在八年的时间里, 他为大中华区的销售和市场人员 开发和提供培训。在此期间,他 为该地区和世界各地的团队提供 了各种课内和虚拟培训。。
Erik’s most recent return to the corporate world was a senior manager at a Big Four firm. For four years Erik helped to design and deliver content as a faculty for the PwC You Plus program. Over the year-long program Erik trained and coached B2B and B2C clients in their in a variety of skills, such as presentations, influencing skills, DISC styles and other leadership and management skills. He designed and implemented TTT programs for clients’ internal facilitators and coaches. He has serviced clients such as Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, AIA and Manulife projects in topics as varied as executive storytelling, negotiations and cross-boundary collaboration.
Erik最近一次回到企业界是在一 家四大公司担任高级经理。四年 来,Erik作为普华永道You Plus项目的教员,帮助设计和提 供内容。在为期一年的项目 中,Erik对B2B和B2C客户 进行了各种技能的培训和指导,如演 讲、影响技巧、DISC风格以及其 他领导和管理技能。他为客户的内部 主持人和教练设计并实施TTT项 目。他曾为德意志银行、瑞士信贷、 友邦保险和宏利保险等客户提供服 务,主题包括高管讲故事、谈判和跨 界合作。
Storytelling for Effective Communication
通过讲述故事进行 有效沟通
Half-Day Chinese Face-to-Face Workshop 半天中文线下工作坊 |

Introduction 概 述
Storytelling is popular, and some would say essential, skill amongst leadership. Implementing strategy means bringing about change and the way to bring about change is by connecting with people through their hearts and minds. Few things can resonate with people both intellectually and emotionally as a well-told story.
讲故事在领导层中是很受欢迎 的,也有人认为是必不可少的技 能。实施战略意味着带来变化, 而带来变化的方式是通过人们的 心灵和思想进行沟通。很少有东 西能像讲好的故事那样,在智力 和情感上与人们产生共鸣
In our half-day introductory workshop, we look at storytelling from the beginning of recorded time to the boardroom where it is still used to this day. How does stories work? How do you show the relevance to an audience? How do you organize your story in a way that conveys the correct message? We answer these questions and more.
在我们为期半天的介绍性工作坊 上,我们将探讨从有记录的时间 开始到至今仍在使用的会议室里 讲故事的问题。故事是如何运作 的?你如何向听众展示相关的内 容?你如何组织你的故事,以传 达正确的信息?我们回答这些问 题以及更多。
The workshop is a mixture of lecture, practice and feedback for the best outcome. By the end, the participants will have a beginning grasp of what storytelling is in the workplace, how to structure and deliver an effective story.
工作坊混合了讲 座、练习和反馈,以达到最佳效 果。到最后,参与者将初步掌握 什么是工作中的讲故事,如何组 织和提供一个有效的故事。
Agenda 议 程:
- Opening: The Story of Storytelling
开幕: 讲故事的故事
- History of storytelling
- Storytelling in the modern workplace
在 现代工作场所讲故事
- Introductions (my story)
- 介 绍(我的故事)
- Storytelling: Building Blocks
讲故事: 奠基石
- Neuroscience of Storytelling
- Picture storyline
图 片故事情节
- 4 P’s Structure
4 P的结构
- Tool introduction
工 具介绍
- In-class practice & feedback
- Storytelling: Elements to connect to the audience
讲故事: 与观众联系的要素
- Audience analysis: style review
- Visual connection
视 觉连接
- In-class practice and feedback
课 堂练习和反馈
- Stage time 舞台时间
- Storytelling tool prep
- Movement, voice, body
- Video recorded delivery
视 频录制的交付
- Feedback
反 馈
- Wrap-up 总结
Or something to feed your soul 或 以下精神粮食: