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Helping Others Succeed®

By: Blessing White


Date:                20 August 2010, Friday

Time:               2pm to 5pm

Venue:             Oasis Business Centre - 10 Baoqing Road (Shanghai)

Language:       English

Fee:                 250RMB


"Helping Others Succeed"

....looking to develop the ability of managers to establish effective coaching partnerships with employees...


·What do we mean by "coaching"?


·Is coaching a way of life at your organization?


·What did we learn in our latest 2009 research survey on Coaching Culture and why is this a conundrum?


·How do you build a Coaching Culture?


·What have some organizations done to solve the conundrum?


The Helping Others Succeed® design emphasizes the manager's role as a coach whose own organizational success is dependent on the performance and satisfaction of team members.  A key feature of this coaching program for managers is the online diagnostic elements which provide participants with clear and actionable feedback on their current level of effectiveness in a range of specific coaching actions.    
The program is modular, allowing an organization to concentrate on particular coaching needs of their managers considering the time available for learning.  
Prior to the commencement of the program participants complete an online self-assessmentand obtain feedback from team members who they select.
Program Objectives:


Help managers accomplish more while supervising less, especially when there are a large number of direct reports or team members in remote locations;


Build more open and honest partnerships between managers and team members;


Reduce reliance on external coaches and/or the 'HR Department';

Change from "command and control" to "coach, support and empower";


Help managers lead larger, more specialised or diverse teams;

Assist managers to gain understanding of the different coaching needs of individual team members;


Provide a process to manage performance issues in a non-confrontational, collegial manner;


Get individuals actively engaged on development and career issues;

Engage talented employees and 'raise the bar' on performance;


Retain talent by effectively addressing job satisfaction and career development.



Peter Hill



Peter Hill

  Peter Hill is an award-winning career advisor and career specialist. He is Senior Consulting Partner with Blessing White, a global consulting firm dedicated to creating sustainable   high-performance organizations.

As Greater China's first and only professionally certified
résumé specialist, he holds both the Certified Professional Résumé Writer and Certified Expert Résumé Writer
international credentials. 
 Peter is a featured contributor to 12 career guidance books, and he is an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches, Career Directors International, and The Five O'Clock Club Career Coaching Network.

Recent career-related speaking engagements in Asia have included The American and British Chambers of Commerce in Shanghai; China Europe International Business School; Jiaotong University; HULT International Business School; and Toyo University in Tokyo, Japan.



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Eunice Lok / Andy Wong

Active X Consulting 

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Leaders at all levels need to execute business strategies through others while driving employee engagement and workforce development to fuel future organizational success.
Coaching is undeniably an important leadership practice for aligning the workforce with organizational priorities. When it goes beyond a routine or annual event and becomes common practice, it represents a powerful tool to help team members achieve peak performance, build on their talents, innovate, and show up each day excited about their work and their organization.
For coaching to deliver on its business promise, organizations can't rely on only those managers with passion and an intuitive knack for coaching. Many organizations provide skills training as a standalone offering or as part of a leadership development curriculum to get managers to coach more - or more effectively. And while we recognize that skills are important, we believe that alone they are insufficient. Our research indicates that three-quarters of managers have taken a coaching skills course in the last five years, but their organizations, their teams, and they themselves all admit that coaching doesn't happen as often or as successfully as it should.
Coaching cultures are built on organizational and leadership beliefs and practices that reinforce this management behavior as a strategic business driver and critical talent management tool.




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