Date: |
21 Jul 2023, Friday
2023 年 7月 21日 周五 |
Time: |
14:00 - 17:00 hrs |
Venue: |
Crowne Plaza Shanghai • No.400 Panyu Road (near Fahuazhen Road)
上 海银星皇冠假日酒店 •番禺路 400 号(靠法华镇路) |
Fee : |
RMB 180
人 民币 180 |
To register 报名:

c.j. Ng 黄常捷
c.j. is the world-class sales and leadershipcoach and facilitator who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in sales profits in the Asia Pacific region and beyond.
c.j.是一位值得您信赖的销 售和领导力的教练、培训师与顾 问。他曾帮助许多跨国企业取得 了在国内外绩效的显著突破。
c.j. is a Certified Professional Coach (PCC) with the International Coach Federation (ICF) coach, a Masteries Pactitioner with the International Association of Coaches (IAC), and a Certified Shared Leadership Team Coach.
c.j. 是国际教练联盟(ICF)的认 证专业教练 (PCC),国际教练协会 (IAC)的 Masteries Pactitioner,以及共享领导力团队教练认证。
c.j. co-authored the Sales Map sales proficiency assessment tool with OD-Tools. He is the author of "Winning the B2B Sale in China"
c.j. 携手OD-Tools 出版了Sales Map 销售能力测评工具. 他是《中国式B2B销售宝典》 的作者。 该书在亚马逊上出售。
In the meantime, many other prominent companies have also engaged c.j. for help, including Cisco, Evonik, Casappa, Grundfos, MKS Atotech, Idex, Mann+Hummel, BASF, Google, Saint Gobain, HP, voestalpine, Sophos, China Telecom, Dell EMC, Automation Anywhere, Draeger, Heraeus, GfK, InterContinental Hotels Group, Starwood, and many more.
与此同时,许多知名跨国公司 如:思科、赢创、凯斯帕、 格伦弗斯、安美特、艺达思、 巴 斯夫、爱普森、谷歌、惠普、贺 利氏、Palo Alto Networks、曼胡默尔、戴尔 EMC、奥钢联、空气化工、德尔格、圣戈班、GfK、洲际酒 店集团、喜达屋 等也颇受益于 c.j.的经验和知识。
Selling in a Tough Economy using MEDDICC
使用 MEDDICC 在逆境中创造卓越销售业绩
Half-Day Chinese Face-to-Face Workshop 半天中文线下工作坊 |

Introduction 概 述
MEDDICC is a Sales Qualification Framework used by the world's most successful sales teams to drive efficient and predictable growth.
MEDDICC 是世界上最成功的销售团队为推 动高效和可预测的增长而使用的 销售资格框 架 MEDDICC is an acronym that stands for: MEDDICC是 一个缩写,代表:
- Metrics 衡量标准
- Economic Buyer 出资买家
- Decision Criteria 决策标准
- Decision Process 决策过程
- Implicating Pain 牵连的痛点
- Champions 支持者
- Competition 对手
When you apply each of these steps to a potential customer, you have a consistent way to determine whether a likely lead is the right customer for your company. At the same time, you will have gained valuable knowledge about the company, which will allow your team to sell to them more effectively.
当你对一个潜在客户应用这些步 骤时,你有一个一致的方法来确 定一个可能的线索是否是你公司 的合适客户。同时,你将获得有 关该公司的宝贵知识,这将使你 的团队能够更有效地向他们销 售。
Furthermore, by using the MEDDICC sales qualification, your entire sales team will benefit from planning and prioritising valuable resources for customers who are more likely to close.
此外,通过使用MEDDICC销 售资质,您的整个销售团队将受 益于对更有可能成交的客户进行 规划和优先安排宝贵的资源。
Agenda 议 程:
- Why using the MEDDICC framework will boost your sales results
为什么使用MEDDICC流 程将提高你的销售业绩
- Quantitative vs. Qualitative Metrics
定量 vs. 定性的衡量标准
- Understanding the Customer’s Decision Criteria And Decision Process - What outcomes does the customer want?
了解客户的决策标准与决策流程 - 客户想要取得什么成果?
- Uncovering your Champions (or supporters)?
- Role plays and debriefs
- Q&A
Or something to feed your soul 或 以下精神粮食: