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Here's the September 2010 issue of Psyche-Selling TM
eNewsletter, and many companies are either looking to either
rev up sales for the last 3 months of the year, or are
looking to planning next year's sales targets.
In China, many sales people are complaining that customers
simply buy based on price, and customers' loyalty are almost
Well, the fact is that customers' loyalty is always
earned, and not given. As such, as sales people
would have to actively engage customers in order to win
their loyalty.
Hence, this month's topics:
How to
Engage Your Customers to Exceptional Sales
Sales People: How to Ensure MICE Success for Event
Organiser Customers
This issue's main article is on "How to Engage Your Customers to Exceptional Sales Results", and
the focus is on how sales people can actively engage
customers to increase their loyalty levels, as well as
to deliver exceptional sales results.
In brief:
While the job of the
sales person has increasingly becoming more complex,
many customers are still viewing sales people
nothing more than "talking brochures" and "money
To alleviate the level of respect from customers, sales
people will have to engage customers in deeper
conversations, so
that customers can appreciate the sales person's
Even without
official customer engagement budgets and plans,
sales people can actively engage with customers in
conversations on the product offerings, on how the
sales person can be of value, and on what the future
will be like if the customer keeps on buying. Read on... ...
To read the rest of this newsletter, pls. of this newsletter, pls. of this newsletter, pls. of this newsletter, pls.
click here (
In the meantime,
please check out our Asia HR Summit
How to Engage Your Employees to Exceptional Performance
to be held in Shanghai on 21
October 2010.
How to Engage Your Customers to Exceptional Sales Results
by c.j. Ng
According to a market research conducted in 2006
(Eisenberg & Eisenberg), simply attaining a high
level of customer satisfaction does not seem to
guarantee the customer's business. In fact,
60% to 80% of customers who defect to a competitor
said they were satisfied or very satisfied in the
research just prior to their defection.
In fact,
many sales people and sales managers are lamenting
that customers' loyalty is so low, they will just
buy from anyone who can offer the same quality and a
marginally lower price.
While a lot has been discussed about what kinds of
media (online or offline) should we engage our
customers, as well as how shall we measure the level
of customer engagement our customers, very little
was discussed about what should be the content of
our customer engagement initiatives. In other
words, if we want to improve the level of customer
engagement, what kinds of information must we pass
to them, AND what kinds of information do we expect
in return.
In fact, even much less has been discussed about how
sales people can play a low-cost and active role to
actively engage customers so that they help us
deliver exceptional sales results.
Here are the 3 main conversation topics that any
individual sales person can communicate with the
customer, so as to actively engage the customer:
Conversations revolving around your product and
service offerings
Conversations revolving around your added value as a
sales person
Conversations revolving around the brightness of the
Conversations Revolving Around Your Product and Service Offerings
Even though the concept of selling benefits not
features has been going around for decades, many
sales people are still communicating features rather
than benefits to their customers. These ranges
Specifying the size of
the room when selling hotel rooms or
meeting packages;
Emphasizing the
hardware specifications when selling IT
Selling the material
rather than the benefits that such material can
Many sales people will argue
that the buyers do have in-depth technical
knowledge, and hence will appreciate the
implications of the benefits that each product feature will deliver.
However, here is an illustration why having a
conversation that revolves around your product
benefits in addition to the technical features is
essential to sales success.
If a customer
is shopping for a new car, chances are the car sales
person is going to open the hood to show the
customer the "technical details". However,
even if the customer knows nothing about car
engines, chances are he or she will pretend that
they know, and make some positive comments to the
car sales person such as "Not bad" or "Looks good to
me". Customers, in general, hate to admit they
don't know certain things. As a sales person,
you will need to present your offerings in ways they
can understand.
Hence, in order to strike a conversation that
revolves around your product or service offerings,
you will need to:
Conversations Revolving Around Your Added Value as a
Sales Person
With the advance in informational systems, be it search
engines, shopping platforms or online social networking,
customers have access to a lot of information that they
previously couldn't get. These include information
about your products, your prices and how to buy them.
Hence, if customers can buy your products off a
catalogue or web site, they don't need the sales person to
be a "talking
brochure" or a mere "money collector".
Instead, they need sales people to create value by:
Being Responsive by
pro-actively identifying current and potential
challenges that the customer may face, as well as
suggesting ways the customer can overcome such
Developing win-win Relationships
with multiple stakeholders or influencers so that
decision-makers don't have to sell your products and
services internally to their colleagues; or
Being Resourceful
or even creative to work
across different departments or business units to provide customised
solutions that fit the customers' every need,
Being a Reliable and
trusted source of information and provider of
reliable products and services, etc.
Some sales people and managers may question that if
sales people were to spend time solving customers'
problems, do they still have the time to do the selling.
More importantly, what if the solution to the customers'
problems and challenges is our competitor's products?
While how each sales team or sales person responds to
such thorny issues will vary, here are some guiding
Customers don't just buy from someone they like.
More importantly,
they buy from whom they trust;
In a recent straw poll with sales and HR managers
(from international companies in China) identifying
what are some
critical behaviours or
competencies that drive sales results,
the consensus was that most top sales people are
helpful by nature;
Given that most product features, quality, price,
delivery, service standards are pretty much similar,
the sales person could be the only differentiator in
the entire sale. Small wonder that research by
HR Chally shows
that 39% of a customer’s decision to buy from your
company is based on the effectiveness of the sales
Hence, the question that customers are asking sales
people is NOT "why should I buy your products or
services". It's becoming "why should I buy from
Conversations Revolving Around the Brightness of the Future
One of the key issues about doing business in today's world
(especially in a fast developing economy like China's) is
markets, along with customers' expectations, are changing
very quickly.
What this means for
the sales person could be:
Whatever is your best selling product may get
obsolete very quickly;
Whoever are your best customers may suddenly decide
to buy from someone else; and
Whichever are your most profitable territories may
be swamped by competitors offering the same quality
at lower prices
If you are not
relevant to your customers' future
needs, then you may find yourself being
substituted by others who are.
Hence, it is not only important to engage with
customers in the present tense, it is just as vital to
engage them for the future. To do this, you will need
Be engaged in the future product offerings, future
markets and future customers of your customers;
to your customers' future needs and pro-actively
suggest how you can help them meet their future
and creative to customise or create future solutions
for your customers' future
The problem with implementing the above? Well, sales
people are measured by current and not future
performance. Especially when that future could be
3-5 years down the road. Still, smart companies
and sales people who would like their customers to buy
from them for years to come will commit some time and
resources to partner with their key customers to create
a future together.
Need help in engaging your customer to exceptional sales
results? Simply e-mail or call +86-136 7190 2505
or Skype:
and arrange to buy me a mocha. All information
shall be kept in confidence.
Power Breakfast Hour:
26 October 2010
How to Engage Your Customers to Exceptional Sales Results
Join International
Sales Leadership and Performance Coach c.j. Ng in this
Power Breakfast Hour in Shanghai where you will find
How to induce customer loyalty when
60% to 80% of customers who defect to a competitor
said they were satisfied or very satisfied in the
research just prior to their defection;
How to conduct deep conversations with customers that
will build trust and increase customer engagement;
How you can
actively engage with customers in conversations on
the product offerings, on how you can create value, and on
what the future will be like if the
customer keeps on buying
VENUE: Crowne Plaza Shanghai • 400 Panyu Road (near Fahuazhen
Road) • 上海银星皇冠酒店 • 番禺路 400 号 (靠法华镇路)
DATE: Tuesday, 26 October 2010
TIME: 08:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
To make this a more conducive discussion, we are expecting a small group of
about 15 people only. The room can only take in 18, so please register early
to avoid disappointments. Please e-mail your registrations to
You can also download c.j.'s PPT on
Stop Hiring Under-Performing Experienced Sales People,
Start Developing Competent Ones that Deliver Results.
Pls. check out our web sites
www.directions-consulting.comm and for more inspiration.
Need a Keynote Speaker for your
Major Sales Conference?
Whether you are holding a conference for your regional staff, resellers or
even customers, we have the right speaker who can help you deliver the
spirit of your conference, and effect positive changes to meet your goals.
The topics our speakers can speak on include:
Why Some Sales People
Succeed While Others Fail?;
How to
Lure Away Your Competitors' Key Accounts, and Make Them
Buy from You Instead?;
Improving Sales Productivity by Motivating the Sales Force;
Sun Tzu and the Art of
Strategic Decision Making;
End of Guanxi as We Know It!; and many more!
Simply e-mail your requests to or call +86-21-6219 0021 for enquiries.
Sample video and audio recordings available upon requests.
Practical Tips for
Hospitality Sales People:
How to
MICE Success for Your Event Organiser Customers
By c.j. Ng
In a lot of press releases, many international 4 and 5-star
hotels are emphasising that they will be going big on MICE,
which stands for
Events), in the immediate future. In fact, most of their
advertisements are promoting their MICE packages. In
an even bigger picture, almost all experts are saying that
the future of the hospitality business lie in MICE.
Being an event organiser myself, here are some tips for
the MICE sales person to optimise MICE sales revenue and
profits, especially if the sales person has been selling
rooms all these while:
MICE need
NOT be big events. In fact most meetings held
in hotels are for 30 pax or less.
The mistake that a lot of hospitality sales people make
is to assume all MICE are large events that will at the
same time fill up their 400 rooms. In the same
vein, the problem with a lot of hospitality sales people
when serving MICE customers is to also focus more on
selling the rooms, rather than how to help the customer
organise a successful event.
events can lead to bigger ones, especially when the
event organiser would like to test a hotel or resort
on a smaller scale before organising a big one at
that hotel or resort.
organisers are NOT architects or interior designers.
They don't have a clue how large is 1,000 m2
or 500 m2. What they need is to
know how many people can fit into the room under
what kinds of seating arrangements.
If you
have a showroom for your rooms, you can also have a
showroom for your meeting rooms where the tables are
set and the room is lit. Better still, show
your customer some video clips of your past
successful events that were held at your hotel or
While the
hardware is important, MICE delegates and
participants are more concerned about the
"experience" from the time they arrive to the time
they leave the hotel or resort. Similarly,
events organisers will definitely appreciate the
efforts of any hospitality sales people who can make
the arrangements such that the organiser can have a
peace of mind for their events.
While MICE
sales people are usually not required to be present,
event organisers expect every detail to go according
to what has transpired with the sales person.
The excuse that every event organiser HATES to hear
is the sales person saying, "But I have informed F&B
to ... ..." Event organisers, just like any
customer, will hold the MICE sales person
accountable for ALL results, good and bad.
organisers sometimes have to switch to a different
hotel in a different city for their next event, even
though they are very appreciative of the hotel or
resort staff doing all they could to help create a
great event. When that happens, be gracious
and pro-active to refer one of your sister
properties to your customer. When you do that
frequent enough, your sister properties will return
the favour too.
If you can
ensure success for your Event Organiser customer,
chances are the event organiser will be back for their
future events. Your job is NEVER to just "peddle"
the meeting rooms, nor even the F&B or the related
Your goal is to help the organiser organise successful
If you would like to get more and better ideas how to
optimize MICE sales, revenue and profits,
you can either download the
PPT slides used
in our workshops, or e-mail
info@directions-consulting.commm or call +86-136 7190
2505 or Skype:
cydj001 and arrange to buy me a mocha. All
information shall be kept in confidence.
Sales... ...the
lifeblood of a company, a matter of "life and death", survival
or extinction. Indeed, something that needs to be studied,
applied and re-modified consistently.
Yet today,
many companies still don't have a coherent approach as to how they can
generate more sales and achieve better margins;
many sales people are still lying to their customers so that they can
meet their targets at the end of the month;
many customers are still waiting ethical and professional sales people
to help them find out their real needs, and provide solutions that work
Psyche-Selling TM
is set up so that companies and sales people can make healthy profits and
STILL provide genuine solutions to customers.
Psyche-Selling TM
would like to create an environment where customers can trust sales people
to give them what they want, and NOT be pushed with all kinds of products
and services. In return, customers will become loyal fans of these
ethical and professional sales people, and repay them many fold for the
Psyche-Selling TM
will not rest, until the above is achieved. Not just in China. Not
just in Asia. But everywhere where buying and selling takes place.
Psyche-Selling TM
is a wholly-owned brand of
Directions Management Consulting Pte Ltd that specialises
in the field of improving sales performance by enhancing the performance of
the entire sales team. Apart from the regular "selling skills
training", Psyche-Selling TM
conducts pre- and post-training analysis, interviews, monitoring and
reviews, working closely with managers and even senior management, to
deliver real improvements in sales leadership and performance.
Hence, Psyche-Selling TM
would like to be known as the preferred choice of outstanding and remarkable
clients, and pride ourselves as such. We will also be continuing to
assist our clients achieve greater heights in 2009 and beyond.
Enquiries and suggestions,
pls. e-mail or visit

Mailing Address:
Shui Cheng Nan Road 51 Lane No. 9 Suite 202 Shanghai 201103 China |