My name is
c.j., your trusted Sales Advisor, and here's the July 2009 (!) issue of
It's almost the end of July, and I've just completed July's issue.
My apologies for the delay due to my tight July schedule
this month, we conducted a poll during our Power Breakfast Hour on what
should be this month's topic. The verdict was "The Yin and Yang
of Selling", and it deals with how we can balance assertiveness and
receptivity, to improve our sales results
Hence, this month's topics:
The Yin and Yang of Selling;
How do You Deal with the RFK: Request For Kick-backs
This issue's main article, "The
Yin and Yang of Selling",
gives attention to when you need to impress upon your customers, and
when to shut up and listen.
In brief:
While current sales methodologies emphasise on how sales
people should ask questions and find out customers' needs, little is
mentioned on how you can mak customers willing to share infomation
with you;
Without impressing upon the customer what's in it for them if they
answer your questions, chances are they will not share the
information you need;
While it is true that sales people will need to be receptive to
customers' concerns and demands, sales people will have to be
assertive enough as well to win customers' confidence and trust. Read on... ...
read the rest of this newsletter, pls.
click here (http://www.psycheselling.com/page4.html).
The Yin and Yang of Selling
by c.j. Ng
The common theme of most sales methodology is to get sales
people to first:
Then suggest solutions that will meet their needs.
However, this model may not be appropriate all the time.
During one customer visit that we had with the key decision
maker, we tried asking them various questions to know what they
need, so that we can provide the right solutions for them.
The customer replied us "I don't know, you tell me!". We
then find out with whom we can get more information, and then
had an agreement from the customer to contact the relevant
Later, before we can reach out to the said person to ask further
questions, we were told that since we didn't impress them enough
in the initial contact, there's no need to find out more about
their needs.
While personally I'm tempted to say that that customer is an
idiot, on retrospect and reflection, I believe what we could
have done better was to be a bit more assertive and earn their
attention and interest. Even when we don't know what their
real needs yet.
The Yin of Selling
people will think of Yin and Yang as day and night, positive and
negative. In our case, however, we borrow the
concept of Yin and Yang from Chinese martial arts.
Whereas Yang in martial arts refers to the hard, rigid and
aggressive (or assertive) styles, Yin refers to soft, flexible
and receptive ones.
In sales, the traditional aggressive sales person who
would force his products and services right at you, and not let
you go unless some cash (usually a big amount) is squeezed out
of you. Generally, they:
Don't take "no" for an answer;
Likes to wow you with their product features and benefits,
so that you can't say no; and
Will disappear the moment you made the payment, and won't
appear again until it's time to re-order
This can be described as the Yang sales
person. However, with increasing customer demands for
sales people to be more attentive to needs, and be more
responsible for customers' results, such sales people and
selling style is on the verge of getting phased out.
Enter the Yin sales person. Unlike the Yang sales person
who is all about pushing products and services, the Yin sales
person is attentive to your needs. She will not suggest
any solution to you unless she can identify what your needs are,
and how she can help package the right solution to meet those
needs. In fact rather than saying she's a sales person,
she actually facilitates your buying, so that it becomes an
easier and smoother process for you.
The Yin B2B sales person usually does this by asking
intelligent questions, such as:
"What are some of the challenges you face today, and how
will they look like tomorrow?"
"Why are overcoming such challenges so important to you?"
"What will be some of the positive impacts if you overcome
such challenges?"
"If you were to work with us, what will some of your
concerns be?"
"How do you think we can proceed from here?"
The Yin luxury retail sales person will ask intelligent
questions, such as:
"What are some of the collection that you already have, and
what will be your next targeted collection?"
"Can you tell me more about your tastes and preferences?"
"What will be some of the possible other alternatives that
you will consider?"
"Is there anyone would you like to impress when you put this on?"
"Is there anything here that suits you?"
Instead of using these questions as merely means to close the
sale, the Yin sales person takes these customers' concerns to
heart, and seeks to partner with the customer to deliver optimal
results. Small wonder that most customers love to work
with the Yin sales person.
The Return of Yang Selling
As a martial art,
it is said that Aikido is great for self-defense. The only
issue is that its training focused so much on defending, not
many of its students know how to initiate an attack (especially
in situations where being the first-mover is necessary).
In sales, while
being receptive and attentive to needs are important to
customers, customers are getting so busy these days to respond
to each question raised by every Yin sales person that comes
along. Customers need to justify their time to commnicate
with a sales person, and if they don't see the value upfront,
they will not invest their time, even if it's just for 5
minutes, with any sales person. As such, the Yin sales
person may not get the right amount of attention as she
Hence, there's an element in the forceful, "in-your-face"
Yang selling that may be able to get the immediate attention of
your customers. However, merely having passion and
enthusiasm alone may not be enough to pry open customers' doors.
You need to give them a strong value proposition.
This strong value proposition, or what
Miller Heiman calls
Valid Business Reason, is the possible solution that you can
provide to solve specific business concerns. To consumers,
this may mean the key benefits that she will get when making a
purchase from you.
Unlike the traditional aggressive sales person who is
self-centred, cares only for meeting his sales targets and will
do anything just to get a meeting, the new Yang sales person is
able to give the customer valid reasons, or value propositions
to meet up. These reasons are not the sales person's
reasons, BUT the customers'. As Warren Buffet puts it,
"Value is what you get". The value here is also phrased
from the buyer's, and NOT the seller's, point of view.
Some examples of possible value propositions/ Valid Business
Reasons can be:
"The purpose of my phone call is to find out if we can help
your sales force capture an additional 20% of market share,
while improving margins by 7%."
"The purpose of my visit is to explore if your sales people
can apply 99.99% of what they learnt in a sales training,
and get observable results within 30 days."
"We have helped other similar companies to boost sales
performance by motivating and retaining the best
In luxury retail sales, this value proposition can be:
"Take a look at our limited edition."
"Here's something that will suit your style."
"Here's how you can create a strong
impression at the gala dinner"
Balancing Yin and Yang
In these times of increasing competition,
customers have become more confused than ever before. On
one hand, they dislike being sold at, and prefer sales people to
guide them to make the right purchases. On the other hand,
they need to feel confident and be impressed by the few sales
people who can stand out from the crowd.
As a sales person, if you are overly receptive, customers may
not even notice you, and hence may not want to see you. If
you are overly assertive, customers may be frightened, and run
away from you. To be successful, you will have to balance
the Yin and Yang of selling.
Some examples on how
you can balance between Yin and Yang in selling (especially in
the opening stages of a sale) are:
"The purpose of my phone call is to find out if we can help
your sales force capture an additional 20% of market share,
while improving margins by 7%. Is it okay that I ask
some questions to find out more?"
"We have helped other similar companies to boost sales
performance by motivating and retaining the best performers.
Would you like to discuss if we can help improve your sales
performance too?"
"Would you like to take a look at our limited edition?"
"Would you like us to recomend something that will suit your
"How would you like us to make sure you create a strong
impression at the gala dinner?"
Most importantly, you may need to find out a little bit
more about your customers before approaching them. That
will make sure you give a relevant value proposition, and
prepare for the right questions to ask.
To understand how
to balance your Yin and Yang in selling, e-mail
and arrange to buy
me a some Chinese tea. All information shall be kept in
Power Breakfast Hour: 12 August 2009
The Yin and Yang of Selling
Join International Sales Leadership and
Performance Coach c.j. Ng in this breakfast meeting in Shanghai where he
will be sharing with you how to balance the Yin and Yang of selling to
generate more sales and increase profits:
- How you can be attentive to custmer needs so that customers like
to buy from you;
- How to provide a strong value proposition that will wow
prospects, and make them want to see you; and
- How to balance the Yin and Yang of selling to generate more
sales and increase profits
VENUE: To be confirmed
DATE: Wednesday, 12 August 2009
TIME: from 08:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
To make this a more conducive discussion, we are
expecting a small group of about 15 people only. The room can only take
in 18, so please register early to avoid disappointments. Please e-mail
your registrations to
check out our web sites www.directions-consulting.com and
www.psycheselling.com/page4.html for more inspiration.
How to Motivate Your Sales People According to Their Selling Styles?
As you may know, different people have different communication
styles, and different communication styles will lead to different
selling styles. Sales people with different selling
styles will you to motivate them in different ways, so that they
perform their best to you.
So how do you know what are your sales people's selling styles?
How do you know how best to communicate with them, and motivate
Contact us
sales@directions-consulting.com or call +86-13671902505 to get
the link, username and password to your complimentary
TM online assessment now!
Tips for Sales Managers:
How do You Handle the RFK: Request For Kick-backs
by c.j. Ng
If you don't know what a kick-back is, you probably haven't been
selling to businesses and organisations in China. A
kick-back is the unauthorised commission that the person
handling the purchasing on the buyer's side is requesting.
Now that you know what
is a kick-back, the next question is: to give or not to give.
Before we give the direct answer, we will have to first look at
the buyer's organisation culture and the region within China.
While it is true that some inland regions in China tend to have
more requests for kickbacks, the buyer's organisation culture
will determine what will be your best way of dealing with it.
1. The Corrupt Organisation
Some organisations accept and demand kick-backs in cash or in
kind at all levels, from top to bottom. If you want their
business, be prepared to splurge on entertainment and contribute
generously into their coffers.
2. The
Corrupt Individual
In other instances, the buyer's organisation has a non-tolerance
policy with regards to staff demanding kick-backs.
However, due to a variety of reasons, some of the individuals in
charge of the buying process may demand some kick-backs before
inducting you to the right influencer or decision-maker.
If your company does not allow blatant kick-backs, and if you
are dealing with the
Corrupt Organisation, there are a few common ways to go about
Provide the kick-backs in goods and services, not in cash.
Free travels,
entertainment and even putting the children of the key
decision makers in prestigious overseas universities are
some common examples.
Get an intermediary (such as a reseller or
distributor) to provide the kick-back. Kind of the
right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.
Don't deal with such organisations. Give up the
However, it is the
corrupt individual that is the most interesting. Within
this group of individuals, there are two sub-categories:
- Those who will demand kick-backs at all costs, even to the
detriment of their job or organisation; and
Those who will gently request for some cash or gifts, but
will want to make sure that their job is well-done first
Those that demand kick-backs at all costs usually claim to have
good connections and pre-approvals to purchase from you.
If you are dealing with a organisations that are not corrupt,
then it is unlikely that this person will have much of an
impact. The organisation will still have its procedures to
buy from you anyway.
Hence, the best way to deal with such corrupt individuals is to
go around them, and get to see the higher authorities.
Seek for other influencers in the buyer's organisation who are
willing to be your informants, and make your way through senior
decision makers who are not corrupt. Once you've reached
that level, you can ignore the corrupt individual. Fearing
reprisals from management, that individual will also not be
raising the issue again with you.
Those who want to do a good job, and hope to get some "goodies"
on the side are in two minds. On one hand, they would like
to have a good career in their organisation. On the other
hand, they might have very low salaries at this stage, or that
getting kick-backs is a prevailing culture in their region.
In such cases, you can persuade them that in order to help them
develop good career paths, it is not in their interests to ask
for kick-backs. They may be fired or may miss the next
promotion. However, if they allow you to help their
organisations achieve better results through your products and
services, then you can put a good word for them to their bosses
and superiors. Usually, this works in these cases.
Since our company primarily does business with foreign (western)
companies in China, all of our customers have a non-tolerance
attitude towards kick-backs. When we encounter their staff
who requests for kick-backs, we either dissuade them, or simply
go around them and seek influencers at higher levels.
For more ideas on how
to deal with requests for kick-backs, you can also e-mail
info@directions-consulting.com or call +86-136 7190 2505 or
Skype: cydj001 and arrange to buy
me a mocha. All information shall be kept in confidence.
About PsycheSelling.com
Sales... ...
lifeblood of a company, a matter of "life and death", survival
or extinction. Indeed, something that needs to be studied,
applied and re-modified consistently.
Yet today,
many companies still don't have a coherent approach as to
how they can generate more sales and achieve better margins;
many sales people are still lying to their customers so that
they can meet their targets at the end of the month;
many customers are still waiting ethical and professional
sales people to help them find out their real needs, and
provide solutions that work
set up so that companies and sales people can make healthy
profits and STILL provide genuine solutions to customers.
would like to create an environment where
customers can trust sales people to give them what they want,
and NOT be pushed with all kinds of products and services.
In return, customers will become loyal fans of these ethical and
professional sales people, and repay them many fold for the
will not rest, until the above is
achieved. Not just in China. Not just in Asia. But
everywhere where buying and selling takes place.
a wholly-owned brand of
Directions Management Consulting Pte Ltd
that specialises in the field of improving
sales performance by enhancing the performance of the entire
sales team. Apart from the regular "selling skills
conducts pre- and post-training analysis, interviews, monitoring
and reviews, working closely with managers and even senior
management, to deliver real improvements in sales leadership and
would like to be known as the preferred choice of outstanding
and remarkable clients, and pride ourselves as such. We
will also be continuing to assist our clients achieve greater
heights in 2009 and beyond.
Enquiries and
suggestions, pls. e-mail
or visit
