Why Should Anyone be Led by You?

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Shanghai 31st August 2010

Upcoming Events

Participant Working Session


Please be our guest for Why Should Anyone Led By You?™ Experience!


A major problem in organisations around the world today is a lack of trust. People have lost faith in the authenticity of their leaders. They feel they don't really know who they are and in many ways they just don't trust them.


Attracting, retaining and engaging the best people requires authentic leadership.  We are proud to offer you a rare opportunity to attend introduction on Why Should Anyone Be Led By You?™.




Andy Wong

Blessing White, Asia-Pacific

Book Cover 

Professors Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones have studied this leadership question for the better part of a decade, writing a Harvard Business Review article and best-selling book of the same name.



When business results depend on leading others, it helps to understand what followers need. Yet too many leaders emulate celebrity CEOs or bosses they admire, trying to be people they aren't. As a result, they often fail. If your leaders fail, your organization will, too.

Successful leaders remain true to who they are, while simultaneously modifying their behavior to respond to the needs of their followers and the circumstances they encounter. They are able to be themselves - more - with skill.

Please join us for this interactive forum that will:

  • Spur discussions about today's most critical leadership challenges
  • Explore core concepts and framework of Why Should Anyone Be Led by YOU?
  • Enable you to experience some key activities
  • Overview the unique features of our blended learning process
  • Answer any questions you may have about what this leadership development experience can do for your organization


Click to learn more, please call me or visit our website www.WhyShouldAnyoneBeLedByYou.com 


Contact Information:

Andy / Eunice

Tel: 021-6193 5659
e-mail: andyw@blessingwhiteap.com

Where & When 

Shanghai Crowne Plaza Hotel

31st August

8:00 am - 10:30 am

RMB300 (Include Breakfast)


Why Should Anyone Be Led by YOU?™ Participant Working Session


Throughout Why Should Anyone Be Led by You? leaders work on their own strategic business challenges.


At the end of the working session they will have a detailed strategy for
"being themselves -- more -- with skill" to excite exceptional performance of their teams and colleagues. Since they will have practiced and fine-tuned the application of that strategy to their business challenges, the impact on the job is immediate.


By taking part in this unique development process, leaders will
be able to continuously:

· Assess the needs of their followers and modify their leadership approach appropriately


· Deploy their personal values, strengths and even weaknesses to maximize their effectiveness as leaders


· Size up situations and adapt their leadership behaviour without losing their unique differentiators to drive results


· Build a thriving community of aligned, engaged team members


· Communicate more effectively by considering not only their audience's needs but also the communication vehicles throughwhich they, personally, are most effective


· Tap into a peer leadership community and expand their influence beyond their teams



· You feel like you have too many managers and not enough leaders
· Your managers need to drive change, not react to it
· You need to accelerate development of high-potential leaders
· Your diverse cadre of leaders needs a flexible leadership approach, not a lock-step formula
· You want to create a high performance culture and common leadership language
· You want to equip smart, competent leaders to inspire workforce commitment and action
· You want to establish a solid leadership pipeline
· Training in leadership skills has not delivered the results you need
· You can't wait for leaders to make the bridge between their learning experience and their work
· Your complex business and multigenerational workforce demand more than cookie-cutter leaders


Where & When

Shanghai Crowne Plaza Hotel

23rd & 24th Sept, 2010


 Price: RMB9,999


The Experience will be lead by Ken Simper who is the CEO of BlessingWhite Asia-Pacific and has over 30 years experience in senior leadership development with senior executive roles including VP Regional Operations with DDI and CEO of Mentor Human Resource Group.


Ken is a strategic business consultant who is able to help senior executives make the link between human resource systems and processes and the organization's bottom-line. Ken's broad consulting, training and coaching experience includes corporate planning processes, corporate culture, leadership development, talent management, assessment, selection and performance management systems, career development and personal growth programs.

Ken was founder in Australia of Development Dimensions International (DDI) - Asia Pacific, which grew to be the largest, specialized human resource consulting firm in Australasia. He also spent five years with DDI in the USA, where was Vice President Regional Operations, responsible for the USA and Canada.

Ken has worked with BlessingWhite programs for over 25 years, first being certified in MPG®: The Success Connection in San Francisco in 1984. 


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