Date: |
30 Aug 2024, Friday
2024 年 08月 30日 周五 |
Time: |
14:00 - 16:00 hrs |
Venue: |
Huawen International Building • No.999 Zhongshan West Road • Suite 818
上海 市 • 长 宁区 • 中 山西路999号 • 华 闻国际大厦 • 818 室 |
Fee : |
RMB 50
人民币 50 |
To register 报名:


c.j. Ng 黄常捷
- Bilingual (English and Mandarin) facilitator and Certified Speaking Professional
双语(英语和普通话)引导师、 教练及国际专业讲师 (CSP)
- Co-Creator of Sales Map scenario-based sales proficiency assessment
Sales Map 情境式销售能力评估的联系作者
- Author: “Winning the B2B Sale in China”
作 者《赢得中国的 B2B 销售》
- IAC Masteries Practitioner and ICF Professional Certified Coach
- Partial List of Clients: Saint Gobain, Evonik, Grundfos, BASF, Idex, SWEP, Cisco, M+H, Volvo, CCL etc..
部 分客户名单圣戈班、赢创、格兰 富、巴斯夫、Idex、舒瑞 普、思科、M+H、沃尔沃、 CCL 等。

How to Inspire and Generate Resonance as a Speaker
Half-Day Chinese Face-to-Face Workshop
半天中文线下工作坊 |

Introduction 概 述
Are you ready to transform your presentations from ordinary to extraordinary? This workshop will equip you with the essential tools to inspire and connect with your audience. . Join us for an engaging workshop designed to elevate your speaking skills and help you resonate deeply with your audience.
您准备好将自己的演讲从平凡变 为非凡了吗?本讲座将为您提供 必要的工具,让您激发听众的灵 感,与听众建立联 系。. 参加我们引人入胜的工作坊,提升您的演讲技巧,帮助您与听众建立深厚的共鸣。
By the end of this workshop, you'll be confident in your ability to captivate any audience and deliver presentations that resonate long after the event.
本讲座结束时,您将对自己的能 力充满信心,能够吸引任何听 众,并在活动结束后发表能引起 长久共鸣的演讲。
Agenda 议 程:
- Check-in: What are some challenges when you present?
签到: 在做 简报演示时,您会遇到哪些挑战?
- Define Your Purpose: Define the core message of your presentation and the impact you want to create.
确定目的:确定演讲的核心信 息和想要产生的影响。
- Know Your Audience: Discover techniques to research and understand your audience’s needs and desires. Learn how to tailor your message to resonate with them and meet their expectations.
了解你的受众:探索研究和了 解受众需求和愿望的技巧。学习如何调整你的 信息以引起他们的共鸣并满足他们的期望。
- Master Your Content: Dive into strategies for organizing your content in a way that is both appealing and inspiring. Learn how to craft stories and examples that will engage and motivate your audience.
掌握你的内容:深入研究如何 以既吸引人又鼓舞人心的方式组织内容。学习 如何撰写故事和范例,以吸引和激励受众。
- Adapt Your Style: Explore different speaking styles and how to choose the right one for your message. .
调整你的风格:探索不同的演 讲风格,以及如何选择适合您的信息的演讲风 格。.
- Seek Feedback: Understand the importance of getting feedback before you go live.
寻求反馈:了解在上线前获得反 馈的重要性。
- Be Authentically You: Embrace your unique voice and personality. Authenticity is key to building trust and connection with your audience.
做真实的自己:拥抱你独特的 声音和个性。真实是与受众建立信任和联系的 关键。
Resource Downloads
Or something to feed your soul 或 以下精神粮食: