Power Breakfast
Hour: The Yin and Yang of Selling
Power Breakfast Hour:
The Yin and Yang of
Join international Sales Leadership and Performance Coach
c.j. Ng in this
2-hour Power Breakfast Hour in Shanghai where he will be sharing with
you the following insights:
you can be attentive to custmer needs so that customers like to buy
from you;
How to provide a strong value proposition
that will wow prospects, and make them want to see you;
How to balance the Yin and Yang of selling to
generate more sales and increase
c.j. is your
trusted sales advisor who have helped international companies achieve
quantum improvements in sales profits in China and
is the 1st and ONLY mainland-China based sales
advisor invited to speak at the American Society for Training &
Development (ASTD) Conference, and this is one opportunity to pick the
brains of an internationally acclaimed sales advisor for the price of
your breakfast! He has so far consulted for and trained the
sales people and managers of well-known companies like Dell, Sofitel,
and Texas Instruments, just to name a
this Power Breakfast Hour, c.j. will be sharing his extensive
observations of sales teams and sales people in China and other parts
of Asia, mashing with his practical knowledge of Yin and Yang martial
arts philosophies. At the end of the discussion, feel free to
hold c.j. down to ask him to solve any of your sales challenges you

VENUE: 567 Tianyaoqiao Road (near Xietu Road,
Near Metro Line 4 Shanghai Indoor Stadium Station), Level 4, Senben
Plaza, Shanghai
DATE: Wednesday, 12 August 2009 TIME: from 08:00 a.m. -
10:00 a.m.
PRICE: RMB 100 Nett
To make this a more conducive
discussion, we are expecting a small group of about 12 people only
(the place can take in ONLY
17) .
Please e-mail your registrations to sales@directions-consulting.com