Date: |
23 Oct 2024, Wednesday
2024 年 10月 23日 周三 |
Time: |
14:00 - 17:00 hrs |
Venue: |
Crowne Plaza Shanghai • No.400 • Panyu Road (near Fahuazhen Road)
上海银星皇冠假日酒店 •番禺路 400 号(靠法华镇路) |
Fee : |
RMB 200
人民币 200 |
To register 报名:


c.j. Ng 黄常捷
- World-class sales and leadership coach and facilitator
- Helps international companies achieve significant sales growth in China and beyond
帮助国际企业在中国及其他地区实现销售 额大幅增长
- Certified Professional Coach (PCC) with ICF
ICF 认证专业教练 (PCC)
- Masteries Practitioner with IAC
IAC 的 Masteries 实践者
- Certified Shared Leadership Team Coach
- Certified Speaking Professional
- Co-authored Sales Map sales proficiency assessment tool
共同撰写了Sales Map 销售能力评估工具
- Author of "Winning the B2B Sale in China"
《在中国赢得 B2B 销售》一书作者
- Worked with prominent companies like Cisco, Evonik, Saint Gobain, and more

How to Lead and Inspire Your Sales Team to Win More Sales in Challenging Times?
Half-Day Chinese Face-to-Face Workshop
半天中文线下工作坊 |
Introduction 概 述
We're at an inflection point in history. The world is changing faster than ever before. A sluggish economy and intense competition are just the symptoms. The real challenge is how can we emppower our sales team to deliver critical outcomes for our customers, so that they buy more from us even in challenging times? This question is related to the survival of the enterprise and the career development of leaders and managers..
我们正身处一个充满挑战的时 代。市场的低迷,竞争的加剧, 客户需求的不断变化,这些都给 我们的销售团队带来了巨大的压 力。如何在这个动荡的市场中, 保持销售业绩的稳定增长,甚至 实现突破?如何将我们的销售团 队打造成一支所向披靡的铁军? 这个问题,关乎着企业的生死存 亡,也关乎着我们每位领导和经 理的职业发展。
By the end of this keynote workshop, we will share the insights we learned from the leadership practices of high-performing sales leaders and senior managers and help you implement practical ways to help your sales team win more sales in challenging times!.
在本主题研讨会结束时,我们将 与您分享从高绩效销售领导者和 高级经理的领导实践中学到的真 知灼见,并帮助您实施切实可行 的方法,帮助您的销售团队在充 满挑战的时代赢得更多销售业 绩。
Agenda 议 程:
- Check-in: What are some challenges that your sales team must overcome?
签到: 你的 销售团队必须克服哪些挑战?
- Defining good practices innew market realities: What works and what does not in your business.
在新的市场现状中确定有效的做法:在 您的企业中,哪些可行,哪些不可行?
- Monitor your team using relevant metrics: Replace traditional ways of monitoring your sales team with more effective ones
使用相关指标监督团队的行为: 使用更有效的方法取代监督销售团队行为的传 统方法望。
- Make your sales team buy-In to your feedback and coaching: Empower sales teams by giving feedback that will make their work lighter and better.
让你的销售团队接受你的反馈和指导: 通过提供反馈,使销售团队的工作更轻松、更 出色,从而增强他们的能力。
- Q&A
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