DISC测评认证课程,用简明易懂的方式,向您阐述人类行为科学的奥妙。本认证课程教授的是DISC(D: Dominance控制, Influence影响, Steadiness稳定, Compliance遵从)这四个维度的行为模型。通过认证,认证者将学会更好地解读他人,做到有效沟通,理解他人的观点、动机,避免不必要的冲突,增强效力。DISC广泛应用于全球的人力资源管理、咨询及辅导领域。完成认证课程后,认证者将被授予“人类行为咨询师”认证证书。
The DISC Personality Certification introduces you to the field of human behavioural science in an easy to grasp presentation. The training focuses on the four personalities model of Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance, called DISC in short. Participants will learn how to read people, communicate more effectively, appreciate perspectives of people, motivate, avoid unnecessary conflicts and increase effectiveness. The instrument is internationally used in the areas of Human Resource management, counseling, coaching, and consulting. On completion participants will be accredited as Certified Human Behaviour Consultant.
课程 Course
DISC认证课程在美国开展得如火如荼,大获成功。Zig Ziglar是企业中最知名的培训师之一,他这样评价我们的课程:“Mels Carbonell博士(Uniquely You, DISC的作者)向全美传递了一个需要倾听的信息”。
The course has been successful in America that one of their foremose corporate trainers, Zig Ziglar has this to say of our program, 'Dr. Mels Carbonell [author of "Uniquely You" (DISC)] has a message America needs to hear.'
DISC的应用 Applications of DISC
解决领导者会犯的最大的错误 ♦ 用同样的方式,管理每一个人!
The biggest mistake leaders make ♦ Managing everyone the same way!
探知激励的奥秘 ♦ 理解到人人都能被激励!
Solving the mystery of motivation ♦ Understanding everyone is motivated!
预测回应/ 避免冲突 ♦ 为什么胁迫和操控不起作用!
Predicting responses/ Avoiding conflicts ♦ Why intimidation and manipulation don't work!
应对和改变不良的企业观 ♦ 为企业的成功创造良好氛围和环境!
Handling and changing poor attitudes ♦ Creating an atmosphere and environment for success!
解决对强项的过度使用甚至是滥用 ♦ 做到扬长避短!
Over using strengths becomes abuses ♦ Guarding the best and avoiding the worst thing about you!
变革管理 ♦ 企业结构重组!
Change management ♦ Restructuring the corporation results!
团队建设 ♦ 理解为何企业最大的问题不在于技术,而在于关系!
Team building ♦ Understanding why the biggest problem in business is not technical-- it's relational!
课程时间安排和费用: Programme Schedule & Fee:
课程日期: 2010年4月15-16日
Course Dates: 2010, April 15-16
时间: 9:30 - 17:30
Time: 9.am - 5.30 pm
地点: 上海
Venue: Shanghai (location TBC)
费用: RMB 4, 000/每人
Course fee per participant: RMB 4,000
如有疑问,请致电021 6193 5658
或发Email 至 andy.wong@activexsearch.com
联系人:Andy Wong。.
For inquiries, please contact Andy Wong by phone call: 021 6193 5658 or by email: andy.wong@activexsearch.com