International Secretries' Conference: Towards Passion, Success and Professional Excellence


Although the Secretary, Personal Assistant or the Admin Professional plays a central role in many companies, there hasn't been enough attention or training to improve their performance and productivity.

If you would like to improve the productivity of your Secretaries and Admin staff, then get them join us on 22-23 April, and watch their performance soar!

VENUE: Crowne Plaza Shanghai, 400 Panyu Road Tel: +86-21-61458888
DATE: Thursday - Friday, 22-23 April 2010  TIME: from 09:00 a.m. - 16:30 p.m.
PRICE: RMB 2,950 ONLY for 2 Days (RMB 1,850 for Any 1 Day)



09:00 - 09:30


Day 1: Professional Excellence
Welcome by your MC and Ice-Breaker

Peter Hill

P.H.I. Consulting, Shanghai



09:30 - 10:15


Time Management and Priority Setting

Gabor Holch

Do you know that you are interrupted in your work for as much as 15 times an hour?
And half of your working time is spent on tasks you cannot plan?

Everybody knows that time is money And yet, most companies have serious worries about the money wasted, while most of the time wasted goes unnoticed. The reasonfor this is also the reason why you have to invest in Time Management Skills NOW!



10:15 - 10:45


Tea Break



10:45 - 11:30


Emotional Intelligence for Secretaries

Vincent Hu

Freemason Group
Besides working for her boss, the International Secretary also has to respond to the many requests of the different departments within the company as well as external customers. The work pressure that she is facing may cause outbursts of temper,
at work or at home.

Hence, having a high Emotional Intelligence (EQ) for the secretary is a MUST if she wants to keep cool and think clearly at all times.



11:30 - 12:15


How to Communicate with People of Different Thinking and Behavioural Styles

c.j. Ng

Directions Management Consulting
Have you ever found that you seem to build instant rapport with some people, but you
just don't click with others?

Here are some ways to know the temperament of the people you are communicating with, before you even start to communicate.



12:15 - 13:15





13:15 - 14:00


Managing Company Events like a Professional

Mabel Chau

Sigma H Consultants
Your boss has just assigned you to organise your annual regional management meeting, where your boss' boss will be the VIP, and there will be 1,000 people
attending. What would you do?

Before you hit the panic button, you may just want to start with the basics. Having a clear understanding of the event objectives, breaking down the project into manageable steps and working out your budget will be some of those easy-to-do things that will help you organise events like a pro.



14:00 - 14:45


Empower yourself one conversation at a time

Leah Stickley

The Onion Peelers
In this session, you will learn the power that a good, strong, powerful conversation can have on you, your boss and all other relationships you have. Most of us tend to ignore
the little annoyances that others do. We smile sweetly and say 'It doesn't matter. I understand.' But actually the daily annoyances do build up and can have devastating effects on your relationships leading to lack of trust, respect and responsibility.

So take back control of your life one conversation at a time to build trust, understanding and respect.

Be Response-able!



14:45 - 15:15


Tea Break



15:15 - 16:00


Managing Conflict and Unreasonable Requests

Elton Kuo

Atelligent Asian Consulting
Most people don't really think about how they approach conflict. It just happens. When conflicts arise we tend to play out our roles like scripts based on our behavioral and conflict styles. Effective conflict management can only be achieved when an individual begins to really see how her or his conflict style is actually self-destructive.

Find out how you can diffuse conflicts at work, and make your work a lot more enjoyable.



16:00 - 16:30


Q&A Session





End of Day 1




09:00 - 09:15


Day 2: Passion & Success
Welcome by your MC

Peter Hill

P.H.I. Consulting, Shanghai



09:30 - 10:15


Finding Passion, Joy and Meaning in Your Work

KC See

The Quest Group
How do you find passion in your work if you have been doing the same things for many years?

The answer can probably be found in how you want to give new meaning to your work in different aspects of your job.



10:15 - 10:45


Tea Break



10:45 - 11:30


Beyond business English: how to communicate with Lao Wai colleagues effectively

Jerel Bonner

Sharpening Axes
While having a working knowledge of Business English is essential as an International Secretary, being able to communicate effectively using Business English is quite
another story, You will need to listen actively, be receptive and be empathetic if you
want to avoid any communication breakdown.

While communicating with Lao Wais can be easy, making sure that you truly
understand them and vice versa will require some good communication skills practice.



11:30 - 12:155


Creative Problem Solving

Phil Law

de Bono Thinking Systems
In 1984, Los Angeles Olympic Games made profit for the first time in Olympic history.
Why is it that prior to 1984, ALL Olympics Games have been money-losing events? The innovation of LA Olympic Games has been used up till now and plenty of countries are bidding competitively to hold the Games.

The good news is that creative thinking skills can be learned and practiced so that you can derive at effective solutions quickly. It doesn't matter whether you are the CEO of a multi-national company, or a secretary. As long as you are willing to make the best use of your brain, you too can come up with innovative ideas to solve complicated problems.



12:15 - 13:15





13:15 - 14:00


Influence: How to Get things Done Through Others When You Dont Have Formal Authority

Daniel Smith

Rev TC
The Professional Secretary is great in getting things done. Yet, there will be certain
things that she will need the help of her other colleagues to get done too.

Yet, since the Secretary does not have formal authority over her colleagues, she willhave to rely on her Influencing Skills to get her job done.



14:00 - 14:45

Stress Management for Secretaries

Zhang Tian Zheng

If you haven't already noticed by now, stress is the No. 1 cause of many illnesses, ranging from influenza to high blood pressure to even cancer

Even if your stress levels haven't made you ill yet, it may have already reduced your work effectiveness. Knowing how to manage stress effectively is thus crucial at both for you and your company.



14:45 - 15:155


Tea Break



15:15 - 16:00


Business Etiquette

Ailing Wang

Etiquette, manners, and cross cultural communication have become critical elements required for all International Business executives and employees. Secretaries need to project a professional image while dealing with the important clients, high-level officials and executives from headquarters.


This session will give you techniques that you can immediately apply in business situations such as formal business meeting, dinner, cocktail party.



16:00 - 16:30


Q&A Session





End of Day 2





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