Zen and the Art of Sales & Marketing
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Regardless whether the economy is recovering, or sinking
in your specific region or industry, one thing remains
constant: you need to drive up sales to boost your
While most sales people are valued for their
assertiveness and action-orientation, sometimes it makes
sense to stay calm and observe before making your move.
After all, moving too fast and over-committing yourself
in the market could drain your resources too fast,
leading to wastage.
Hence, this
month's topics:
Zen and the Art
of Sales & Marketing; and
Having the
Winning Attitude at Work, and in Life
This issue's
main article is on "Zen and the Art of Sales &
Marketing", and we
will share with you some tips and insights on how sales
people and business leaders can sometimes be more aware
of their external surroundings and internal thoughts to
achieve greater results.
In brief:
If you are not awake, you are
asleep. And if you are asleep, your customers
will buy from someone else;
You can observe a lot by "just watching". You can
observe and learn a lot from success and failure
stories. You can also spot hidden
opportunities and resources if you look hard enough;
Be an empty cup.
Many sales people make the mistake of making way too
many assumptions and quick judgments about
customers, competitors, markets and even themselves.
It may make sense to slow down and reflect once in a
while. Read on... ...
To read the rest of this newsletter, pls.
click here (http://www.psycheselling.com/page4.html).
Zen and the Art of Sales & Marketing
by c.j. Ng
Anthony was given the task of doubling the sales target
of his region again this year. He has been
doubling his team's sales targets consecutively for the
past 3 years, that everyone thought he is a Superman.
Everyone, except Anthony himself.
3 years ago, the company Anthony had
just launched a winning product that had a huge demand
in the market. Prior to this, the company had very
little sales, and was still struggling.
With the launch of the new product, sales shot up like a
rocket. Anthony was part of the action too.
After all, it's not enough to just have a winning
product. Someone has to sell it too.
Anthony worked hard to educate the
market. Soon enough, he had to build a sales team
to get the product out to as many customers as possible
in a short time. Hence, sales has been doubling
for the last 3 years.
However, when Anthony received news that
he had to double sales again in the 4th year,
he's beginning to have doubts. He had built such a
sizable market now, and to double that is going to be a
lot more harder. Furthermore, competitors had also
come in to his market with new competing products.
It's not like 3 years ago where he had the definitive
winning product without any competitor.
One thing is clear in Anthony's mind.
If he merely repeated his tried-and-proven sales
strategies, he won't be hitting a 100% growth. He
might not even maintain the same level of sales results
as well, and competition is fierce. He had to do
something different, and unlike most sales people,
Anthony decided to think and observe first, before
taking action.
If You are Not Awake, You are Asleep
It is common knowledge amongst
many sales people that the first couple of years in the
sales job are the toughest. You start out without
much customer contacts, and you don't have a customer
you start making sales, you will also get more customers
who could be repeat buyers, and this forms your customer
base. The good thing about having a customer base
is that you can have some peace of mind knowing that a
certain percentage of your sales targets will be
provided by your existing customer base. In some
cases, some sales people have as high as 80% or even
100% of their sales targets contributed by their
existing customer base.
importantly, if you feel too comfortable, you may not be
awake enough to notice subtle changes that are taking
place within your customers, or in the marketplace such
Customers could be
making a change in their purchasing criteria,
and you may not be best positioned to meet their
new needs;
Competitors could have
crept in and have been slowly stealing your
customer without you noticing;
There are new
customers out there in the market that could
have provided you with new sales opportunities
that you are not aware of;
Your current sales and
marketing strategy may have been outdated, and
is not generating your expected levels of
business results;
Hence, if you
are not being wide awake in keeping your eyes open to
your customers, your competitors, the market place and
other factors that could affect you, you are in fact
sleeping. And if you are asleep for too long, your
customers will just simply switch and buy from someone
Whenever you
feel comfortable about achieving your sales targets, you
may just want to help yourself stay awake by asking
If you are your
competitor, how would you want to steal this
customer away? What are some ways of
preventing or reducing the likelihood that this
could happen?
Are there changes in
the market that will make it less desirable for
the customer to buy from you? What can you
do to make yourself more appealing to your
existing and potential customers?
You can
Observe a Lot by Just Watching
Being awake allows you to keep your eyes open to
potential opportunities and threats. You still
need to figure out how you can capitalise on certain
opportunities, and resolve the threats you face.
One way of finding out
what you could do next by watching and observing what
goes around you. You can choose to observe:
What are the positive
and negative feedback from your customers about
yourself, or your competitors; OR
Things that are not
necessarily relevant to what you are doing
The success of
Taobao.com in China comes at the expense of eBay in
China. Essentially,
Taobao.com was able to win
over a lot of eBay China's online merchants, thus making
itself the bigger platform with more choices available
for end users. It was successful in
getting a
majority market share from eBay China within the first 3
years of its launch, from 2002 to 2005.
Taobao.com started as an
imitation of eBay. However, it had been keenly
observing how their merchant and end users interact with
eBay and itself, and was able to customised its user
interface and services to enhance the user experience
such as:
Shifting from
auctions to fixed-price-selling, since most of its
online merchants are small business owners, NOT
individuals auctioning of some used items;
Providing an escrow
payment facility, so that if end customers need a
refund, their rights will be protected;
Allowing end users
to choose the desired size, or colour, or other
preferences with just a few clicks, etc. In
this instance, Taobao.com probably had gotten the
inspiration from other online shopping sites, beyond
just looking at eBay.
Legend has it that the
home button of iPhones, iPads and by extension most
smartphones and tablets got the inspiration from
something unrelated.
According to the legend,
the engineer who was tasked to design the first iPhone
with no more than one button on the phone got his
inspiration from the toilet. Apparently, he was
finishing his business in the toilet when he flushed the
toilet bowl, and then he realised that the flush was
also a "one button solution" for the toilet bowl.
You could push for a
half-flush, or a full-flush or even flush-and-hold.
And if one flush does not finsih the work for you, you
may need to flush twice. Hence, we get similar
functions with the home button, whether we press once or
twice to get us where we want to go on our smart
Be an Empty Cup
we could draw inspiration from just about anywhere, from
our customers to our competitors to something that's
totally unrelated, most of us either reject such
observations as rubbish, or that
such observations
simply go unnoticed.
Some of the reasons why
we don't learn from our observations could be:
We might be overly judgmental, and could kill ideas
discourage ourselves or other to contribute new
We may not want to take risks in trying out new
ideas or new ways of doing things, since some of
those new ideas WILL fail;
We had tried something similar in the past before,
and it didn't work. However, since times have
changed so whatever didn't work before could have a
new application that could work out well in a
different situation;
We might have a "not invented here" mindset, whereby
new ways of doing things (not to mention the
competitor's way of working) are much less readily
accepted in our organisation;
We may need to communicate and
gain buy-in with our
internal colleagues, so that they see the value of
our observations and ideas. etc.
Hence, in the case of
our opening scenario, if Anthony were to make any
attempts to try to grow sales by 100%, here are some
suggestions on what ideas he could try out:
Make a list of new, potential ways of prospecting
customers that Anthony and his team had not thought
of, or had not really put into practice;
Make a list of the people in the current customers'
that could have some impact on their
buying process, but the sales team hasn't really been in
contact with them much;
Make a list of other usages and applications that the
products that the sales team is selling, of which could
appeal to a totally different group of customers;
Make a list of potential prospects or market segments
that the sales team have not really gone into contact
Make a list of the ways which the sales force
customers' objections, price pressures and concerns, and
then make another list of ways not used by the sales
force before.
As the
definition of insanity could to to use the same
strategies over and over again and expect a better
result, sometimes a touch of Zen in looking at the world
differently and take some non-linear actions could
produce some quantum improvements in your business
Need help in
coming up with innovative and unusual strategies
that could help you exceed your sales targets? Simply e-mail
info@directions-consulting.comm or
call +86-136 7190 2505 or Skype:
cydj001 and arrange to buy me a mocha. All
information shall be kept in confidence.
Power Breakfast Hour:
18 Jul 2013
Zen and the Art of Sales & Marketing
How to stay wide awake so
that you observe and take notice of the subtle
changes in your customers, competitors and market
How you can draw
inspiration and find workable solutions by observing
your customers, competitors and just about
everything else;
What needs to be done BEFORE you can implement
breakthrough ideas and solutions that deliver
quantum improvements in your business results.
VENUE: Crowne Plaza Shanghai • 400 Panyu
Road (near Fahuazhen Road) • 上海银星皇冠酒店 •
番禺路 400 号 (靠法华镇路)
DATE: Thursday, 18 Jul 2013
TIME: 08:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
To make this a more conducive
discussion, we are expecting a small
group of about 15 people only. The room
can only take in 18, so please register
early to avoid disappointments. Please
e-mail your registrations to
Pls. check out our web sites
www.psycheselling.com/page4.html for
more inspiration.
Tips for Working Professionals:
Having the Winning Attitude at Work, and in Life
c.j. Ng
Master Trainer, Asia,
Leadership IQ
Recently, the Acting Manpower Minister of Singapore made
a speech about work ethic. He said, "The best form of welfare is work, because the dignity that comes with work is very important. To be able to provide for your own family, to stand on your own two feet, I think there's a value that comes from that that public assistance cannot replace."
Being an entrepreneur, those words resonated with what
my values are, and what I personally believe will be
values that will lead to success, regardless if you run
your own business, or work as an employee.
Unfortunately, responses on social media take it that
the Minister meant one has to work till he/ she drops
dead, and that one has to end up working as toilet
cleaners after retirement in order to support oneself.
Some responses even suggests that desirable work is to
have a comfortable pay-check without having to learn new
While there are statistics pointing that
Singapore has the highest income inequality compared to the OECD countries,
having a defeatist or passive-aggressive attitude is not
going to help anyone get better outcomes at work, as
well as in life.
There're ONLY 2 Kinds of Attitude
Generally speaking, we can catergorise attitudes in 2
broad catergories:
Problem-bringers; and
Problem-bringers are those who saw a problem, then
complains incessantly about those problems, lay blame on
others who (might) have cause those problems, and do
absolutely nothing about it.
In a certain way, some political analysts believe that
part of the reason why Mitt Romney lost the American
Presidential Election of 2012 was that he complained too
much, and suggested too little possible solutions.
Problem-Solvers, on the other hand, are NOT the
Super-men or women who have solutions to every problem.
Instead, they are the ones who will try to suggest
solutions, consult with others to help get a solution,
or at least get people explore ways to tackle the causes
of the problems that we could not solve today.
Problem-Solvers are what we would normally call a
"positive attitude" or a "winning attitude", and this is
usually what we advocate as
the attitude to look out for when
we hire people.
However, personally I believe that this is also the
attitude if one wants to get a better outcome at work,
and in life. It's the attitude that helps us to
pick ourselves up when we have stumbled, and learn from
our mistakes or acquire new skills so that we can
achieve more.
As it is, way too many people complain too much about
their jobs, bosses, and yes their governments.
While it's true that some governments are corrupted,
some companies are dysfunctional, and some bosses are
simply a*****es, you can choose to change them, or leave
them if it gets real bad. However, if the attitude
remains as the "Problem-Bringer" negative attitude, then
you will ALWAYS face difficulties and obstacles wherever
you go. You will also gain less support and buy-in
from your colleagues, friends and family members in
whatever you do. In other words, life will be
miserable because of a negative attitude.
Hence, if you want to be happier or give yourself a
leg-up in face of difficult challenges, sometimes it's a
matter of adjusting your attitude. Even if you
fail today, you can still stand-up and move forward
another day. In the words of Sun Tzu, "If
you can march 1,000 miles and NOT feel tired, you are
undefeatable." Because your
adversaries, be they people or circumstances, will have
given up, but not you.
To find out how you develop good
Attitude and 39 other
eLearning topics by
Leadership IQ,
you can e-mail
or call +86-136 7190 2505 or Skype:
Directions Management Consulting
Directions Management Consulting is the
partner of
LeadershipIQ in China and
LeadershipIQ helps more than
125,000 leaders every year through the
facts drawn from one of the largest
ongoing leadership studies ever
conducted is used to help companies
apply resources where the best possible
results be achieved.
In addition, Directions Management
Consulting is a leading provider of
sales performance, innovation and
experiential learning solutions in China
and many parts of Asia.
is the sales performance arm of Directions
Management Consulting specialising in
conducting training, research and
consulting services for sales managers
and their team.
Raybattle is the strategic
partner of Directions Management
Consulting specialising in experiential
learning events and management retreats.
Currently, Directions Management Consulting
has served clients such as
GSK, InterContinental Hotels Group, Unilever,
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Roche, Philips
Lighting, Carrier, Ingersoll Rand,
Freudenberg etc.
Through collaboration with consultancies
such as
Forum Corporation,
de Bono China,
etc., the consultants in Directions
Management Consulting have served
clients such as PwC, Air Products,
Evonik, Wacker, Epson amongst others.
Directions Management Consulting will
increase its efforts to conduct
leadership studies in China and other
parts of Asia, so that more companies
apply resources where the best possible
results be achieved in this part of the
Enquiries and suggestions, pls. e-mail
info@directions-consulting.com or visit

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201103 China |