Talent-Spot HR Salon Event on
HR’s Transition under Market Transformation
Time: 2:00-4:30pm, Friday, June 19
Location: 苏州2.5产业园 东长路88号国际会议中心2楼
Talent-Spot is pleased to invite you to attend our Talent-Spot HR Salon event hold in Suzhou on June 19th,Friday from 2-4:30pm, a presentation & networking event for HR management executives and professionals with VP, Head of HR, OSRAM Region Asia-Pacific, Ms. Sophia Xing, on the topic of HR’s Transition under Market Transformation快速变化的市场中,HR如何变革、支持公司核心业务and BD Director, MSH China Ms. Rebecca Sun, on the topic of How to Develop a Benefit Strategy that Support Your Business Strategy? 如何制订有效支撑业务发展的员工福利策略?
In particular, Sophia’s presentation will mainly cover the topics, such as:
OSRAM at a glance
Insights in the market dynamic
How HR realize the transition to meet the business requirements and challenges
Sharing the key achievements of OSRAM HR team’s transition
And Rebecca’s sharing will mainly cover:
What are the key components of employee benefits?
What are the key considerations to develop a benefit strategy that supports your business strategy?
What is Flexible Benefits?
How to design Flexible Benefits Plan that is suitable to your organization?
About Speaker:

Sophia has senior HR management and executive experience for more than 10 years in leading MNCs Before working with OSRAM as HRVP of APAC, she used to be Head of Corporate Development Executives, for Siemens North East Asia, HR Director for Siemens China and Global Program Director in Converteam SAS. Sophia has broad HR management experience, especially in talent and organization management and development, leadership management, HR strategy, etc., which gives her very unique insights and perspectives in talent recruitment & retaining related topics.

Rebecca has over 20 years of experience with multinational companies in the fields of accident and health insurance product design, pricing, marketing and operation, as well as employee benefit strategy consulting and flexible benefits consulting. Before joining MSH China as BD Director, Rebecca used to work with Starr Property & Casualty Insurance (China) as General Manager, Accident & Health Division,and Mercer Consulting (China) as Consulting Director, AIG Insurance as Assistant Vice President, Accident & Health Department.
1:45-2:00pm Sign in
2:00-2:40pm Presentation by Sophia
2:40-3:20pm Presentation by Rebecca
3:30-4:00pm Discussion with speakers
4:00-4:30pm Networking & Lucky Draw
How to RSVP
Considering the popularity of our event and very limited seats, if you are interested in attending this great event, please RSVP ASAP by return your Name, Company, Title, and Cell number to qixin@talent-spot.com. Or You can directly relpy to our wechat.Also if you have any questions about this event, please feel free to contact us by calling 13671992365
Please kindly understand that this event is only open to RSVP confirmed HR professionals.
Our Past HR Salon's Highlights

About Us:
Talent Spot is a HR solutions provider with direct presence in 6 countries within the Asia Pacific region and more than 10 branch offices across China. Our branch offices provide HR solutions such as recruitment process outsourcing, on-site management recruitment, executive search and selection, HR & payroll outsourcing, business process outsourcing, contract outsourcing, temporary/contract staff dispatch and engineering & maintenance outsourcing to multinational companies across China as well as Asia Pacific.