DUSA Half-Day Training (Suzhou)
Hiring for Attitude (Bilingual Session) 
DUSA (苏州)半天培训:如何招聘高绩效、高敬业的员工(中英文)


August 29, Friday, 14:00-17:00. 

As high as 89% of hiring failures globally are due to attitudes, NOT skills.目前全世界有89%的招聘失败是由于新招聘的员工不具备正确的态度而导致,或者说这些员工不能适应并融入企业文化。


And based on a 2012 study in China, more than 35% of new employees are NOT able to perform to expectations after a reasonable amount of time. In this study, more than 50% of new hires who do not meet expectations are a result of having the wrong attitudes, rather than skills or relevant experience.
而2012年针对中国的调研发现,超过35%的新招员工都无法在一段合理的磨合期内达到预期的工作绩效。该调研还显示,超过50%的新招员工无法达至绩效期望更多是与他们的态度有关,而与他们的技能 或经验无关。


Yet, more than 70% of hiring managers still base their hiring criteria on skills and experience. As such, hiring managers will have to assess the candidates’ attitudes and adaptability to fit into the new employer’s corporate culture so as to ensure hiring success.
尽管如此,还是有超过70%的招聘经理依照应聘者的经验及技能做招聘的最主要筛选标准 。因此,招聘经理必须能够诊断出应聘者的态度,并了解对方的态度是否与该企业文化及工作岗位相匹配,才能确保新招员工的预期绩效。


In this workshop, participants will learn about: 在这个课程中,学员将学到:

How to Hire Suitable Candidates 如何招聘合适的候选人

  • Suitability vs. Eligibility in hiring practices 找人选人过程中的合适度与合格度

  • Exercise: Mapping the Suitability and Eligibility requirements of your next hire

  • What are some of the attitudes and behaviours of your best and worst performers? 在用人单位或部门里,表现好及最差的现有员工具备哪些态度或者行为

  • Identifying positive and negative attitudes 识别积极与消极的态度

Measuring Attitude in Interviews 衡量面试中的态度

  • The shortfalls of behavioural interview techniques such as STAR and BAR, and how you overcome them     行为面试技巧如 STAR 及 BAR 的致命缺陷,及如何克服

  • How to accurately predict if the candidate is a problem-bringer or problem-solver

  • Drafting your interviewing questions撰写你的面试提问

  • Role plays演练

  • Debrief 点评

Who should attend?  谁该出席?

  • Hiring managers and leaders 部门招聘决策的经历与领导

  • HR and Recruitment managers 人力资源及招聘经理

  • Senior Managers 企业高管

About the Trainer 讲师介绍:


CJNg _ 2.jpgC.J. Ng is the Master Trainer for Leadership IQ in Asia who has helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in sales profits in China and beyond. C.J. is the first and only China-based leadership, sales & experiential learning facilitator invited to speak at the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) International Convention. He has consulted for and trained the staff and managers of well-known companies such as Delphi Packard, General Electric, Evonik, BMW and Schneider Electric.


黄常捷 (c.j. Ng)是美国培训与发展协会(ASTD)2009年国际大会的特邀演讲嘉宾,也是ASTD国际大会有史以来唯一受邀演讲的结合销售、领导力及体验式培训于一身的亚洲咨询师。他是一位值得您信赖的销售领域的咨询顾问,曾帮助许多跨国企业获得了在中国及其他区域销售业绩方面的显著突破。迄今为止,c.j.已帮助:世界领先的IT硬件企业如 戴尔、NEC 及艾普森的销售团队如何提高他们的业绩;国际化工集团如赢创、林德工程及空气化工产品 发展提高其团队的领导力和销售能力。全球企业佼佼者如 施耐德、德尔福、宝马的经理提升领导力及各项领导技能,以提高团队的作战能力等


Venue: Officestar SIP , 11 Floor, Xinghai Building, No. 198 Xinghai Street (in the building of "Agricultural Bank of China", near Xinghai Square Station, Metro 1#, with entrance next to "Subway" sandwich shop,and the elevator is on the left side.



14:00  Session Starts
15:30  Tea Break
17:00  Session Ends


Seats are limited. First come, first served. For registration, please contact: or call 021-6219 0021 for more details


August 29, Friday, 14:00-17:00


Member (RMB): 350.00
Non-Member (RMB): 500.00