Date: 1 Feb 2024, Thursday
2024 年 2月 1日 周四
Time: 19:30 - 20:30 hrs
Venue: Zoom
Fee : Complimentary

To register  报名:


e-mail: or 

Call : 021-6222 2500


 c.j. Ng 黄常捷
  • Certified Shared Leadership Team Coach  共享领导力团队教练
  • PCC, ICF
  • Chapter Leader, Singapore, IAC
    新加坡分会主席, IAC
c.j. is the world-class facilitator and coach who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in for the clients he work with. Prior to being a coach and facilitator, c.j. was Asia Marketing Manager for a Fortune 500 logistics company, as well as Corporate Training Director for Switzerland's largest media group. His diverse experience in different functional roles from sales and marketing to human resources to senior management, as well in different corporate cultures allows him to provide otherwise hidden insights to his clients.
c.j.是一位值得您信赖的教 练与引导师。他曾帮助许多跨国 企业取得了在国内外绩效的显著 突破。他曾是一家500强物流 公司的亚洲区市场经理,及瑞士 最大的媒体集团的大中华培训总 监。他尤其为后者搭建了一套提 高员工素质的培训体系,从而打 造一个着重以科学方式达到高绩 效的企业文化。

Engaging Stakeholders to Facilitate Change Using MEDDICC
通过 MEDDICC 动员群众,推进变革

Half-Day Chinese Face-to-Face Workshop  半天中文线下工作坊


Introduction 概 述

Organizational change is a constant in today's dynamic landscape.  It can be exciting, scary, and frustrating at the same time.  To ensure we get to the good side of change, we need to understand and get the understanding of everyone involved,

在瞬息万变的商业环境中,组织变革已成为常 态。成功的变革需要获得所有利益相关者的理解和 支持。

Often, attempts at change falter because of poor communication, lack of participation, and unclear goals.  It's like embarking on a trip without a map or telling anyone else where you're going!  This is where "stakeholder engagement" comes in – it's like having a trusted travel companion who helps us understand each other's needs, set a clear destination, and ensure everyone feels heard and involved along the way.

沟通不畅、缺乏参与和目标不明确是变革失败的主 要原因。 这就像在没有地图的情况下开始旅行,也没有告诉其他人你要去哪里。利益相关者参与是成功变革的关键。它可以帮助我们:

  • 了解彼此的需求和期望
  • 设定明确的目标和方向
  • 建立信任和支持

利益相关者参与是一个持续的过程,需要从一开 始就进行。它应该是双向的,包括听取和回应所有 利益相关者的意见。

Agenda 议 程:
  1. The 3 steps to communicate and drive change through stakeholders
  2. Mapping your Stakeholders
  3. Analysing and engaging stakeholders through MEDDICC
Reflections and Action Planning
反 思与行动计划

Resource Downloads

Or something to feed your soul  或 以下精神粮食: