Date: |
27 Oct 2023, Friday
2023 年 10月 27日 周五 |
Time: |
13:30 - 17:00 hrs |
Venue: |
Crowne Plaza Shanghai • No.400 Panyu Road (near Fahuazhen Road)
上海银星皇冠假日酒店 •番禺路 400 号(靠法华镇路) |
Fee : |
RMB 200
人民币 200 |
To register 报名:


c.j. Ng 黄常捷
- Certified Shared Leadership Team Coach 共享领导力团队教练
- Chapter Leader, Singapore, IAC
新加坡分会主席, IAC
c.j. is the world-class facilitator and coach who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in for the clients he work with. Prior to being a coach and facilitator, c.j. was Asia Marketing Manager for a Fortune 500 logistics company, as well as Corporate Training Director for Switzerland's largest media group. His diverse experience in different functional roles from sales and marketing to human resources to senior management, as well in different corporate cultures allows him to provide otherwise hidden insights to his clients.
c.j.是一位值得您信赖的教 练与引导师。他曾帮助许多跨国 企业取得了在国内外绩效的显著突破。他曾是一家500强物流 公司的亚洲区市场经理,及瑞士最大的媒体集团的大中华培训总 监。他尤其为后者搭建了一套提 高员工素质的培训体系,从而打 造一个着重以科学方式达到高绩 效的企业文化。
In the mean time, many other prominent companies have also engaged c.j. for help, including voestalpine, Graco, Klasmann Deilmann, Novus International, Buhler, HP, Honeywell, Wacker, Sabic, Air Liquide, Philips Lighting, Saint Gobain, Lenze, Heraeus, Boston Scientific, InterContinental Hotels Group, Starwood, and many more.
与此同时,许多知名跨国公司 如:奥钢联、凯特比勒、 Graco、霍尼韦尔、惠普、 贺利氏、萨比克、老K泥炭、布 勒、Novus、瓦克化工、液 体化工、德尔格、飞利浦照明、 波斯顿科学、洲际酒店集团、喜 达屋 等也颇受益于 c.j.的经验和知识。
c.j. is bilingual in English and Mandarin, and has conducted Mandarin training, coaching and consulting projects for audiences in China and South East Asia.
c.j.是一位精通英中文的双 语教练,以中文为新加坡、马来 西亚、和中国的众多听众进行了 诸多培训。
c.j. has a 2nd Upper Honours in Management from the University of London, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Computing from De Montfort University. He is a certified scrum master and is accredited in various assessment tools such as OD-Tools Trait Map and Motivation Questionnaire,the Cultural Navigator, TTI DISC, Belbin Team Roles etc.. He is an accredited Masteries Practitioner with IAC (International Association of Coaches) and a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with ICF (International Coaching Federation).
c.j.曾在新加坡管理学院、 新加坡市场学院的会员杂志、以 及《海峡时报》的刊物上发表了 系列文章。c.j.拥有英国伦 敦大学管理荣誉学位和De Montfort大学的计算机研究生学位证书。与此同时,他获得Scrum Master 以及一些测评工具的认证顾问,如OD-Tools Trait Map 及 MQ激励因素、TTI DISC、Cultural Navigator、贝尔宾团 队角色 等认证。他是IAC的Masteries Practitioner 以及 ICF 的 PCC 认证教练。

How to Empower Your Team to Drive Outstanding Results
如何赋能并培育你 的团队以取得卓越成就
Half-Day Chinese Face-to-Face Workshop 半天中文线下工作坊 |

Introduction 概 述
Leaders must balance the need to drive outstanding performance with humanity, care, and support in today's tumultuous world. Survival alone is insufficient; thriving is the ultimate objective. Leaders need to be able to inspire and push their teams to achieve greatness. If they fail to do so, the entire team will be held accountable and face serious consequences.
在今日的动荡世界,领导者必须 平衡着推动卓越的表现与给予人 性、关怀和支持的需要。光是生 存还不够;茁壮成长才是最终目 标。领导者要能激励和鞭策他们 的团队去获取辉煌成就。如果他 们不能做到,整个团队都要承担 责任,面临严重的后果。
In this workshop, you shall find out: 在此工作坊中,你将了解到:
- How to motivate your team to strive harder and smarter in practical ways
如何用切实可行的方式,激发你 的团队更努力更聪明地奋斗
- How you need to address bottlenecks and remove constraints, rather than working harder, to achieve performance improvements
如何解决瓶颈和消除制约因素, 而不是单纯地加倍工作,来达到 提高绩效的目的
- How to provide psychological safety to conduct 10-minute power coaching sessions that address key issues and co-create solutions in an honest way
如何提供心理安全,进行十分钟 的动力教练,诚实地面对关键问 题,并共同创造解决方案
- How to drive the necessary changes, and then measure and track your team’s performance so you hold them accountable to results
如何推动必要的变革,然后衡量 和跟踪团队的绩效,让他们对结 果负责。
At the end of this workshop, you shall have the skills and tools you need to lead your team to success. You will be able to inspire them, motivate them, and help them reach their full potential.
在这个工作坊会结束时,你将会 掌握领导你的团队走向成功所需 的技能和工具。你将能够激励他 们,激发他们,帮助他们发挥他 们的全部潜能。。
Agenda 议 程:
Check-in: What are some challenges you face in getting your team to perform better?
签到: 你在让你的团队提升绩效的过程中,遇到了哪些挑战?
How to motivate people
- Case 1: Paul is an experienced team member who had achieved good results in the past. Recently, management requires your team to adapt to new strategies and tactics, and Paul seems to have challenges adapting to the new tactics. You are concerned that he might not meet his performance goals. How would you motivate him to adapt to the new changes?
- 案 例 1: Paul 是一名经验丰富的团队成员,过去曾取得过不错的成绩。 最近,管理层要求你的团队适应 新的战略和战术,而Paul在 适应新战术方面似乎遇到了挑 战。 你担心他可能无法实现自己的绩效目标。 您将如何激励他适应新变化?。
- The “Why”, “What” and “How” of driving change.
变革中的 “为何”、”什么“ 及 ”如何“
- Why some people are not motivated to change no matter how much rewards you offer them?
为何有些人无论你给他多少奖励 都无法激励他做出改变?
- Motivation equation: Probability of success x Pay-Off/ Effort 激励公式:成功概率 乘以 回报 除以 所需付出
- Why empowering your team to solve problems independently can be very motivating
为何让你的团队独立解决问题能 够极大地激发他们的积极性?
Using a 10-minute Power Coaching to Address Bottlenecks and remove constraints
进行十分钟的动力教练以解决瓶 颈和消除制约因素
- Establishing psychological safety
- Framing the issue with your team member
- Find out how he/ she intends to resolve it
- Address challenges faced
- Co-create solutions
- Hold each other accountable, and understand the consequences of non-action
相互问责, 并了解不作为的后果
- Role plays and debriefs
Reflections and Action Planning
反 思与行动计划
Resource Downloads
Or something to feed your soul 或 以下精神粮食: