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 上海 2014 • 10 • 22
Sun Tzu and the Art of Strategic Management


《孙子兵法》家喻户晓,人人都知道是一部智慧之书,但真正读完者很少,因为阅读时有文字障碍,而觉得它晦涩难懂,高深莫测。学员学习课程以后,消除畏难心 理,明了《孙子兵法》其实就在我们的身边,我们都在不自觉地运用着... ...

While almost everybody has heard about "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, not many have actually grasped some of the practical concepts effectively.  What we may not is that we could be practicing some of its time-proven principles without realising... ...

  • 孙子兵法历史背景及其兵学思想与现代管理学的渊源
    The historical background of Sun Tzu Art of War, and the connection between ancient military thought and modern business practices
  • 孙子兵法在 人才、竞争、谈判 等 的运用
    Sun Tzu's Art of War's application in talent development, competitive strategies and negotiations
  • 孙子兵法对现代工作和生活的启迪
    Sun Tzu's Art of War's applications and inspirations on everyday work and life


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沈德斌老师,安徽师范大学毕业,从事中学教育多年。1986年下海经商,曾创办和经营管理各行业企业,其中包括矿业、运输业、制造业、旅游业等行业,同时 也涵盖民营、国营及外资企业。他拥有丰富的企业管理实战经验,可谓见多识 广,阅历丰富。。

沈老师自1988年开始研究《孙子兵 法》等“武经七书”,并且创造性地把中国传统文化的精髓运用到企业管理、 家庭教育和人生规划之中,取得了丰硕成果。

许多知名院校如 北京大学、浙江大学、复旦大学 等 也特聘沈老师为他们的的EDP、管理学院及总裁班做客座教授,分享《孙子兵法》中的实战运用……

Since 1986, Mr. Shen Debin had founded or worked in companies in various industries, including the mining, manufacturing, logistics, hospitality industries, ranging from private, state-owned and multi-national enterprises.

He had been researching Sun Tzu's Art of War since 1989, and has successfully applied the principles in the managing of his companies, and in leading his teams. 

At the moment, Mr. Shen is a frequent Adjunct Professor for Peking University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University etc, in their EDP programmes.

Organised by:


日期:   2014年10月22日

14:00-17:00 时

Crowne Plaza Shanghai  •  Level 2  • Oscar Room • 400 Panyu Road (by Fahuazhen Road)
上海银星皇冠酒店 • 二楼  • 奥斯卡厅(番禺路400号,靠法华镇路)
费用:   RMB 200/=


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或拨打 (86) 188-0195-1765 咨询

If you need us to customise inhouse programmes for you, please contact (86) 188-0195-1765 to arrange for an appointment to discuss further.

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