如何将技术专家转换成高效领导 Transforming Technical People into Highly Effective Leaders Using Belbin® Team Role Profiling
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 上海 2013.06.25
Transforming Technical People into Highly Effective Leaders Using Belbin® Team Role Profiling


  • 当技术专家(如 工程师、IT程序编写员、财务 等)被提拔成经理、领导时将遇到哪些普遍问题 
    What are some major challenges that technical people will face, when making the transition from engineers to effective leaders or managers;
  • 技术型领导该如何了解队员及同事的行为与思维方式,以激发对方潜能来达致卓越绩效 
    How technical managers can define and understand their team members' and co-workers behavioural patterns, and inspire them to greater results
  • 技术型经理该如何有效运用其敏锐的观察、求证的优势以将自己转换成高效领导 
    How technical managers can leverage on their keen sense of observation and experimentation to transform themselves into highly effective leaders

关于演讲嘉宾 About the FacilitatorCJNg _ 2.jpg

c.j. (黄常捷)老师是 美国培训与发展协会 (ASTD) 2009 年国际大会的特邀演讲嘉宾,也是ASTD国际大会有史以来唯一受邀演讲的中国大陆区咨询师。

与此同时,c.j.是 Leadership IQ 在亚洲的首席培训师,同时还是团队测评泰斗贝尔宾®的认证催化师。

许多知名跨国公司如:宝马、普华永道、圣戈班、施耐德、空气化工、德尔福派克、德州仪器、强生医疗、中外运、TNT、开利空调、英格索兰、杰尼亚、施华诺世奇、洲际酒店集团、平安保险 等也颇受益于 c.j. 老师的经验和知识……

c.j. is the first and only China-based consultant to speak at the ASTD International Convention. c.j. is the Master Trainer for Leadership IQ in Asia, and is also an accredited Belbin® Team Role facilitator.

Companies such as Schneider Electric, Delphi Packard, PwC, BMW, InterContinental Hotels Group etc. have benefited from c.j.'s insights

Organised by:



日期:   2013年6月25日

14:00 - 17:00 hrs

地点: Crowne Plaza Shanghai  •  400 Panyu Road (by Fahuazhen Road)
上海银星皇冠酒店 •番禺路400号 •(靠法华镇路)
费用:   RMB 500/=

为了让这次培训达到更好的效果,学员人数仅限 15 人。请将您的报名信息 e-mail 至
或拨打 (86) 400-677-6093 咨询

If you need us to customise inhouse programmes for you, please contact (86) 400-677-6093 to arrange for an appointment to discuss further.

谁会来参会?  For Whom?

技术型经理及领导、人力资源经理与总监、总经理 等

Technical Managers and Leaders, HR Managers and Directors, General Managers etc.

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Mailing Address: Shui Cheng Nan Road 51 Lane No. 9 Suite 202 Shanghai 201103 China