Date: |
12 Jun 2024, Wednesday
2024 年 06月 12日 周三 |
Time: |
09:00 - 17:00 hrs |
Venue: |
Crowne Plaza Shanghai • No.400 Panyu Road (near Fahuazhen Road)
上海银星皇冠假日酒店 •番禺路 400 号(靠法华镇路) |
Fee : |
RMB 5000
人民币 5000 |
To register 报名:


Cathy Cang 仓迪颖
- OD-Tools Trait-Map® 高级咨询顾问
- 催眠师
- IAC 认证教练
- 人才发展顾问
- 管理学博士

c.j. Ng 黄常捷
- OD-Tools Trait-Map® 高级咨询顾问
- IAC 和 ICF 认证教练
- LIM 共享领导力团队教练
- OD-Tools Sales Map 情景式销售能力测评联合作者
Resource Downloads
Or something to feed your soul
或 以下精神粮食:

Unleash Your Potential with Trait-Map® - Certification Programme (Chinese)
通过 Trait-Map® 激发你的潜能
- 认证课程(中文)
1-Day Certification Workshop 1天线下认证工作坊 |

Introduction 概 述
Trait-Map® is the cutting-edge, mathematically-inspired personality assessment that delivers a comprehensive profile in a mere 15 minutes. With unparalleled speed and precision, thanks to the groundbreaking use of combinatorial optimization, Trait-Map® is the key to unlocking the full potential of your workforce.
Trait-Map® 是最先进的、由数学启发的性格测评,只需 15 分钟就能提供全面的性格特征。由于开创性地使用了组合优化技术,Trait-Map® 具有无与伦比的速度和精确度, 是释放员工全部潜能的关键。
Using the Trait-Map® you can:
使用 Trait-Map® 你可以:
- Identify the innate strengths and ideal roles of you and your team members.
确定您和团队成员的先天优势和 理想角色。
- Enhance the quality of your hiring and hire suitable candidates with the right job-fit.
提招聘试质量,招募更匹配岗位 的合适求职者
- Guide everyone to realize their full potential with clarity and confidence. 以清晰的思路和信心引导每个人充分发挥潜能。
- Improve collaboration, reduce friction, and fast-track team development.改善协作,减少摩擦,快速推动团队发展。
With Trait-Map®, you’ll have a map of 25 defining traits—a mirror reflecting the core of who you are, in just 15 minutes,
使用 Trait-Map®,你将在短短 15 分钟内获得一张包含 25 个决定性特质的地图--一面反映你的核心特质的镜子、
Over 15 years, Trait-Map® has evolved into a globally recognized and utilized tool, validated by psychologists and available in multiple languages.
经过 15 年的发展,Trait-Map® 已成为全球认可和使用的工具,经过心理学家的验证,并有多种语言版本。
Join our Certification programme. Experience the future of personality assessment.
加入我们的认证计划。体验人才 测评的未来。
Agenda 议程:
- Module 1: Unlock Leadership Potential
模块 1:释放领导潜能
- Develop a profound understanding of yourself as a leader 深刻了解作为领导者的自己
- Gain insights to build outstanding leadership effectiveness 获得洞察力,打造卓越的领导效能
- Cultivate powerful self-awareness - the cornerstone of influence 培养强大的自我意识--影响力的基石
- Master the comprehensive Trait-Map® tool for enduring success 掌握全面的 Trait-Map® 工具,获得持久的成功
- Module 2: Interpret Trait-Map® for Breakthroughs
模块 2:解读 Trait-Map®,实现突破
- Expertly navigate the Trait-Map® report structure
熟练浏览 Trait-Map® 报告结构
- Highlight strengths and opportunities for maximum impact 突出优势和机会,发挥最大影响力
- Decode Trait-Map® scores to uncover deep personal insights 解码 Trait-Map® 分数,发掘深刻的个人见解
- Module 3: Demystify Personality Dynamics
模块 3:揭开人格动力的神秘面纱
- Explore the game-changing Big Five personality model
- Distinguish traits from behaviors for focused development 区分特质与行为,实现重点发展
- Leverage the innovative Trait-Map® ranking questionnaire 利用创新的 Trait-Map® 排名问卷
- Integrate complementary psychological theories for a holistic view 整合互补的心理学理论,形成整体观点
- Address any outstanding questions with confidence
- Module 4: Deliver Transformative Feedback
模块 4:提供变革性反馈
- Identify optimal scenarios for impactful 1-on-1 feedback
确定具有影响力的 1 对 1 反馈的最佳方案
- Tailor approaches to achieve diverse feedback objectives 调整方法,实现不同的反馈目标
- Set the stage for receptive, fruitful feedback sessions
为开展乐于接受、富有成效的反馈会 议创造条件
- Master crucial skills for clear, empathetic communication
- Maintain objectivity while showing you understand
- Balance perspectives to create mutual benefits
- Navigate difficult questions with poise
- Refine your feedback prowess through live practice
- Module 5: Facilitate Cohesive Team Success
模块 5:促进团队成功凝聚
- Recognize situations demanding a group feedback dynamic 识别需要群体反馈动态的情况
- Clarify objectives and engage vital stakeholders
- Optimize the feedback environment for peak effectiveness 优化反馈环境,达到最佳效果
- Develop facilitator skills to keep discussions productive
- Promote focused dialogue that inspires action
- Leverage the Trait-Map® Group Report for team synergy 利用 Trait-Map® 小组报告实现团队协同效应
- Module 6: Expand Your Trait-Map® Mastery
模块 6:拓展你的特质地图® 掌握能力
- Streamline staffing with competency mapping
- Harmonize teams through the Group Report
- Motivate stellar performance with customized development 通过定制开发激励卓越绩效
- Design and deliver transformative workshops
- Closing: Reflections, Dialogue, and Action Plan